The sky is filled with murderous intent, the stars are shifting, the earth is filled with murderous intent, dragons and snakes rise from the land, people are filled with murderous intent, the earth is overturned.

Only one day has passed, but the two sides of the confrontation have already prepared for attack and defense. The majestic blood is baking the sky above them like the scorching sun, and countless abilities that are mainly supplemented by mental power will become ineffective.

As the Thunder General of Naruto, he is also high above the floating clouds in the sky, watching the Naruto Army throw millstone-sized stones from special machines to the positions more than ten kilometers away according to orders.

The shogunate army is not a place to eat and eat. Under the huge threat of the Naruto Army, the nobles in Kyoto City and the daimyo from all over the country have combined the knowledge and strength inherited from their families. When using military generals to defeat the boulders, they also use huge shikigami monsters to throw objects from high altitudes.

At this moment, the Naruto Army, which is clearly formed by the Lord of Demons and Monsters, looks like a human army, while the shogunate is like a coalition of monsters and humans.

General Raiden looked at the battlefield, where the two sides were having a great time throwing objects from the sky. He also knew that this was just a tentative attack. If the more than ten kilometers wide gully between the two sides could not be filled, there would be no way to have a formal decisive battle.

The Yamai sisters standing next to General Raiden suddenly received an order from the military commander. Their faces became serious, and their spiritual power began to riot, carrying a whistling wind. The sky was suddenly filled with strong winds and dark clouds.

"How could a great demon be able to mobilize magic to attack in this situation? Is this her bloodline talent?"

The Hachiman God who was above the shogunate army was also frightened by it. After all, on the battlefield, it was difficult for him to exert half of his strength, but the opponent's might was obviously not affected at all.

"Blow away everything in sight!"

"Let's penetrate the false mask!"

""Sky Rider that Tears the Sky" X2

""Seal Master, seal with divine power!" X2

Just as the Yamai sisters were attracting firepower, Kagano Nanashi also used the angel"Fake Witch" to imitate the seal master and used the power of the seal master's seal rules and concepts together with Hoshimiya Rokuko.

The gods who had already prepared for defense and counterattack were suddenly restrained by the binding force that appeared. The divine power paused for a few seconds, and then was broken by the gods who sighed inwardly using their own rule power.

But this was enough. The powerful storm arrows directly revealed the true face of the buffer zone in the middle of the venue. A piece of pitted land appeared in front of everyone, and because of the pressure, it quickly collapsed and filled the bottom with thousands of holes.

The gods had just recovered their divine power when they saw the stars shining in the sky. A closer look showed that there were tens of thousands of ground-to-ground missiles.

The shogunate army's fortifications were immediately bombarded by modern weapons. The defense formations and barriers blessed by countless spells turned into ruins in the continuous explosions, and a large number of soldiers became broken limbs.

"It is a technological product of the Moon City!"

Hachiman God was furious. The hundreds of mechas that had removed their camouflage in the Naruto Army continuously poured missiles at their positions. The powerful explosive force made the gods who reacted to intercept them feel insulted.

A minute passed.

The mechas had stopped shooting because the hundreds of thousands of missiles they stored had all been fired. Now it was time for hand-to-hand combat.

The gods who used Hachiman God as the first line of defense shield were also pale. These hundreds of thousands of missiles close to the attacks of high-level monsters made them see what technology and ruthlessness were.

They knew very well that the first line of defense had been It can be declared officially lost, because their power blessing has become only one tenth or one twelveth of the original, which also means that the first line of the army led by believers and noble generals has only one tenth or one twelveth of the combat capability, and all the defensive positions have been lost.

If they don't hurry up to evacuate at this time, the monsters led by Kazami Yuuka will eat them alive, and the suppression of the army has long become a joke.

Hachiman's eyes flashed with a fierce light, and he immediately passed his thoughts to the gods under him, asking them to notify their believers to use their lives to slow down the pace of the Narukami Group's advance, and these gods quickly rushed to the second line of defense

"The general has ordered that the gullies be filled, the passages be opened, and the whole army be sent out! Occupy the local positions."

A distance of more than ten kilometers is neither long nor short, not to mention that there are monsters and gods on both wings to help pave the road, and mechas in the middle are constantly compacting the road surface with their bodies.

When the Mingshen Central Army crossed the buffer zone, the soldiers on both wings had already cleared the first line of defense of the shogunate army and were constantly clearing the road to the second line of defense.

"Bal, it seems that the General of Raiden you placed in the Shogunate Army still has good command ability, and can actually command more than 200,000 troops at will."

General Raiden smiled and said:"Under normal circumstances, it would take two or three years to run in, but with the help of the Blade of Rebirth, the difficulty in this regard has been greatly alleviated."

Yakumo Yukari thought for a while and understood what General Raiden meant, and said:"Bal, you borrowed the natural teeth of that stupid dog to create the Blade of Rebirth that can revive the power of the dead, so that those veterans who died in battle can resurrect and join the team, improve their control ability, and at the same time let the soldiers have no scruples, which can inspire their greatest enthusiasm."

General Lei Dian did not comment. In this world, the power of will is extremely strong. The felling of mountains and temples in China was carried out by the army with strong will and vigorous blood. Now the gods are mostly based on incense and worship, and they are restrained by them.

It can be said that as long as the gods who have reached the god level do not escape, they will die under the siege of a strong and well-trained army of 10,000 people, if they cannot fully exert their strength.

And the people resurrected by General Lei Dian will naturally spread the news that she has the ability to bring the dead back to life, and the fighting power of the soldiers will naturally increase. It will rise in a straight line, which is the important factor why it can fight against these nobles who have accumulated thousands of years.

I just want to ask you if you are afraid of a group of fearless and well-trained soldiers.

After an hour of rest, the mechas have all been reloaded with missiles, and the soldiers have also sorted out the roads and obstacles and moved towards the second line of defense dozens of kilometers away.

In the second line of defense, due to the defeat of hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers in the first line of defense, the morale of the second line of defense was low, and the interference with spiritual power retreated. Onmyoji, witches, monks and gods also have the power to make new transformations to the fortifications.

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