Hanasari stood in front of the statue of the Fox of the North Star, quietly looking at the surrounding scenery.

The gloomy dark clouds in the sky kept floating, and the sadness was revealed unconsciously, but it soon dissipated with the blowing wind.

"Today, it is a rainy day, but after the heavy rain comes the bright sunshine."

Hana Sanri can feel that the five branches of the Divine Cherry Purification have been cleared by Lei Dianying, and the constant feeling of weakness in her body reminds her that her strength is disappearing rapidly with the progress of the Divine Cherry Purification.

"As a filthy creature, you shouldn't be alive in this world, let alone let the reputation of the Baichen clan be tarnished."


While Hua Sanli was feeling sad and relieved, dozens of meters away, countless black air was floating around and combined into a girl in gorgeous clothes with an evil ghost mask on her face and a curvy figure. A pair of black and red ghost horns silently told everyone her identity.

Miyu Chiyo only felt that her soul had traveled through endless space and saw an all-encompassing starry sky image in the sky, but its edges had been covered with cracks at some point in time. She also saw the ground veins on the ground that were running all the time like blood vessels.

When Miyu Chiyo regained consciousness, she found that she had come to a rural place with the help of General Lei Dian's power, where birds were singing and flowers were blooming. Not far away, a familiar-looking shrine maiden was silently watching the white fox statue.

"Fox Palace?"

"No, it's the descendant of Kitsunesai-Hanasanri!"

In Miyu Chiyo's mind, she recalled what General Raiden had said to her and the plan he had made. An expression of nostalgia and pain appeared in her eyes, but when she took the first step forward, she regained her composure.

Hanasari was also awakened by the sudden voice, and sensing the filthy breath behind her that was almost as far away as herself, a faint black light flashed in her hands, and she looked behind her with vigilant eyes.

That figure, those clothes are so familiar!


I have never seen this evil god before, this is the figure in Kitsunesai's memory!

Hanasari was also frightened by the thoughts in her mind. While maintaining sufficient vigilance, she asked,"Your Excellency and I are both filthy things. I don't know why you are here!"

Miyu Chiyo stopped when she heard the familiar yet unfamiliar voice in her memory. The look under the mask was full of memories and kindness towards Hanasari.

"Really like him, except for the colder tone, everything is exactly the same as that heart arsonist"

"Heart arsonist?"

When Hanasari heard this extremely sarcastic adjective, her memory of Kitsaigong came to mind, and she understood that this was describing Kitsaigong's behavior of flirting with people inadvertently back then.

"Gokyo Chiyo?"

"I thought you didn't know my name, the child of Kitsusai-gū!"

Hanasari heard Miyashiro's description, and a bitter smile appeared on her face under the mask and she said,"I am different from you. I can feel the breath of the soul under your filthy body, and I am just the filth that possesses Kitsusai-gū's memory, a pure evil thing."

"Evil thing, I don't think so."

Mikochiyo stepped over Hanasari's alert range, came to her side, put her hand on her chest, and said with caring eyes:"The warmth here can't deceive me.

Besides, aren't the spirits among us monsters also like this!

" Hanasari felt the hand on her chest, and a sense of relief emerged in her heart.

She knew that what the other party described was the theory of the Tsukumogami that has been popular in recent years, but when Yuigami Harunosuke sealed herself, she knew that she was just a filthy thing occupying the memory of Kitsunasai Palace.

"Thank you for your guidance, Lord Yuyu, but I already knew my fate a long time ago, so you don't need to advise me at this time."

"Everything started with the purification of the sacred cherry blossoms. As long as we destroy this tumor of filth that has taken root in the sacred cherry blossoms, the filth will dissipate with the wind. My mission is to.….It ends here."

Hanasari put her hands on her chest, her pleading tone even made people feel sad.

She had waited for this day for too long.

So long that she almost forgot why she was waiting in front of the statue, whether she was willing, and whether she was sincere.

If it weren't for Lord Narukami suddenly removing the five branches of the Shinzakura Grand Purification, she might have to go around asking the priestesses walking around the Narukami shrines for help, but those with weak strength had no ability to help.

Miyuchiyo shuddered slightly. She naturally knew how much Kitsunesaigumi loved Inazuma in the past, but if the last traces of Kitsunesaigumi disappeared because of the so-called sense of mission, how painful it would be for her, who was once a close friend.

"Mission is the meaning of existence!"

"Maybe, things of the old times will always be replaced by things of the new times, and I am also doing my best to help."

The eyes under Hanasarari's fox mask and the eyes under Miyu Chiyo's devil mask looked at each other, as if they were comparing each other's determination.

Miyu Chiyo looked at each other for more than a minute, took off the mask on her face, revealing her beautiful face, held Hanasarari's hand, pointed at the ship sailing on the distant sea, and her eyes had a strange look.

"Even the remnants of the old era can find a ship to the new era, and what will always restrain them from moving towards the new era is the heart that is no longer beating."

Hana Sanri's eyes flashed with understanding, but she has paid a lot for this, and now it is an irresistible trend, because she has sensed that the seal on the main root of the divine cherry has been triggered, and she is about to usher in the final curtain.

"If I can survive, I will follow the footsteps of Lord Yu and pursue the illusory future!"

Yu Chiyo felt that the gloomy temperament on Hanasakuri had completely dissipated, and her body was as bright as the sun. She knew that the other party had walked out of the so-called mission, but she also knew that this was based on a prerequisite, that is, the other party could survive.

"Baalzebub! It's time for an ending!"

Miyuchiyo suddenly said this, and then patted Hanasari on the shoulder and said,"I have found a way out for you. Just wait here. It's time to settle the grudges of five hundred years. Wait for me to come back." Hanasari thought for a moment, and realized that the other party wanted to make a final farewell with Narukami at the location of the last Shinzakura Great Purification. This trip would be dangerous.

But Hanasari understood that Miyuchiyo regarded herself as a descendant of Kitsunesai Palace, and Lei Yingying wanted to complete the Shinzakura Great Purification, which would undoubtedly persecute the last child of Kitsunesai Palace. Coupled with the stories she had heard, Miyuchiyo wanted to make a break with the past. Miyuchiyo

's figure turned into black mist in front of Hanasari and merged into the earth veins. The dark clouds in the sky here also tore a crack, revealing a ray of sunlight.

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