Inazuma Castle.

The disorder of the earth veins and the huge movement caused by the resurrection of Orobas were naturally seen by a large number of people. The scene, which was like a natural disaster, was transmitted by people with telescopes, and the people of Inazuma were in panic for a while.

In the castle tower, Yae Shinko kept pacing at the highest point of the castle tower, and her eyes looked in the direction of Yayun Island from time to time, her face full of entanglement and depression.

Ever since Lei Dianying came out of the Pure Land of One Heart, there have not been many leisurely and lazy expressions on Yae Shinko's face. She was either ordered around by Lei Dianying, or she was now appointed to temporarily hold the highest power of the Inazuma shogunate.

"It's really a troubled time. Why are there so many people making trouble when Ying Yi is in seclusion? Are they the Fatui or the stupid rebels?"

Yae Shenzi murmured, but when he heard the increasing number of footsteps in the castle tower and looked at the troops constantly moving under the castle tower, he understood that the top leaders of the Three Magistrates wanted him to make the decision on how many troops to send to Yayun Island for support.

"Trouble, what a trouble! I wonder who their real purpose is!"

Yae Shenzi immediately changed her somewhat depressed expression, and her body was full of dignified and elegant temperament. The Yae Palace Master, who was both beautiful and wise in front of the shrine maiden, returned to the castle tower.

Knock knock ~

""I have received a report from the Lord of the Nine-jo Bugyo, who has military intelligence to report. Please ask the Lord of the Palace to go to the meeting hall to discuss matters. The Lord of the Kamisato Bugyo has also reported that a large amount of strong evil spirits have been detected in the direction of Yamo Island, and he hopes to go there with the shrine maidens of the Narugami Taisha Shrine."

Yae Kamiko listened to the report from the Okujishu at the door and replied in an elegant and confident tone:"Let the high-level officials of the Tenryo Bugyo and the Shrine Bugyo discuss together in the meeting hall, and at the same time call the several great shrine maidens I left in the castle tower. I will deal with the matters and give you a reply.""

"As you command, Lord Palace Master, I will go and make the arrangements right away."


"General Kujo, why are we setting up defenses on the shogunate's Yagyu Island defense line? Shouldn't we investigate the truth?"

Coral Palace Xinhai asked with some confusion as he looked at the shogunate army that was busy re-defending in the opposite direction. Goro next to him was also at a loss.

Upon hearing Coral Palace Xinhai's doubts, Kujo Sara also said,"No need. According to the summary feedback from the Yagyu City army, the Fatui sent people to attack the seal that sealed Orobas's resentment and destroyed four talismans. Only one is still barely maintaining."

"At this moment, countless filthy things emerged from the earth veins. There were already a large number of evil spirits wandering around, attacking ordinary people and the army. At the same time, it was discovered that the remaining soul of Orobas had been resurrected, and its direction of advance was exactly where we were."

"So that's how it is? That's really bad intelligence!" After hearing the military intelligence transmitted by the Shogun's Lei Jishu, Coral Palace Xinhai also understood that the resurrected Orobasi's target was the Shogun's army and the rebels. It was undoubtedly the best choice to rely on positional defense.

Moving forward, there would be a large number of evil gods and Orobasi who would arrive at an unknown time. Without fortifications, there would definitely be heavy casualties.

General Lei Dian looked at the people gathered with Jiujo Sara and Coral Palace Xinhai without much to say, because she knew very well that except for herself, the only ones who could deal with Orobasi were Shen He, Beidou and Traveler Ying, and it was better not to mention the others.

Time passed quickly in a tight rhythm, and the glimmer of dusk gradually dissipated. The army of 10,000 people had already organized the defense lineup to eliminate wave after wave of approaching monsters.

"Beichen Mei, how can you be lazy here! The traveler and I are so tired and hungry."

After hearing Paimon's interesting remarks, General Lei Dian looked at the traveler Ying whose clothes were just a little messy, and said,"As the saying goes, those who are capable should do more work. Ordinary people like me who don't have the God's Eye can only rely on slacking off to barely maintain my life."

"Great! You actually admitted that you were just slacking off, so you must treat us to a big meal!"

The traveler just smiled at Paimon and asked with some worry in his heart:"Half a day has passed, won't Thor come to clean up the demon Orobas?"

"I'm afraid you're overthinking it. It's impossible for the Thunder God to come here. The Great Palace is probably entangled in some things and it's difficult for him to move."When

Paimon heard the shocking words of General Thunder, he also showed an unbelievable expression, and hurriedly flew to General Thunder and asked:"What inside information do you know?"

"Isn't this obvious?"

General Lei Dian pointed to the sky and earth filled with black gas and said in a low voice:"If a demon god's residual soul is resurrected, Ming Shen will definitely kill it at the first opportunity, but so much time has passed and there is no movement, which has proved a lot of things."

"Furthermore, the Fatui deliberately resurrected Orobas, and manipulated it to not destroy the last talisman immediately, but approached us instead, no doubt watching the actions of Inazuma Narukami. This situation undoubtedly proves that their goal is……"

Before General Lei Dian finished speaking, Paimon had already replied,"The Fatui's goal is the Heart of God. This was their goal when they were in Mondstadt and Liyue."

"No, could it be that Thor has been~"

Paimon became frightened when he thought about it, making the traveler Ying's expression heavy.

"Eye of God, you are talking about an object that looks like a chess piece, right?"When the traveler Ying heard General Lei Dian's question, he was also puzzled and asked,"You actually know the Heart of God, have you seen it somewhere?"

"I've seen that thing in the castle tower. It's the core of the magic circle that maintains the purification of the earth veins in the Inazuma Castle area. I remember it was closely guarded by the shogunate soldiers."

Paimon and the Traveler looked at each other, and seemed to understand why the Fatui were doing so ostentatiously. Naturally, they wanted to lure Ming Shen out of the castle tower and send people to attack the castle tower to obtain the Heart of God.

The ground suddenly began to shake continuously. The soldiers with rich combat experience had already realized that this was a signal that a large number of monsters were approaching, and they hurriedly shouted a warning.

The officers looked at the dark figure in the approaching black fog, and no longer held back. They activated the lighting instruments and exorcism instruments left by the Onmyojis, so that the vision within several kilometers was bright again.

"It's the demonic tide, the national collapse cannon is ready to fire!"

"Already approaching the cordon, fire!"



Accompanied by the orders of Sasuke and Kujo Sara, the veterans fired one cannon after another according to the elemental types of the ammunition. The dense tide of monsters was immediately bombarded by cannons, and the regular elemental reactions turned the battlefield into a meat grinder.

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