After three or four months of integration, the Mingshen Army has taken control of the entire Kanto region, and has also trained a group of people with management skills.

After all, the struggle for hegemony is not about conquering and then leaving it alone. Once a place is conquered, it must be managed, and troops must be sent to garrison. At the same time, there must be people who manage the place to take over and deal with various problems.

The border between Mino and Owari.

At this moment, three armies with different flags are fighting, shouts of killing, the sound of weapons colliding continues, and blood fills the entire battlefield.

General Raiden waved the naginata in his hand, easily chopping at the necks and chests of the soldiers who were beating him, killing one well-equipped soldier after another.

In the distance, a series of Yin-Yang magic was performed, constantly affecting General Raiden's actions. Next to him, there were four or five monks exuding a strong aura of oppression, waving their weapons and attacking.

"What a petty trick, you dare to show off in front of this general!"

General Lei Dian said with disdain. Her army of one thousand people was marching in the mountains and forests, but was ambushed by the enemy's army of more than ten thousand and forced to break up the formation. As long as the officers reacted and formed a military formation, they could defeat the two temporarily assembled armies.

The generals on the opposite side obviously knew this and sent the most elite soldiers and powerful practitioners to decapitate him.

General Lei Dian did not retreat but advanced. The naginata in his hand broke through the protective magic power of a solemn monk like an antelope hanging horns, and split the opponent's chest directly. He relied on the power of inertia to speed up again, and set off a huge wave to directly behead the monk who was about to attack next to him.


General Lei Dian had just finished two monks with strength reaching the level of high-level monsters, but a dozen wolf-shaped shikigami with a cold breath appeared next to him and launched a surprise attack on him.

"It seems that some strength is needed."

General Raiden said calmly, no longer suppressing his own strength, and his body speed increased several times again. The speed of swinging the naginata in his hand was as flexible and changeable as that of an ordinary knife.

More than a dozen white lights flashed, and more than a dozen wolf-shaped gods were split in half. The onmyoji who controlled these shikigami in the distance also suffered the backlash after the death of the shikigami. His head was buzzing, and bright red blood flowed out of his nose involuntarily.


A huge sound wave sounded, which contained a powerful mental shock, aiming directly at General Raiden. The enemy soldiers within a few dozen meters nearby were caught off guard and their bones and flesh were mixed together.

General Raiden would naturally not be affected by this sound wave attack, but her clone with the strength of a great monster was also affected by the countless yin and yang on her body. The negative BUFF of the magic, and the fatal curse that suddenly erupted interfered with the action time for one second.

A Yin-Yang magic pattern also appeared on the ground, and the power of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements quickly flowed, like chains constantly imprisoning the actions of General Lei Dian. At the same time, the soldiers within a hundred meters suddenly exploded and died, and blood mist continued to penetrate into the ground.

General Lei Dian narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the huge evil spirit hidden underground, and his divine power was slightly mobilized. He raised his foot and suddenly stepped on the ground. The ground sank down like a whole.

The Yin-Yang magic was immediately broken by the huge force, and the evil spirit underground also dissipated immediately. If you smell the breath of the land carefully, you seem to be able to smell an extremely fishy smell of dirty blood, as if it were the same smell as someone who had been dead for several days.

"Buddha enemy, we must keep you here even if it means sacrificing our lives!"

A monk in a red and gold cassock stared fiercely at General Lei Dian, who had a similar temperament to the Buddha he believed in. The blood and magic power in his body were constantly flowing away. The remaining two monks beside him also showed fanatical expressions, as if they were covered with several layers of colored glaze.

"The Mantra of the Purifying World by the King of Lightning!"

General Lei Dian's face changed slightly. She had seen through the opponent's strengths and weaknesses. It was obvious that a god had used the body of a believer to launch a full-scale attack on her. Whether it was the instantly appearing glazed fire wall or the decomposition power of the light force, it could easily kill a big monster and seriously injure a god-level (god) strongman.

"It seems that you are not following the rules!"

General Raiden's body flashed with lightning, bursting out with the might he should have, and the naginata in his hand no longer held back, a flash of lightning blade light split all obstacles, and directly smashed everything in front of him into powder.

The monks thought that their plan of killing was a bubble under the powerful strength, and even the Yin-Yang master and officers not far away from them suffered an unexpected disaster, and blood was spilled on the spot.

"Oh no, General Futian and Onmyoji both died at the hands of General Raiden~"

"The host and several masters were also killed by General Lei Dian. Let's run away!"

The battle between General Lei Dian and those practitioners who were specifically besieging and killing him was like a god or demon. The soldiers were terrified. After all, they only fought for a few minutes and all the friendly forces within a hundred meters were killed, not to mention the fierce Ming Shen army, which was constantly rushing here under the leadership of the officers.

Without the restraint of the main general and senior generals, the courage and morale of the soldiers also quickly declined. And due to the emergence of deserters and the destruction of the central army's flag, this specially prepared attack was officially declared a failure.

""I have taken the head of the enemy commander, so put down your weapons and hold your head. I will not kill you!"

General Lei Dian shouted softly, and the voice of divine power spread throughout the forest. The Ming Shen Army also showed fanatical eyes when they heard this majestic voice. The officers also took advantage of the high morale of their soldiers and made a lot of propaganda to make the enemies who besieged them throw away their armor and surrender.

Within five minutes, a blood-stained army of a hundred people had rushed to the side of General Lei Dian. Looking at the hundreds of broken armors and the corpses of those strong men who still maintained a strong deterrent power, the enthusiasm for General Lei Dian became more and more intense.

"General, if you hadn't broken through the enemy's formation and killed the army's commander, we don't know how long it would take to defeat the enemy's ambush."

"According to what we learned from the enemy prisoners, these two combined armies of 10,000 people were the subordinates of the impoverished daimyo named Oda of Owari and the Buddhist believers of Bishamonten."


The general reported all the information he had learned in the past few minutes to General Raiden as fast as pounding garlic, and asked General Raiden to look in the direction of Mount Hiei.

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