Group leader Su Siyu: Seeing is believing, hearing is false. Ah Ying, if you go to the streets and patrol, you should be able to get the real attitude and answer of the people.

Lei Dianying was a little hesitant when she saw the group leader's statement. After all, the last time she walked out of the castle tower was on the night of fireworks during the summer festival a few years ago. I remember that the fireworks were very beautiful at that time. It

's a pity that fireworks are fleeting and time is gone. Only eternity is the right choice!

Lei Dianying thought of this and became firm in his heart again, but he was broken by the group leader's next sentence,"Lei Dianying, you don't want the Inazuma that your sister left for you to become a mess!" He suddenly remembered his sister's ambition for the future of Inazuma when she established Inazuma.

Mingshen Baalzebu: I will go out and personally investigate whether the magistrates will deceive their superiors and conceal the truth from their subordinates.

After Lei Dianying typed these words in the chat group, he murmured,"Kanting Magistrate and Tianling Magistrate, don't let me down!"


General Lei Dian watched the series of abnormal behaviors of the puppet general in his mind, and he could see that the one controlling the body at this time was the otaku god Lei Dian, but those behaviors and words made her understand that the other party seemed to have obtained a system like a chat group.

"It's really interesting. I thought it would be a visitor from another world that would affect Lei Dianying, but I didn't expect it to be a chat system. Do you want me to make a system by hand?"

General Lei Dian complained in her heart.

At her level, it was easy to make a system by hand.

Things like knowledge infusion, body strengthening, item exchange, and point accumulation calculation were all knowledge that she had mastered while making continuous progress.

What she lacked was just the combination.

She could even directly modify someone's memory, making the other person mistakenly think that she was a time traveler, or even obtain possible future events and instill them into other people's consciousness without a trace, creating a reborn person.

However, General Lei Dian didn't have such a bad taste. She just wanted to see how powerful the system on Lei Dianying was, and whether she could see the reality of this clone she made at will to store her original body.

Thinking of this, a blood emitting evil and sacred power appeared in her palm. If Yakumo Yukari was here, she would naturally be able to feel the original power of the bloodline of the Ibaraki Huashan ghost clan from it.

"You have to put on a show in full! Let me see what kind of power the blood of the Inazuma demon clan and the blood of the demon clan containing noble power can produce after they are fused."

General Raiden clenched his hands, and the fused blood that was originally clearly separated quickly flowed through her clone, and under General Raiden's drive for the rules of life, they merged with each other and continuously transformed the body.

Two minutes later, General Raiden had initially merged his bloodline, and only had to activate this new ghost bloodline to allow the powerful force hidden in his body to appear in this world, but General Raiden also felt a slight change in the bones on his forehead, as if two large horns were about to emerge.

General Raiden touched his forehead, glanced at Naganohara Ryunosuke, who seemed to have noticed nothing at the door of the fireworks shop, and quickly walked towards Hanamizaka Street. Naganohara Ryunosuke

's dull eyes saw General Raiden's back disappear, and he slowly sighed. As a former noble and current leader of the Inazuma fireworks industry, he really didn't want to be involved in the struggle among the top leaders, and just wanted to protect his daughter.


More than half an hour later, Lei Dianying finally left the castle tower and the Tenryo Bugyosho and came to the passage leading to the outside world. He saw Kujo Sara who was directing the soldiers to move supplies.

""General, are you here in person to give me a task?" When

Kujo Sara saw Lei Dianying, she looked at him with admiration and gave him some instructions on what to do next. Then she ran up to him eagerly and asked.

Lei Dianying was stunned for a moment. He remembered the other person's identity. She was Kujo Sara, the adopted daughter of the Tengu of the Kujo family. She was currently serving as the new recruit general of the shogunate and was his most trusted subordinate.

"It's Sara! I've been feeling a little bored in the castle tower lately, so I want to go to the streets of Inazuma Castle to check on how people are living."

The General is really a god who cares about his country and his people!

Kujo Sara trusted what Lei Dianying said very much, but when he saw that there was no Okujishu around Lei Dianying, he seemed to understand something and said excitedly,"Please allow me to lead the way and introduce the details of the streets to the General."

General Lei Dian looked at Kujo Sara, who was serious and stern in front of the soldiers, but very loyal and fanatical in front of him, and naturally agreed.

Under the leadership of Kujo Sara, Lei Dianying never encountered officials and soldiers coming to greet him again, but left the Tenryo Bugyosho very smoothly and stepped onto the crowded streets.

"It's really lively! It's much more lively than Inazuma 500 years ago. I remember the Fox Palace back then.……"

Just as Lei Yingying was looking at the busy streets and her thoughts were drifting further and further away, the exclamation of passers-by brought her attention back to reality.

"It's the General, why is the General here?!"

Looking at the ordinary people who were at a loss and didn't know what to do because of his appearance, Lei Dianying felt bad all of a sudden. If he had known earlier, he would have changed his clothes to be more in line with the people.

But when General Raiden turned his head and looked at a fluttering banner at the corner of the street, he realized that he couldn't hide at all, because that was the promotion of the best-selling light novel"Reborn General Raiden, and Then Invincible in the World" by Yaedo.

This face, and this very distinctive, gradient braid from dark to light, it is absolutely impossible for the Inazuma people not to recognize it.

Well, was I too gentle and permissive to Yae Shenzi?

Just as Lei Dianying fell into deep thought again, Kujo Sara also glared at this time, and the serious and strong temperament on his body suddenly broke out, and he said in a serious and majestic tone:"The General is inspecting Inazuma Castle today. Please don't panic. It is to investigate the impact of the isolation order and the eye hunting order on everyone's life."

After hearing the words of Kujo Sara, who always kept his word, the vendors and the people regained their calm and order. They just looked at General Lei Dian with curiosity and inquiry. There was no lack of fanaticism and admiration in their eyes, but there was no so-called fear.

Lei Dianying was also slightly surprised to see the expressions of the people. After all, the situation learned from the unreliable prophecies of the masses should be that the people were in panic and the living atmosphere was very depressing, but the real situation was quite different.

But suddenly a sweet smell attracted Lei Dianying's attention, because this was the smell of dessert, and his eyes involuntarily looked towards a certain stall.

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