Located next to the moon, only by looking at the earth from here can one feel the beauty of the earth.

But the earth now is far from being as huge and vast as it was tens of thousands of years ago. General Raiden couldn't help but think of the conversation with Yakumo Yukari in modern time and space:

"The mysterious era is passing away, and the world environment is becoming unsuitable for monsters and gods to survive."

"We are the remnants of the world..."

"It's just that we are unwilling to accompany the loneliness of the times, and want to build our own fortress, so that our Japanese monsters can successfully continue to the opening of the next era."

"And you, Bal, are the great man who will enable this fortress to stand firm until the next era!"


The aura gradually rose to an indescribable level. In front of General Lei Dian, a beautiful woman with black hair like a black hole and a face so dignified and beautiful that General Lei Dian was moved appeared in front of her, but her eyes were empty, with only endless indifference.

Without any hesitation, General Lei Dian mobilized the power of space rules and crossed dozens of light years to other galaxies in a few steps, because only at the edge of the world, the space there would not be so fragile, allowing her to exert her true strength.

After Yue Ye Jian Zun was slow for a few seconds, the customized code in his soul had been accepted and completed.

"Kill Ming Shen Baer, and annihilate the enemies of the Heavenly Dao!"

Yue Ye Jian Zun whispered in his mouth, and his body rushed to the direction where General Lei Dian left. His body also quickly absorbed the endless energy in the universe and expanded rapidly. Before

General Lei Dian ran out of several star systems, a beam of energy covering her whole body appeared in front of her, wanting to devour her.

General Lei Dian felt a warning that he could not avoid no matter what, and understood that this attack was given the concept of a sure hit. He immediately mobilized a large amount of divine power in his body and gathered it on his right hand, turning his fist into a gun.

An eternal and immortal aura emerged on the fist that was like a spear, and collided directly with the beam of energy, but the situation was beyond General Lei Dian's expectations. His fist was like tofu hitting granite, and it collapsed at the touch of a button.

"How is this possible!"

As soon as General Lei Dian made contact, he unfolded the barrier of the world bubble out of habit for many years to move his body. The energy beam also destroyed most of the flesh and blood on General Lei Dian's right hand, and then penetrated several planets before dissipating.

A light red flame also appeared on the right arm, which was left with only a skeleton. Like a phoenix nirvana, it returned to its original state in the time of a breath, as if it had not suffered any damage, but the missing half of the clothes showed that everything was real.

Yue Ye Jian Zun also crossed countless light years and came to General Lei Dian in the time of a breath, but his body had expanded to a size of more than ten kilometers, and his body was filled with a dazzling charm.

General Lei Dian just took a look, and a shackle was opened. He suddenly understood why his realm was called the realm of celestial immortals. The meaning of celestial immortals is to comprehend the heavens. The transcendent free man.

The body of General Lei Dian also instantly turned into a black hole-like object. Countless energies in the universe were infused into his body, and his body also expanded. The rules he comprehended also continuously assimilated the energy he absorbed, leaving his own mark.

Yue Ye Jian Zun did not care about the changes in General Lei Dian.

He raised his hand and a white light hit General Lei Dian directly.

But this time, General Lei Dian saw a different scenery from the trajectory of energy operation.

This attack was obviously not very powerful, and there was no blessing of the power of rules, but it was in line with the law of the operation of heaven and earth.

After holding on for less than a second, General Lei Dian's arm was beaten into a skeleton again, but she also understood how weird Yue Ye Jian Zun was after being blessed by the Heavenly Dao.

Because Yue Ye Jian Zun's attack is like the monkey typewriter theory, that is, if in endless time, Infinite numbers of monkeys can type on infinite number of typewriters at will. I believe they can"create" the complete works of Shakespeare one day.

Similarly, the two attacks just now were in line with the meaning of destruction in operation, causing General Lei Dian's arm to be cursed the moment of contact, and his flesh and blood collapsed and dissolved on their own.

Cannot engage in a head-on battle with Yue Ye Jian Zun!

General Lei Dian naturally made a decision at the first time. It was impossible to fight head-on with Yue Ye Jian Zun, a strong man who had been in the realm of heaven for thousands of years. He had to target the opponent's weakness of being mentally unclear and unable to mobilize the power of the rules he mastered.

General Lei Dian's heart moved, and the power in his body dissipated a little. Three phantoms walked from the past to the present, and they took out their weapons and fought with Yue Ye Jian Zun. General Lei Dian also learned this way of fighting that he had never encountered before..

Yue Ye Jian Zun didn't realize that the three lightning generals besieging him were summoned from the past time and space. He waved his hand and two energy beams hit his face.

The three past clones left very peacefully. Due to the huge difference in size, the various mysteries they used were completely ineffective under the erosion of the energy beams that were tens of kilometers long.

Seeing that the clones were beaten into powder by Yue Ye Jian Zun in just two encounters, the moves and mysteries of the dream, the thoughtless sword, and the time and space shattering were so pale and powerless under the truth that big is strong and range is justice.

The lightning general looked at his body that had just grown to one kilometer in size, and then looked at Yue Ye Jian Zun who had absorbed a lot of energy and grew to more than 20 kilometers tall. The memory of being beaten into a near-death state ten minutes later suddenly emerged in his mind.

What a bad situation!

General Lei Dian learned from his future memories that when he took the risk to attack Yue Ye Jian Zun face to face, he did not realize that the area within a hundred kilometers around her had been integrated into her domain, which hindered his reaction time a little, and his body collapsed, and the world bubble was annihilated. He used the last of his strength to send a message to himself.

The energy beam once again crossed the space and hit General Lei Dian in the face, but this time, it did not have the same crushing attitude towards General Lei Dian as before.

"The battle has just begun!"

General Lei Dian used the space corridor technique he learned from his memory to distort the space, so that the energy that was enough to destroy the earth gathered into a high-energy ball in his hand and hit back at Yue Ye Jian Zun.

The energy bomb contained powerful energy and really hit Yue Ye Jian Zun, but it merged into her body like a young swallow returning to its nest, without causing any impact at all.

General Lei Dian had expected this, and used these gaps to use the power of time to accelerate his own time, constantly moving to decompose and crack meteorites into energy and absorb them into his body, until a planet was completely decomposed from matter into energy, and then he barely had energy that was almost the same as Yue Ye Jian Zun.

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