In the castle tower, Naraku and the two monks were having a good chat. General Raiden and Kikyo were listening to the conversation of the three silently.

"Lord, a demon and several strong men have entered the city and are wreaking havoc. They are now heading towards the castle tower."

An attendant ran in anxiously and shouted.

"Are you finally here, Inuyasha and Higurashi Kagome?"

Naraku thought silently in his heart, but on the surface he scolded his servants harshly, looked at the two monks and said,"It seems that because of the fall of the god Pingfeng, the monsters can enter the city and destroy it unscrupulously. Please help to defeat the monsters."

The two monks immediately stood up and said to each other with some anger on their faces

"This is our responsibility! It is something we did not expect!"

"These monsters are very evil at first glance. After sensing the aura of the gods has faded, they dare to cause trouble in the city."

"That’s right, this is simply ignoring us and treating the lives of civilians as nothing!"

"Please ask Beichen Witch and Kikyo Witch to help us subdue those monsters!"

General Lei Dian nodded after hearing this, and Kikyo also showed a thoughtful look, and then agreed.

"Then congratulations on your victory."

The handsome man smiled and said happily.

General Lei Dian looked at a book on the tatami thoughtfully, and said:"Although we can deal with monsters, we are weak. Please send people to encircle and suppress those bandits to ensure that there will be no accidents!"

"I will ask my subordinates to help solve this matter, please don't worry"

"That's great, we'll take our leave first and go deal with the monster."

After General Raiden finished speaking, he took Kikyo away, and the two monks quickly said goodbye to Naraku and followed him.

Naraku had a strange look in his eyes and said in a very light tone:"I can feel the resentment in you, Kikyo! The entanglement between you and Inuyasha is not over yet, so let me give it a push!"


"That guy is clearly a half-demon created by the entanglement of the dead souls of humans and monsters. We can feel the flavor of the ancient local witchcraft in him."

"Well, the six senses of Buddhism practiced by your Jianzhen lineage are really powerful. They can find out his details without him noticing at all. I just don’t know why I have a familiar feeling about her."

A trace of confusion appeared on Kikyo's dignified and cold face. She was sure that she had never come into contact with this kind of half-demon, and she had only come into contact with those dozen half-demons.

Kikyo suddenly remembered the foresight of the future that General Raiden had passed on to her. The half-demon pretending to be the daimyo should not be Naraku who made him and Inuyasha turn against each other.

The monk did not feel Kikyo's spiritual communication, and only thought that Kikyo was the witch who was thinking about his origins, so he continued to communicate spiritually around the four people.

"Maybe Kikyo Miko has come across this before! We have killed many half-demons like this before, but this half-demon is much smarter than the ones we have encountered before, and will not be dominated by the evil thoughts of the monsters."

"In addition, the city was filled with the miasma that could confuse people's minds and the witchcraft that the half-demon knew. Maybe the body in front of him was not his real body, but a clone."

"This unorthodox method is the most difficult to deal with. I wonder if Kikyo and Beichen have similar methods that can track the real body or curse its origin."

General Lei Dian showed hesitation in his eyes. If she knew how to curse the target accurately, she did have it, but it was difficult for her to see where Naraku's real body was. Unless she directly disregarded martial ethics and used absolute strength to wipe out his will, there really wasn't much she could do.

"Not very good at this!"

"Sorry, the shrine where I studied doesn't have any content on this aspect, but there is an old witch named Chun who is good at this technique. I might have a chance to go and visit her."

The two monks were helpless. After all, the art of killing by curse is a niche technique. Although the major forces will collect some, they will not allow them to study it specifically. After all, this technique not only requires talent, but also requires a price.

Behind General Lei Dian and his party, there was also a dense sound of footsteps. They also stopped the spiritual transmission and looked back. It was dozens of soldiers and several generals in armored uniforms.

""We are specially sent here by the head of the family to help you deal with monsters and bandits."

A general with much better weapons and armor said to them. He was obviously the leader of this team.


In the city, there is chaos

"You mere humans, you still want to block my way, are you idiots?"

Inuyasha swung the Tessaiga in his hand and knocked down the soldiers one by one. After all, in front of his friends like Higurashi Kagome, he still restrained himself and did not touch their bodies with his blade.

"That Yang Lei, do your Ming Dynasty magic really work?"

Yang Lei heard Inuyasha's complaint, and a trace of helplessness flashed across his face. As a person with the"Swordsman who kills demons" system, he was speechless about the half-demon's complaint.

"The half-demon named Naraku is in the city, but the traces of his presence are scattered throughout the city, and it will take time to locate him using the tracking compass."

"If you can hold your temper, we can go straight to Huanglong and attack Naraku directly."

""You two should stop arguing, and it is more important to quickly track down his location."

Higurashi Kagome shouted loudly. After all, the longer they made trouble in the city, the faster those elite soldiers would arrive.

"I remember now, Naraku has replaced Yin Dao and is now in the castle tower."

At this time, Maitreya was also looking at the iconic castle tower, which was vaguely similar to the courtyard.

"Ha, what are you waiting for? Let's go to that castle tower and chop off Naraku's head."

Inuyasha said in high spirits, not noticing the fear on the faces of the others.

"Inuyasha, get out of the way!"


An arrow emitting a faint fluorescent light shot towards him.

Inuyasha was reminded by Shippo and immediately swung his sword to block it, but he was also knocked back by the spiritual power attached to it.

"This spiritual energy... there's no mistake, it's Kikyo!"

Inuyasha looked up and saw Kikyo, the bow-holding priestess, in a white dress and red skirt with countless delicate patterns painted on the edges of her clothes, a hundred meters away.

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