Genshin Impact: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

Chapter 70 Shadow: Wouldn’T It Be Great If The Whole Country Of Dao’S Wife Joins Yanhuang?

Inside the Crystal Palace.

After Thunder Movie finished speaking, he stared at the three Thunderbolts with sharp eyes.

Full of expectations!

Face full of desire!

Facing Thunder Movie's piercing gaze, the three real Thunder girls shook their heads without any hesitation.

"Ah Ying, don't forget, the three of us are now the queens of Yanhuang Kingdom, how can we live anywhere else at will!" Fox Zhaiguan couldn't help but said.

"That's right! I don't want to leave my husband!" Yugochiyo shook his head.

"Xiaoying, be good and be obedient. From now on, we will often go to Inazuma to see you and Shenzi!" Raiden Shinya said immediately.


Lei Movie was suddenly silent.

In the palace, it suddenly became quiet.

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!!

After three seconds of silence.

"I do not care!"

Lei Qianqing said: "Either you, sisters, come with me to live with Dao Wife, or I will marry that guy named Li Xuanye and live here with you. I won't leave!"


Lei Qianqian stood up directly, walked step by step to Lei Dengzhen's bed, and then very unreasonably and unreasonably opened the quilt and got in.

Thunderbolt: "?????"

Huzhai Palace: "????"

Gogochiyo: "????"

The three women were stunned again.

The Crystal Palace suddenly became quiet.

at the same time!

The entire world of Teyvat suddenly became quiet.

People in the entire world of Teyvat, whether they were people from the Seven Kingdoms or Yanhuang Kingdom, were confused again and again.

In his mind, the arrogant and unreasonable words from the previous movie were replayed, and the unreasonable and unreasonable actions from the previous movie were replayed.

Everyone was stunned and dumbfounded!




Confused again!

Completely confused

Still the same problem!

Who is Lei Movie?

Inazuma's royal acquaintance, Narukami Lord, Oisho-sama!

"857" is the symbol of eternity and thunder in the minds of all the Daozuma people, no, no, no, all the people of the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat, and is synonymous with coldness and ruthlessness!

Result now!!!

Why do you call me cold?

Why do you call me ruthless?

Tick ​​tock tick tock.




The silence in the live broadcast room lasted for more than a minute before it was broken by countless question marks.

【Yatae Shenzi: ????(Shocked)】

【Ayaka Kamisato:????(Shocked)】

【Kamizato Ayato:???(shocked)】


【Kujo Sara:????(Shocked)】






[Ke Lai:????(shocked)





After the dense rain of question marks, there was a torrent of barrage filled with unprecedented shock from people from all over the Tiwat continent.

“Shoo, slop, slop!”

"Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah!"

"I'm so stupid!"

"Crazy, crazy, crazy. I actually saw the famous Thunderbolt General... playing rogue. I must be crazy!"

"I definitely didn't wake up! Absolutely!"

"No! No! No! This is all true! This is all true!"



"Crazy, really crazy!"

"Damn it! I'm a bastard! I'm a fool! I'm a bastard!"

Fry, fry, fry, fry!

The live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

Countless barrages poured out.

Like a flood that broke a dam, it was mighty.

Everyone was shocked and speechless.

But actually.

This is not what shocks everyone the most!

What shocked the people of the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat was yet to come.

The live broadcast continues.

"Xiaoying, you guy!"

Watching Sa Po's Lei movie, Lei Dianzhen suddenly laughed out loud, and then said: "You are not young anymore, you are already the god of Daozhu, you have been a god for five hundred years, Why are you still the same as before!"

"I don't care! Sister! I have already decided! Anyway, I will be wherever you are! If you don't come back to Dao Wife with me, what's the harm in me marrying that guy Li Xuanye just so that you can live together? !”

Thunder Movie huddled in the quilt and spoke with great determination:

"Judging from what I have read in the light novels written by humans, it is impossible for humans to refuse the sisters! And I am still the god of Inazuma, and I have this special status!"

"So, I believe that that guy will definitely not refuse me! Not only will he not refuse, he will even raise his hands to approve!"

Thunderbolt: "?????"

Huzhai Palace: "????"

Gogochiyo: "????"

the other side.

Inside the teahouse.

"Cough cough cough!"

"Pfft, cough, cough!"

Li Xuanye, who was drinking tea, couldn't hold back and coughed and spit out a mouthful of tea.

Fortunately, Zhongli in front of him was quick and put a shield on himself in an instant.

"Slander! How could that guy slander me like that! Do I look like that kind of person? Really!"

Li Xuanye complained angrily.

I think of the Great Ci Tree King, I think of Thunderbolt Shin, I think of Hu Zhai Palace, I think of Yu Yu Qianyo, I think of Alice.

at last!

I thought of myself again.

That’s six already.

After all, I was planning to open my mouth to defend Li Xuanye a little bit, but when I thought about Li Xuanye's calculation that he already had six queens, he stopped talking.

Zhongli, who was in front of him, said calmly: "As far as common rationality is concerned, what the shadow dancer said is right."

Li Xuanye: "????"

Li Xuanye: "Slander! Slander! Slander! Mr. Zhongli, you can't tell lies with your eyes open! I'm really not that kind of person!"

Zhongli smiled and said nothing.

In the light curtain live broadcast room.

Because of Lei Qianqian's words, it was quiet again.

After a brief silence.


The live broadcast room was once again a hot mess.



"So, General Raiden also reads light novels?"

"However, there is one thing to say. What General Thunder and Lightning said is quite reasonable. As long as he is a normal man, he should not be able to refuse the temptation of sisters, right? What's more, they are sisters in high positions."

"Cough cough cough cough!"

"I feel that if Daozhu's Thunderbolt General is serious, the King of Yanhuang Kingdom will really do that!"

"Rama Dao, what's wrong with you? Why don't you come out to talk?"

"Yes, yes, Mrs. Inazuma, didn't you like posting barrages before?"

"Rama, don't you like to laugh very much? Keep laughing, why don't you laugh!?"

"If you Dao wives don't laugh, then we Yanhuang people will start laughing!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Quack, quack, quack!"


Misfortune, misfortune, misfortune"

"Great! If Your Majesty can take over General Thunder, then our Yanhuang Kingdom will have one more top combat power! Our Yanhuang Kingdom will become stronger!"

"Yes, yes! Yes, oh, yes, oh, yes! That's great, this is really great!"

"Speaking of how many queens your Majesty has married! Doesn't the average king have dozens of queens?"


The live broadcast continues.

Inside the Crystal Palace.

Faced with the arrogance of Thunder Movie, the three real Raiden fell silent again.

After a brief silence, Lei Dengzhen spoke again: "Xiaoying, be obedient, don't you even listen to my sister?"

"Don't listen, don't listen, don't listen!"

Lei Qianqiu continued to act, as if he was planning to cook his life into a meal. She huddled under the quilt and suddenly shouted loudly: "That's right! Where is Li Xuanye! Li Xuanye! I want to be your queen!" "

"Ah Ying, you don't need to shout. My husband has gone to receive the Rock King Emperor of Liyue. He is not in the Crystal Palace now and can't hear you shouting!" Huzhai Palace said.

"Ah Ying, don't be like this!"

Gogo Chiyo couldn't help but speak: "You don't actually have to live in the Crystal Palace. The closest to the Crystal Palace is Island City No. 1. With your strength, you can go from Island City No. 1 to the Crystal Palace in an instant. Now 1 The reconstruction of Island City No. 1 is just about to begin. It is estimated that it will only take a few months to complete the reconstruction. At the worst, we can apply for a house for you in Island City No. 3..."

"no no no!"

Lei Movie continued to act: "I want to live here! I want to live with you, sisters! I want to marry Li Xuanye! I want to be like you, sisters, and I also want to be his queen!"

"Xiao Ying."

Lei Dengzhen suddenly said with a serious face: "Don't be ridiculous! My husband is a very emotional person! Yes, indeed! As a human being, he is indeed a little bit lustful sometimes!"

Foxsai Palace/Gogochiyo nodded quickly: "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

In the light curtain live broadcast room.



"Pfft hahahaha!"

"You're laughing so hard! You're really going to make me laugh to death!"

"Although it is indeed a little bit lustful, hahahaha!"

"I'm dying of laughter! I'm really dying of laughter!"

"Really! I died laughing!"

"The King of Yanhuang Kingdom is really completely different from the king in my impression. He is so down-to-earth!"

"A down-to-earth king is a good king! What's the use of such a lofty king?"


"Hahaha! It turns out that I am the same as the king of Yanhuang Kingdom! We are both lustful people!"

"Hey hey hey hey!"

"Hahahaha! Oops, I can't do it anymore! I'm really going to die laughing! I'm going to pee laughing!"

Just when the live broadcast room was filled with barrage.

Yanhuang Kingdom, inside the teahouse.

"Really, Foxsai Palace and Chiyo, you three guys!"

Facing Zhong Li's inexplicable smile, Li Xuanye gritted his teeth.

He suddenly felt a little regretful, regretting why he had brought up the live broadcast bug in the system before.

If this bug had not been fixed, Raiden Jin and the others must have known that they were being broadcast live at this moment, and they would definitely not have spoken out about such a thing...


"You three, wait for me, I want you to look good tonight!"

Li Xuanye secretly swore in his heart.


In the palace.

Leiden Zhen’s voice is still ringing: “My husband is a very emotional person! Each of our sisters only has a certain emotional foundation with her husband before he will

We were brought into the harem, and he had great respect for us before that!"

"So, Xiaoying, what you just said is indeed correct. With my husband's determination, it is indeed difficult to refuse your embrace, but if nothing else, he will definitely refuse in the end!

Because although he is lustful, he will not marry a new queen without any emotional basis!"

"So, you should give up! You should go back! Be good! Be obedient!"

With that said, Lei Dianzhen came to the bed, sat down, rubbed Lei Qianqian's head through the quilt, and gently persuaded: "Xiaoying, don't worry, we will come often.

Rice wife, look at you!"

"No! I won't! I won't!"

Lei's movie attitude is very firm: "If you don't have feelings, won't they be there if you cultivate them? There is a saying in human beings, love grows with time! Don't you have feelings after being together for a long time?

"Are you really, ugh..."

Lei Dian really didn't know what to say. After being silent for a few seconds, he said: "Are you really sure you want to do this? Are you really sure you want to fight to live with us?"

To be the queen of someone you have never met before? You don’t know your husband at all!”

"Yes, indeed, I don't know him at all, but I know one thing, and that is——"

Lei Qianqian suddenly got his head out of the quilt and said: "Sister, there is also the Fox Palace, there is Qianyo, there is the Great Ci Tree King, there is the Demon God of Dust, and there is the Witch Ai

Liz, the six of you, without exception, are all very good people, and you must all have very high vision, but you are all willing to become his queen, which means that he is willing to

There must be many excellent things, and after becoming his queen, I can live with you, sister, and that is enough!"

The three Raiden girls were silent again.

It's not just the three of them.

People throughout the Teyvat continent also fell silent.

In my mind, I carefully recalled what Lei Qianqian said.


Everyone discovered that what Lei Movie said really made sense.

The Great Kind Tree King is the grass god of Sumeru.

After all, he is the Demon God of Dust and one of the original founders of Liyue.

Thunder and lightning are really Inazuma's first generation thunder god.

Foxsai Palace is Inazuma's famous big monster.

Miyachiyo is a general of the Inazuma Oni Clan, who was once the most dazzling and powerful being among the Oni Clan.

Alice is a member of the mysterious Witches Association, and she is also a great witch, with her footprints all over the world.

Six girls, each one is very outstanding!

Extremely excellent.

Excellent people like them are able to coexist peacefully like they are now because of one doctor.

Just ask!

How outstanding must that man named Li Xuanye be!?

Just when everyone was silent.

In the sky, the real voice of thunder and lightning suddenly sounded: "Xiao Ying, are you really relieved to be the people of Dao Wife? If you really become one of my husband's queens, then you

You will no longer be the god of Daozhu, you will be the queen of Yanhuang Kingdom! I am talking about just in case!"

"What if Yanhuang Kingdom and Daozi have a dispute over certain things in the future, or even start a war, who should you help?"

"When the time comes, will you side with Dao Wife or Yanhuang Kingdom? Or will you choose not to help both?"

"At that time, no matter which side you help, you will be very tormented and tormented in your heart! If you don't help both sides, you will also be very tormented in your heart!"

"Have you ever thought about this question?"

Hear the words.

In the Crystal Palace, it became quiet for a while.

Lei Qianqian was stunned on the spot.

Tick ​​tock tick tock.

Time passes slowly, second by second!

Lei Jingqing's eyes were extremely cloudy at the moment.

Confused! Puzzled! Struggled! Uneasy!

Countless emotions quickly flashed through her eyes.

I can tell!

She really hasn't thought about it!


As time went by, gradually, gradually, her eyes gradually returned to clarity.

next moment!

Under the keen gaze of everyone in the live broadcast room, Lei Movie suddenly raised his head and called out: "Sister!"


"I have a bold idea!"

"what idea?"

"You feel..."


"Do you think that if I take my rice wife as a dowry and join the Yanhuang Kingdom with me, will the Yanhuang Kingdom agree?"

Thunderbolt: "????"

Huzhai Palace: "????"

Miyu Chiyo: "????"

Li Xuanye: "????"

Zhongli: "????"

All Yanhuang people: "????"

All Inazuma people: "????"

All the people of the Seven Kingdoms: "????"

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