Genshin Impact: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

Chapter 68: The Aftermath, Finale With Zhongli, Shadow And Reality

This live broadcast shows the moment when Li Xuanye dragged Lian Zekis, whose whole body was swollen and covered with thousands of small wounds, with one hand, towards the Demon Zoo.

End quietly.

Although this time the live broadcast ended suddenly.


This live broadcast brought psychological impact and shock to all the creatures in Tiyvat, but they could not leave so easily.

At the end of the live broadcast.

In the light curtain live broadcast room, barrages are still coming.

"Ahhhh! It's so miserable, it's so miserable!"

"This is what happens when you have a bad mouth!"

"Hmph! Let that stupid demon disrespect our respected Queens and Highnesses!"

"That's right! The love between His Majesty and His Highnesses is very strong! Your Majesty has admitted more than once in public that he is a maniac who protects his wife!"


"Pfft! Is it true? Your Majesty said this himself?"

"Yeah! That's right!"

"A maniac who protects his wife, tsk tsk, judging from his performance just now and judging from Lian Zekis's miserable state at the end, it is indeed quite appropriate!"

"Oooh! I'm envious! I'm so envious! I'm so envious that you Yanhuang people can have a king who is powerful, takes great care of all the citizens, and is not aloof at all, and is so close to the people!"

"Yes! I was so jealous that I peed forty times!"


"God damn forty forks!"

"Brother, did you hit a shower head down there?"

"Brother, just think I'm begging you, go and have a look! Go to the urology department of Guangming Hospital and have a look! Please! I really beg you!"

"Brother, judging from your name, you are from Daozu. In this way, I will make a promise to you in the name of Daozu, the general manager of Guangming Hospital Group. As long as you are willing to come to our Guangming Hospital and cooperate with the information of our hospital doctors, you will be in our hospital." I will reimburse all expenses incurred in Guangming Hospital!"



"Then I'll come now!"

"Of course, that's assuming you are really that exaggerated! I don't ask you to split too many splits, ten splits! If it's more than ten splits, all your expenses at our Guangming Hospital will be waived!"

"Okay! I'll come right away!"



"Good guy! That big brother named Aunt Maoli Kuai, are you serious?"

"I'm so shocked!"

"Fuck! I thought you were joking!"

"Who are you kidding me? My average is around fifteen."


"Nah! Nah! Nah! I, I... I'm so damn, I'm so damn convinced!"

890 "Awesome! Brother, you are so awesome!"

Time passes quickly.

As time goes by, most of the impact caused by the live broadcast of the Yanhuang Kingdom Demon God's prison escape incident is quickly fading away.


Some things that happened in the middle and later stages of this live broadcast still troubled many people.


The headquarters of the Knights of the West Wind, at the door of Xiao Keli's room.

Xiao Keli woke up and just opened the door of her room and walked out.

Just in time, I met Qin and his friends who were about to knock on the door.

Swish, brush, brush!

Everyone's eyes were locked on Keli.

"Eh? Captain Qin, Brother Kaia, Lisa...Sister Lisa, Uncle Diluc, what's wrong? Why are you looking at Keli like that!"

Keli tilted her head and said confused.

"Kelly, do you know your father's name?"

Captain Qin pondered for a few seconds and then asked.


Keli was stunned when she heard this, and then said in confusion: "Captain Qin, didn't mom tell you? Dad, his name is Li Xuanye."


As soon as the name Li Xuanye came out.

Qin, Kaia, Diluc, Lisa and others were all stunned for a moment.

Although before that, they had already made some guesses when they saw Alice in the live broadcast.

But! But! But!


Guesses are just guesses after all.

And now.

The guess came true!

They still received a huge shock in their hearts.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

"Captain Qin? Brother Kaia? Sister Lisa? Uncle Diluc? What's wrong with you?"

After watching it for a few seconds, Keli couldn't help it anymore and asked in confusion.

Brush brush brush.

Hearing this, everyone finally came to their senses one after another.


Qin couldn't help but ask again: "Then do you know who your father is?"

"I know! He's the king of Yanhuang Kingdom! Don't you know, Captain Qin?" Keli nodded matter-of-factly.

Seeing Keli nodding, strong confusion suddenly swept over Qin and others.

Since Keli is the daughter of Yanhuang King Li Xuanye, Keli also knows that she is Li Xuanye's daughter, and Alice is also staying in Yanhuang Kingdom now.


Here comes the problem.

Why did Alice and Li Xuanye leave their daughters in Mondstadt?

No matter how you look at it, the living standards of Yanhuang people are much higher than those of Mondstadt people, right?

Just when Qin and others were confused.

the other side.

Dark sea.

Yanhuang Kingdom.

Inside the Crystal Palace.


Alice suddenly shouted.

"Hmm? What's wrong, wife?"

Because Alice has mastered a special kind of space magic, she often goes back to the plane world outside the world of Teyvat from time to time.

And in the world she played in, there was a parallel world similar to the earth in Li Xuanye's previous life.

Almost all industries in that world, such as economy, culture, politics, etc., are the same as those on Earth. Even the island countries in that world are planning to discharge nuclear sewage into the sea.

As a natural elf, the last thing Alice wants to do is pollute the environment.


According to her, before she left that world, she spent a lot of effort to set up a large formation in the sea around the entire island country.

This array has only one function, which is to isolate the spread of radioactive contaminants.

All radioactive contaminants can only enter the great formation that envelopes the entire island country, but cannot come out.

For example, seawater with radioactive contaminants will become ordinary seawater after it comes out of the formation. "And those radioactive elements will be left in the formation.

The same goes for organisms with radioactive contamination in their bodies. When they come out of the formation, the contaminants in their bodies will not be taken out.

When Li Xuanye heard the news from Alice, he laughed so loudly!


Too far, too far.

Back to business.

The word husband was exactly what Alice learned from that world.


They are different from King Daci Shu and others.

Alice would not usually address Li Xuanye as her husband.

"'s about our daughter Keli."

Alice said pitifully: "Keli is almost eight years old this year. Is she almost old enough to take her over?"

"Well... it's not possible for the time being. Calculated according to time, it should take about two months." Li Xuanye shook his head in thought.

"Ah? It will take another two months!" Alice sighed and said, "Okay..."

"Who can you blame? It's not your fault!"

Li Xuanye reached out angrily, pinched Alice's beautiful face, and said: "You were about to give birth and you still listened to this big belly running around.

"Husband, you can't blame me! If you hadn't integrated the source of wind that your so-called kingdom system rewarded you with into Little Keli's body, Little Keli wouldn't have had to stay in the Kingdom of Wind for eight years. Long!" Alice retorted.



Alice knew that Li Xuanye had a system.

after all.

As mentioned before, Alice often travels to other worlds. She has been to a parallel world similar to Earth before.

Naturally, there is such a thing as systematic novels in that world.


After reading some system novels about that world, she discovered that her men would sometimes, like the protagonists in the novels she read, suddenly take out some very powerful props with unknown origins, and then Li Xuanye Just confess to her.


to be honest.

The kingdom system that Li Xuanye got was still relatively useless and not as powerful as those in the novel.


The kingdom system that Li Xuanye received has never directly made him suddenly stronger in the past five hundred years. Instead, it has given him various growth props and secret techniques.

That is to say.

The reason why Li Xuanye has such a powerful power is not directly instilled in him by the system, but he relies on his own cultivation and the increase in cultivation speed provided by various props provided by the (bjbh) system, and obtains it through hard work and sweat.


Back to business.

"Okay, okay, blame me, blame me, blame me!"

Li Xuanye gently rubbed Alice's head and said, "Keli is not our first child! I don't want her to have a better foundation for growth since she was a child!"

"Who would have thought that after you arrived in Mondstadt, Keli's child was suddenly born more than ten days early. As a result, she was unable to fully integrate the origin of the wind 100% before she came to this world!"

"Now, we can only force her to stay alone in the windy country of Mondstadt!"

"But it's coming soon. It only takes the last two months. According to the system, the source of wind in Xiao Keli's body will be completely integrated. By then, she will no longer need to stay in the kingdom of wind. Now! You can come to Yanhuang Country to reunite with us!"

"However, over the years, little Keli has actually lived quite well in Mondstadt! The Knights of the West Wind in Mondstadt have always taken good care of Keli, and Keli has made many friends there, and After the origin of the wind is completely integrated, you can still absorb the power of the wind element to strengthen Keli's growth foundation, so!"

"When the time comes, if Keli doesn't want to come over, I won't insist on taking her over. Alice, you shouldn't mind, right?"

Alice nodded thoughtfully and said: "That's right! Keli has many friends there. If we suddenly take her over, although she can be reunited with us, it may not necessarily be a good thing for her. Good thing...forget it, let's talk about Keli's matter later!"


Alice climbed out of Li Xuanye's arms, waved her hand, and summoned her wand.


Li Xuanye was stunned for a moment, and then said with a look of astonishment on his face: "Alice, you've only been back for a day, and you can't help but want to go on a trip again?"

"Ahem, on my way to the pirate world this time, I encountered a world with a kind of monster called Dangerous Species. There is also a special weapon in that world called Teigu. I think it will be helpful for the Academy of Sciences to develop new weapons. , I’ll go over there and try to figure out how to make a set of Teigu. If that doesn’t work, I’ll just bring back a few Teigu!”

"Teigu? Dangerous species? emmmmm..."

"Okay, no more talking, I'm going to set off!"

"Alice, why don't you go tomorrow? As the saying goes, a break is better than a wedding..."

"Okay, you, you philandering carrot, you'd better go and dote on the newly arrived sister Guizhi! Don't leave her in the cold!"

Knights of the West Wind.

"Well, Keli, do you know why your parents didn't take them with them to Yanhuang Country? Why did they leave you in Mondstadt?"

After a long silence, Qin couldn't help but ask.

"Uh-huh, Keli doesn't know! Her parents told Keli about this when she was very young. It seems that for some reason, Keli had to stay in Mondstadt until she was eight years old! "

Keli shook her head and then said excitedly: "Although I don't see my parents often, every winter and summer, my parents and several other mothers come to Mondstadt to play with Keli!"

"Do I have to stay in Mondstadt until I'm eight years old? That's right!"


On the top of Tianheng Mountain.

Zhongli, the True Lord of Gechenlang City, Grandma Ping, the woman who Liuyun Borrows the Wind, True Lord of Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang, True Lord of Li Shui and Laying the Mountains, Mandrill and others are all gathered together.

"Emperor, you should have seen it just now?"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said in an urgent voice: "She seems to be resurrected after all!"

"Yes, I saw it." Zhongli nodded thoughtfully.

"This, this, this... what on earth is going on? After all, in order to protect the people of Guiliji back then, the four demon gods who took advantage of our expedition to sneak attack on Guiliji died together... ....Grandma Ping’s puzzled voice sounded.

"If nothing else, her resurrection must be closely related to Li Xuanye, the king of Yanhuang Kingdom!"

Zhongli said solemnly: "It's not just the end! You may think carefully, is there a woman similar to the current Thunderbolt General Dao's wife among the people who appeared in the live broadcast? As expected, that person should be Dao My wife’s last Thunder and Lightning General, Thunder and Lightning is real!”

"The last Raiden General?"

"Is Inazuma's current Raiden General already in his second term?"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and others all exclaimed.

"Yes, Baal and Baalzebul, Raiden Shin and Raiden Movie, Inazuma's two Raiden generals, are a pair of twin demons!"

Zhongli's eyes flickered and his voice was low: "I remember very clearly that when the war in Kanria broke out, all the seven rulers in the world, except the grass god, followed the orders of heaven to join the war. Thunderbolt Zhen was among them. But at that time, Leiden was really attacked by a deadly weapon from Kanria, and even his divine body could no longer sustain it. When he still had the last trace of consciousness left, he withdrew from the war in advance! I thought she She has already fallen, but I didn’t expect that she is still alive..."

The scene suddenly became quiet.

After a brief silence, Zhongli suddenly spoke: "Although judging from Gui's reaction and expression in the previous live broadcast, she was not forced to become the Queen of Yanhuang King, but voluntarily, but just in case In case, I think it’s better to confirm it with her personally!”

"After all, he is our former ally, and also a friend of everyone else! And he is also the original founder of Liyue!"

"Emperor, I'll go with you!" Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said.

"I'll go too!" Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun also said hurriedly.

"No, you stay in Liyue! We can't all leave Liyue. Although Liyue is now under human control, it still needs to be defended by all the immortals!"

"But...if Yanhuang Kingdom has any ill intentions towards you, the emperor..."

"If the Yanhuang Kingdom wants to take action against me, it will be useless even if you all go together. The strength of the King of the Yanhuang Kingdom is at least three times that of mine!"


"How can it be!"

the other side.

Rice wife.

Castle tower.

"Son of God, I plan to go to Yanhuang Kingdom!" Lei Qianqian suddenly said.

"I'll go too!" Yae Shenzi said immediately.

"No! You should stay first! It's better for both of us not to leave Dao-Wife at the same time. If we both leave, it will be bad if something unexpected happens in the country!"

"Then why don't I go and you stay?"

"What do you think?"

Thunder movie draws its sword.

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