"Coral Palace Miko, there is one thing I must remind you of. If loyalty is not absolute, then it is absolutely disloyal."

General Lei Dian handed a letter with his identity to Coral Palace Xin Hai, and said while looking at the weak and watery ornamental fish.

Seeing this senior whom she had met more than ten years ago, Coral Palace Xin Hai knew that she would not do anything without a purpose, so she quickly put on a proper posture and said in a respectful tone:"Please teach me, Miss Beichen. Haiji Island will definitely remember your kindness in the future."

Seeing Coral Palace Xin Hai's posture, General Lei Dian smiled slightly, told her about the current situation, and revealed to her some of the thoughts of the Inazuma high-level officials at this time, which made her look heavy.

Reality is not a game. In the game, Coral Palace Xin Hai was able to quickly negotiate peace with the shogunate because the leaders of the two major magistrates were imprisoned by General Lei Dian, and the people in the faction were panicked and would not have the mind to focus on such a"small matter". At the same time, the last magistrate, Princess Bai Lu, had a good relationship with Coral Palace Xin Hai, which naturally made the negotiation content extremely simple and relaxed.

But in reality, the leaders of Kanjo Bugyo and Tenryo Bugyo are safe and sound, so they will naturally not let go of the control of Umi Island, and will definitely include the achievement of unifying Umi Island in the family honor. The shrine magistrate is not Kamisato Ayato who can dote on his sister infinitely, and his parents will also affect the attitude of the shrine magistrate.

As for the Yae Godson of Narukami Taisha, he naturally does not have much power to influence the decision-making of the three magistrates. At most, he can whisper in the ears of Lei Yingying and affect Lei Yingying's attitude a little.

These are the influences of General Raiden on the situation of Inazuma for hundreds of years. At this moment, Coral Palace Xinhai listened to General Raiden's analysis, and combined all the information he knew in his heart, and immediately understood that Umi Island must rebuild the branch of Narukami Taisha.

The premise of establishing a branch is that the Coral Palace lineage does not interfere and the nobles are friendly, and at the same time, they strive to publicize and eliminate the hatred of the residents of Umi Island towards Narukami.

And how to ensure that Narukami's influence can penetrate into Umi Island, it is undoubtedly the intervention of the army and cultural brainwashing.

"Thank you very much for Miss Beichen's reminder, otherwise I would have made a big mistake."

After Coral Palace Xinhai finished speaking, he looked at the general Wulang and a group of trusted generals beside him, Beidou who was eating melons, and the travelers Ying and Paimeng who were looking at her with concern, and said:"Wulang, please gather the group of former owners of the Eye of God, I have something to say to them."

Wulang also knew that Coral Palace Xinhai obviously understood some details from the reminder of General Lei Dian, and immediately remained loyal to her, and hurried out to gather people.

Coral Palace Xinhai also said:"Captain Beidou, our agreement needs to readjust the purpose, and change it to kill them all, leaving no one behind."

Beidou is not a fool either. She has a strong sense of crisis and understands that this is an opportunity to increase her favorability. She said generously:"This is the momentum of a leader. For these people who are traitors, we should kill the chicken to scare the monkey and stabilize everyone's hearts."

Paimon was groggy at the moment and ran to Coral Palace Xinhai to ask her what she thought, why the ultimate goal was to kill the leader of the bandits and not spare any.

Coral Palace Xinhai also sighed slightly and told her about the situation on Haigi Island. Before, she saw the situation between Inazuma and Haigi Island as the father-son relationship between the Beautiful Country and the Island Country, but after a careful analysis, it was the father-son relationship between the Tang Dynasty and the Island Country.

In another large tent of the rebels, more than a dozen people with extraordinary temperament and gorgeous clothes were constantly instructing their subordinates to arrange the next instructions.

"The little girl from the Coral Palace actually wanted to negotiate peace with the shogunate army. This is really a disgrace to our Haigi Island. We are the power of the evil eye. We must restore the glory of our ancestors at this moment."

"Yes, if we hadn't been afraid of being liquidated by the shogunate, we wouldn't have handed over the ruling of Kaigi Island to the Coral Palace. Now is the time to take back our rights."

"Quanzi, send someone to incite the discontent of the rebel soldiers, so that the peace talks will be put on hold for a while. Then we can send out two small squads to attack the shogunate, causing the shogunate's army to attack."


Outside the tent, hundreds of troops loyal to Coral Palace Xinhai and mercenaries of the Southern Cross Fleet were quietly lurking nearby.

A dozen God's Eye holders were preparing for a sneak attack, and the strong men who were deprived of the God's Eye were also in high spirits. If Coral Palace Xinhai's intention was followed, this action could gain merit in the shogunate, and they might even be able to join the shogunate.

Goro looked at Coral Palace Xinhai who was observing the situation nearby, and seeing his gesture, he also made a gesture to his subordinates on the other side.

"Kill, kill all these traitors."

Wu Lang shouted, and charged forward with a dozen God's Eye holders, launching their elemental attacks, disrupting the formation before the guards could react.

The sound of fighting was loud in the rebel camp for a while, and after a brief panic, the traitors activated their evil eyes and resisted.

For a while, there were casualties on both sides, and seven or eight people crawled out of the tents that were mostly destroyed. There were fear, anger, hatred and other emotions in their eyes, but when they saw Coral Palace Xinhai using magic to heal his own wounded in the distance, they understood everything.

"Coral Palace Xinhai, how dare you do this?"

"You damn traitors, not only do you want to start a war between us and the shogunate again, but you also collaborate with the Fatui to conduct experiments on our people. Your crimes are truly heinous!"


Coral Palace Xinhai shouted with confidence. Anyway, in the Inazuma area, the reputation of the Fatui had been ruined by General Raiden, so it was absolutely right to put the blame on it.

With the situation of being prepared but not prepared, this battle of many bullying the few was completely resolved in just ten minutes. Although

Coral Palace Xinhai felt a little reluctant, she was waiting for the arrival of Beidou, Traveler, Paimon, Shenhe, Fengyuan Manye and General Raiden.

It didn't take long before General Raiden came to Coral Palace Xinhai with a lot of spoils, a large stack of Fatui letters, and the guy in charge of contact.

Coral Palace Xinhai recognized the Fatui contact in front of him. The other party was the businessman who secretly traded a small amount of supplies with the resistance army.

General Lei Dian said,"We have captured all the Fatui there according to the information you have found out. These are the items we looted after destroying all the armed forces."

Coral Palace Xinhai received a large number of letters and ordered Wu Lang to suppress the liaison officer for interrogation. When he was about to say something to the traveler, several soldiers came running over in a panic.

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