In the sky, General Raiden and Takamiya Mio were engaged in a war that would determine the future of the Earth, but the governments of various countries could only use telescopes to try to spy on the battle.

The collision between Samsara Paradise and the World Bubble not only shattered the space, but also distorted the magnetic field. The huge electromagnetic pulse paralyzed a large number of electrical appliances, not to mention the satellites in space.

General Raiden could no longer silently absorb the scattered spiritual power. The current situation obviously did not allow her to replenish energy with peace of mind.

General Raiden's palm turned into a knife and slashed in front of her. The exquisite energy control cut through the space and continuously distorted the surrounding magnetic field, causing the space to distort.

Dozens of spherical flower buds gathered in one place and exploded due to the distortion of space. The powerful shock wave continued to erase the pollen representing death.

General Raiden did not want to fight in close combat. She knew very well that Takamiya Mio would never be stupid enough to fight with her in close combat, otherwise she would not use these long-range means to deal with her.

Takamiya Mio was also panicking at this moment, because she felt that her connection with Gokawa Shiori was getting farther and farther away, as if they were being separated. She immediately recalled what happened in the apartment two months ago.

At that time, Takamiya Mio was trapped in a house with the entire Tiangong City ground vein as the base point of the formation. She was helpless in the house until Murasame Reine hacked into the AST program and forcibly destroyed the node with an intercontinental missile, and then she successfully walked out of it.

It was obvious that the organization of the person in front of her seemed to be trying to deal with her in the same way as before, but at this moment, Takamiya Mio also knew that she had no way to deal with her when the Samsara Paradise could not cover reality.

Who asked General Raiden to be able to easily crack the power of his pollen under the barrage-like attack? His ability and strong ability to adapt to changes are undoubtedly several steps higher than his own.

He can't waste time with this mysterious woman anymore!

Chonggong Mio felt that nearly 30% of her spiritual power had been consumed. She also knew that although she was an original spirit with a strong recovery ability, she could not sustain the high-intensity spiritual power consumption for long.

General Lei Dian was calm and collected, and only focused on how to get more energy from it. Who told her that the energy in her body required nearly 1:20 spiritual power to synthesize a strand? If it weren't for Chonggong Mio's generosity, it would take nearly three years to fill the energy in her body.

Until several energy beams appeared in the pollen and spherical buds in front of her, blocking all her vision, as if to kill her here.

General Lei Dian finally smiled with success on his face again, and his body turned into lightning and retreated, leaving a red and purple afterimage on the spot. A huge explosion exploded on the spot, and the upper thunder element and fire element had a fierce overload reaction in this sky, forming a new sun together with the spiritual power attack left by Chonggong Mio.

At this time, Takamiya Mio disappeared into the sky, and only a weak spatial fluctuation could be detected. It was obvious that the opponent retreated in the battle, and the fierce attack just now was just a trick to deceive people.

In the African desert, the hot temperature baked the earth and refracted the light in the air.

At this moment, Takamiya Mio did not hesitate to spend a lot of spiritual power to rush here, because the mark she left in Gokawa Shiori's body was guiding here, not to mention the blood connection of the same origin.

It was when Takamiya Mio broke into the hot desert that the flow of the underground veins began to move along a specific trajectory.

Takamiya Mio also stopped on a sand dune at this time. The high temperature of nearly 60 degrees had no effect on her. She was sensing Gokawa Shiori's last hiding place.

"Found it!"

Takamiya Mio smiled happily at this moment, but a sense of crisis also came with it. The space in the desert suddenly solidified, and invisible chains spread in the air.

Takamiya Mio felt something was wrong.

The spiritual power in her body quickly exploded, but it could only destroy the environment within a hundred meters around her.

Compared with the destructive power of several kilometers at any time, it was completely two levels.

At this moment, Takamiya Mio knew that this was clearly a trap set for her, but she did not panic at this moment.

She frantically thought about the knowledge she knew, while using her spiritual power to continuously destroy the surrounding environment.

After a few minutes of destruction by Takamiya Mio, the desert stretching for hundreds of kilometers also revealed its true face.

Lines emitting earthy yellow light were carved on the ground, constantly forming one mysterious six-pointed star magic circle after another, running rhythmically, giving birth to incredible power. A tiny figure in the outside world was controlling the operation of the formation.

The elf"The Fool"!

Takamiya Mio immediately recognized the mysterious elf Beichen Meiyi, who was notorious in human society. Looking at her face that was 60% similar to General Lei Dian, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

"What a clever calculation! It turns out that everything before was an illusion to deceive me. This is the killer move against me!"

Takamiya Mio laughed in anger, feeling the shackles everywhere, the difficulty of absorbing spiritual power from the outside world and the void in her body, and the severance of the connection with the territory. She knew that this was the place where they would fight with her.

General Lei Dian broke through the space, came to Beichen Meiyi and looked at her. Beichen Meiyi understood and merged with General Lei Dian. For a time, the control of the power of heaven and earth became smooth.

At the same time, General Lei Dian's posture and temperament were perfected. The pair of purple eyes revealed a cold breath, as if he was not interested in anything in the world. He was like a god who descended to the world, and people could not have a trace of blasphemy. The red and black sky was gradually covered by lightning. Where the thunder shone, there was a roar, and thunder clouds rolled up within dozens of kilometers.

Chong Mio felt the threat of death in the true sense at this moment, because the strength of the person in front of her was not much different from that of Gang, but she would obviously not give herself a chance to escape unless she killed her head-on.

A katana was created by General Raiden with the ability of God-given creation. The violent collapse energy was bound to the blade without any leakage. For General Raiden, martial arts is his best skill, followed by mechanical manufacturing and array spells.

Takamiya Mio directly summoned the Angel Thunder Temple at this moment, and her mind kept recalling all the moves and energy usage techniques used by General Raiden in battle, and kept moving the trajectory of the magic array in front of her mind, because she had a sense of familiarity.

After all, her greatest ability is her strong learning and imitation ability, followed by the use of angels.

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