"Now, the contradictions within our resistance army are becoming increasingly acute. If we suppress them by force, I am afraid that our Coral Palace lineage will suffer heavy casualties."

"But if we leave it alone, with so many supporters from the Six Families of Haiqi, it is hard to guarantee that nothing will go wrong. It is said that they are secretly using the evil eyes obtained from the Fatui to make many soldiers ready to move."

Wulang was very reluctant to speak out his true thoughts, which made Coral Palace Xinhai's eyebrows tremble.

Coral Palace Xinhai knew that the current situation was very unfavorable to her. Although she was the supreme leader of Haiqi Island, there were still six nobles on the island who could compete with her. She also learned recently that they colluded with the Fatui and provided a steady stream of supplies to keep the war deadlocked.

Suddenly, a hurried sound of footsteps came from outside the tent, and a burly soldier ran in to report that the captain of the Salted Fish Sixth Squad, Traveler Ying, had returned and brought the news that the Liyue reinforcements would arrive soon.

Coral Palace Xinhai's moist eyes showed joy. This Traveler Ying came at the right time. Not long ago, General Lei Dian lifted the Eye Hunting Order and the Closing Order. Then the upcoming reinforcements will be a sharp knife to resolve internal disputes.

"I will personally go to welcome the arrival of Traveler Ying. With her joining us, we will have a lot of confidence in the negotiations with the shogunate."

Shanhugong Xinhai suddenly said loudly, so that the surrounding soldiers could hear clearly, but Goro knew that Lord Shanhugong was confusing the possible spies.

Traveler Ying, who was far away from the central army, did not know that General Lei Dian had lifted the isolation order, the eye hunting order, and the search order for herself. At this moment, she was proudly letting Paimon explain her hardships and great achievements along the way, which made the surrounding soldiers exclaim


In a secret base on Bayun Island

"Madam," Rosalin was checking the intelligence transmitted from the spies on Ming Shen Island, which recorded the general deployment of the army by the Tenryo Bugyo. This made Rosalin see that Ming Shen seemed to be going to do something big.

"What is General Thunder? It seems that it is time to start that plan."

"Sanbing, I heard that you are very familiar with the topography of the castle tower and can accurately infer the location of the Heart of God, so the mission of the assault is given to you."

Sanbing glanced at"Madam" Rosaline with disdain, and said in a rebellious tone:"I came out of the castle tower in the past, and I can't compare with a woman like you who can't even enter the castle tower."

"If you fail to complete the mission of Her Majesty the Queen, don't blame me for being merciless."

The soldier curled his lips in disdain and disappeared in front of"Madam" Rosalin with his two men, making the cold air emanating from her even more biting.

"Humph, Sanbing, you are just a rat wanted by the shogunate!"

"Madam," Rosalin shouted at the position where the skirmisher had just been, but the Fatui soldiers around her did not dare to make any move, as if nothing had happened.

After Rosalin vented some of her inner anger, she also regained most of her rationality and asked,"Has the equipment sent by the doctor been installed?"

"Madam, we have completed the installation secretly and ensured that no one will discover our actions."

Rosaline nodded. The Fatui soldiers who stayed around were all her capable subordinates. She was very confident in their work. She just made the final confirmation.

"Remember, three days later, when the shogunate army of Yagyu Island will take over, send this secret letter to the person in the rebel army, and let the hidden agent incite the two armies to confront each other again."

A soldier of the Fatui took the secret letter. He knew very well where the confrontation was. Nashitan Beach was the key point between Yagyu Island and Kamishirozuka. It was also a place that military strategists had to fight for since ancient times.

If they occupied this place, they could retreat to defend Yagyu Island and advance to attack Kamishirozuka. They had to spend a lot of money to make the shogunate army of Yagyu Island gather here to confront the rebels.

"Santana, when the shogunate's attention is on Nashii Beach on Yagyu Island, activate the device and revive Orobas."

"The others will be responsible for destroying the talismans that seal Orobas."

Rosaline had just finished speaking when she cast a cold gaze at the soldiers. The soldiers also knew the methods of the executive officer"Madam" very well, and hurriedly bowed their heads to agree.

After Rosaline finished giving instructions on the affairs of Yayun Island in her mind, she was ready to go to Inazuma Castle on Ming Shen Island. She wanted to teach some lessons to those Tianlings who were ready to take credit for their Fatui, so that they would understand what it meant to nurture an enemy and reap what you sow.


Southern Cross Fleet.

General Lei Dian looked at the thunderstorm that had just passed through and knew that it was only a day or two away from Bayun Island, but she could feel the calamity rising above Inazuma. It was obvious that the calamity was going to break out in the next few days.

"It seems that Lei Yingdian's move this time was too rash, and he actually let several major forces of Inazuma take action together. However, it is also a good choice to let Yae Shenzi take charge of the power.……"

Lei Yingying saw everything about Lei Yingying and Yae Shenzi clearly through the network of earth veins he had left on Ming Shen Island, but he also knew that although Yae Shenzi was very proficient in the practice of magic and formations, his research on the formation with the Eye of God as the core was too superficial.

The formation not only adjusted the earth veins around Inazuma Castle, but also relieved the pressure of the God Sakura Tree on suppressing filth. After all, the God Sakura Tree could calm the dark disaster, and its roots and earth veins suppressed a large number of mechanical creations of monsters.

Although most of the filth and monsters under it had dissipated over time, the monsters that could survive under the purification of the roots of the God Sakura Tree and the earth veins were not to be underestimated.

If they were allowed to escape, the damage to Inazuma could be imagined, and the way out was the core castle tower of Inazuma.

Beidou strode towards General Lei Dian and said in a heroic tone:"Every time I pass through this thunderstorm barrier, it reminds me of the battle with Haishan. It is so heart-shaking."

General Lei Dian naturally knew what Haishan Beidou was talking about. It was a huge sea beast living in the sea. Beidou obtained the Eye of God after defeating and killing Haishan.

"Every time we see the might of the gods, we feel our own weakness. But the age of gods has begun to move away from us, and we have the ability to face the majesty of gods, right?"

After listening to this, Beidou also understood that what General Lei Dian was talking about was the changes in Liyue, and what he was talking about was the feat of her and the Liyue Seven Stars defeating Ba Che not long ago.

"Yes! The age of man has arrived!"

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