The same as after the previous three rankings were announced.

After Tianmu announced the list of land area rankings, it immediately began to compare and play videos related to the land area of ​​the three countries on the list in order!

【Kingdom Land Area Ranking No. 3: Winter!】

Along with this huge title slowly faded away.




The sound of the icy cold wind came from the gradually brightening light curtain.


A piece of snowy tundra appeared before the King of Light Power.

The camera began to move quickly on this tundra.

Endless as far as the eye can see!

It’s really endless.

One minute.

Two minutes.

five minutes.


In the next few minutes, all the images in the live broadcast room were of the snowy tundra.

On the tundra, there are occasionally several villages, towns or cities.

These villages, towns and cities are not small.

I can tell.

Almost all people in Zhidong live together, unlike those in Li who live in separate villages.

Every village on the Zhidong side is a big village, comparable in size to the seven, eight or even a dozen villages in Liyue combined.

These villages in Solstice Kingdom are really big670.


Compared with the endless tundra, it is still far behind.

There is absolutely no comparison!

Placed on the snowy tundra, it is just a small black dot.


Winter is really big.

The size of this tundra is ridiculous.


Apart from the white snow, there is almost no vegetation on the tundra, making it look extremely barren.

The further north you go, the barren it becomes above Chen Yuan.

"This, this, this the solstice?"

"Although I have heard that the environment over there in Zhidong is very bad, I never expected that it would be so bad!"

"This is completely the land of snow!"

"It turns out that people in the Winter Solstice have been living in this kind of environment!"

"The living environment is so harsh, but Zhidong's military strength is still ranked third. this a Zhidong person?"

"Hehe! Speaking of which, our guest's life is actually not as miserable as it seems to you!"

"Yes, yes! Yes, yes!"

"Probably since a few decades ago, various products from the Yanhuang Kingdom have flowed into our Zhidong, and our daily life environment in Zhidong has been much better!"

"Yes! You may not know! Every village, town and city in our winter has been rebuilt by Yanhuang Kingdom's construction company! Every house has heating inside!


"Yes, heating! We maintain heating supply here all year round in winter. No matter whether it is a residence, a company, or a store, it is all heated! Even though it may be minus 30 to 40 degrees or even 40 to 50 degrees outside, but The temperature inside the house remains at 20 degrees or even higher all year round!"

"Yes, yes, yes! By the way, you should know about ice cream, a food introduced by Yanhuang Kingdom, right?"

"I know!"

"Who doesn't know about ice cream? I have to eat it every day in summer!"

"Me too, me too!"

"It's hot here in Xumi, so except for winter, I basically eat it in the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn!"

"Hey hey hey, you may not believe it when I tell you, but we Winter people, because of the heating and because the house is very hot, the most popular products sold in various snack stores in the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter are Ice cream!”




"Damn it! Zundu is fake?"

"Zundu, Zundu! I specialize in the wholesale business of ice cream! You may not be able to tell me this, but Winter Country imports the largest amount of ice cream among the seven countries every year!"



"This, this, this..."

"Isn't this too crazy?"

"It's so heart-breaking! It's so heart-breaking!"


There were barrage of comments in the live broadcast room.

In the canopy (bjdi), the video about the land area in the winter continues to play.

Because most of the land area in winter is tundra, there is actually nothing interesting to see.

Time flies.


After a minute or two.

The light curtain slowly began to dim, which meant that the winter inventory exposure had come to an end.

After the winter kingdom.

Next came Liyue, who ranked second.

[Kingdom Land Area Ranking No. 2: Liyue!]

Same as when the country was exposed to winter.

After the light curtain lit up, the camera began to quickly scan the land of Liyue.


It is different from the snowy tundra in the winter.

Liyue, as the land where people competed most fiercely during the Demon God War, is vast and rich in resources.

Mountains, rivers, and fields flashed quickly through the light curtain.

What a sharp contrast to the previous solstice!


"Rich! So rich!"

Fuck! Comparing with Liyue... No, there is no way we can compete with Liyong!"

"Although I have heard that Liyue is very rich, I didn't expect it to be so rich!"

"Is this Liyue?"

"Woooo! It would be great if our winter environment could be like Liyue's!"

"Ahhh! I'm so envious! I'm so jealous of me!"

"I am so envious that I am beyond recognition!"

“I’m so envious that my mouth is watering!”

“I’m so jealous that my cock is turning purple!”

Looking at the extremely fertile land of Liyue in the light curtain, countless Zhidong people suddenly couldn't sit still, stood up one after another, and started wailing.

All of a sudden!

Looking around the entire light curtain live broadcast room, almost all of them were filled with the wailing sounds of the Winter Solstice people.

no way!

The gap between Zhidong and Liyue is really huge.

The environment in Liyue is really good, and it is really rich.

Compared with Liyue, he is like a beggar at best.

"Hey, hey, hey! I tell you, you are focusing on the wrong thing!"

"That's right! What we should be paying attention to now is, isn't it the size of Liyue's land? Liyue's vast land area!"

"Yes, yes! Why did you suddenly start paying attention to Liyue's resources@!"


"Speaking of which, Liyue is already so vast. It's really hard to imagine how vast the Yanhuang Kingdom, which ranks first, can be!"

"I suddenly felt that the previous guesses of several brothers and sisters were correct! The Yanhuang Kingdom definitely built their cities in the Whale Abyss and the Jingji Sea! And the number would not be small, otherwise Liyue, a large country with a large land area, would be here. , how can they be ranked third with such virtue!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

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