Genshin Impact: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

Chapter 136: The Aftermath And The People’S Will

That evening.

Morgans and his editors worked overtime.

The latest newspaper was successfully published, and with the full printing of branches in various places, it began to be carried by news birds to all parts of the sea.

The front page of the newspaper printed a picture of Kaido and Bigmbh falling to the ground.

This picture alone is enough to shock people!

Along with the spread of newspapers.

Blah blah blah!

The entire One Piece world was suddenly in a turmoil.


They are the Four Emperors of the New World!

And there are two Yonko!

After ten days of propaganda by World News Agency, there are almost no people in the entire sea who don’t know what the Four Emperors represent.

Even Donghai, which has the most news and the weakest overall strength, thanks to the efforts of World News Agency, knows about this war and what kind of behemoth the Beast Pirates are.

Results now!

The newspaper actually told them.

The Beast Pirates lost, and their governor, who was known as the strongest creature, was captured alive.

Even the 19th Company, another Yonko and the officials of the three World Governments whose total reward was close to 3 billion Baileys, were also captured alive.

Just ask!

Can people not be shocked?

Blah blah blah!

All of a sudden.

A storm swept across the entire One Piece world.

"Fuck! I'm a fool! I'm a fool! I'm a fool!"

"This, this, this...this is simply...this is incredible!"

"The two pirate emperors of the new world were defeated just like that!"

"That's an existence that even the navy is afraid of!"


"Nah! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

"Something big happened! Something big happened! Something big happened!"

Regarding the turmoil on the sea, Yanhuang Kingdom had actually already anticipated it.


Didn't make any reaction.

Yanhuang Kingdom, come back as safe as an old dog.

As the place where the plane shuttle gate opens, and as the future Yanhuang Kingdom being the most important hub in the One Piece world, the Yanhuang Kingdom takes it very seriously.

After solving Kaido and Big Mom, part of the First Legion pushed Kaido and others back to the mainland and imprisoned them.

The other part of the force, in cooperation with the 30,000 construction corps, began to quickly carry out a comprehensive eradication of the remaining pirates and various bandits in other areas of Wano Country.

At the same time, assistance was provided to the people of Wano who were suffering in various places.

By the way, several daimyo and samurai groups in various places were also disarmed.

The generals of Wano can only be said to be of the Kozuki lineage.

Bullshit is not!

The fist is king.

Public support is the key.

Li Xuanye was too lazy to argue with the daimyo, and didn't even have the intention to meet them. He directly controlled all the important towns in Wano.

If you want to make the people of Wano country return to their hearts, it is actually very simple!

After all, the people of Wano have been tortured by Kaido for decades.

If Yanhuang Kingdom gives them a little benefit and treats them a little better, they can easily win their hearts and minds.

Along with the distribution of a large amount of food and various relief supplies from Yanhuang Country.

Within a few days, people from all over Wano Country were already talking about the various benefits of Yanhuang Country.

Of course!

Yanhuang Country will not always send free food and supplies to the people of Wano Country.

Giving it away for free is not a good thing, it can easily make them develop a habit of dependence and a mentality of laziness.


Yanhuang Kingdom adopted a work-for-relief approach.

As long as you assist the Construction Legion in rebuilding towns and building roads, you can obtain Tuyan Coins.

The so-called Yanhuang Coin is a currency newly formulated by the Ministry of Finance of the Yanhuang Kingdom that contains a faint trace of purified divine power.

Yanhuang Kingdom has successfully promoted to a five-star kingdom, and is destined to move to all the worlds. It is no longer suitable to continue to use Moradang currency. "Ten new currencies are needed.

This is Yan Huang Coin.

The value of Yanhuang coins is very high and it is almost impossible to depreciate because it contains a trace of purified divine power.

The purified divine power is actually a kind of cultivation resource.

That is to say.

Yanhuang coins are actually a kind of cultivation currency that can be used to assist cultivation.

Back to business.

The people of Wano can earn Yan Huang Coins by working, and the purchasing power of Yan Huang Coins is much stronger than Bailey in the One Piece world.

The food that a normal adult can buy for a day's work is enough to feed a family of five, and he can even save a lot.


The people of Wano Country are very enthusiastic and enthusiastic about assisting Yanhuang Country in rebuilding cities and building roads.

Cooperate with various large-scale construction equipment shipped from the mainland.

In just over ten days, Wano Country has completely changed.

Roads more than ten meters wide completely connected the towns.

Many of the formerly dilapidated cities and villages have been rebuilt.

The people of Wano, who were originally sallow and skinny, have mostly recovered after more than ten days of cultivation and are full of energy.

On the streets, there was constant laughter and laughter.

When all the citizens of Wano Country saw the soldiers of Yanhuang Country, their eyes and faces were full of gratitude.


The citizens of Wano Country have almost completely transformed into the shape of Yanhuang Country.

And this time!

The Yanhuang Kingdom also directly announced that the Wano Country would become the Yanhuang Kingdom and the Wano Country's province.


Then there is no more.

Few people stood up to oppose it.

Only a very small number of members of the Kozuki family's Yuzhong forces came forward to strongly oppose.


What's the use of this?

In the face of absolute strength and public support, their opposition is a joke.

The Hailou Stone Mine over Tuwan is still mining, and with the addition of all the members of the Beast Pirates and Big Mom, the mining speed has increased by more than four or five times.

After research by the Academy of Sciences, it was discovered that the hardness of sea floor stone, a specialty mineral in the world of One Piece, is comparable to that of crystal minerals.

If seafloor stone and crystal are made into an alloy, the hardness will definitely far exceed all alloys currently controlled by the Academy of Sciences.

what does that mean?

this means.

Yanhuang Kingdom's military weapons are about to usher in a new round of updates.

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