Genshin Impact: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

Chapter 72: The Results Of The Rice Wife Referendum Are Out, Witness History! !

Time flies!

As time went by, the sensation caused by Lei Qianqian's outrageous remarks during the fourth live broadcast gradually subsided.


It didn't take long.

It only takes one morning at most.

Along with intelligence personnel from various countries and people from various organizations, through various means, the Inazuma Shogunate almost unanimously approved the proposal to merge the entire country into the Yanhuang Kingdom. At the same time, a referendum will be held in the form of a referendum in the near future. After the news spread from Inazuma's country.

Blah blah blah!

The whole world was shaken again.

All of a sudden.

There were incredible exclamations and screams everywhere in all the countries in the Teyvat continent.

Whether it is on the streets or in taverns and teahouses.

Wherever there are people, you can see people discussing this matter fiercely.


"Have you heard? Have you heard?"


"What did you hear?"

"Ouch, Lao Litou, what are you doing? Hehe, you should tell me quickly. Why are you trying to imitate that Ina Wife and that little Baga named Ayato Kamisato? I'm so worried!"

"That's right!"

"My son just sent me a message through the Void Network to tell me that the Inazuma Shogunate has unanimously approved the proposal to join the Yanhuang Kingdom, and a referendum will be prepared soon!"

"Hiss! Zundu is fake?"

"So fast?"

"Really! My son said it! My son is from the Intelligence Department!"

On the street corner, a group of old men and women gathered together and talked about Dao Wife.


"I'm in trouble! Something big has happened! Something really big has happened!"


"Old Arthur, what happened?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong? This doesn't look like you?"

"Did you all see the previous live broadcast?"

"I saw it! What happened?"

"Isn't it that General Daozu's Thunder is planning to annex the entire Daozu into the Yanhuang Kingdom?"

"Yes! It's this! But there's a sequel to this! My best friend's son's classmate's brother's wife's uncle, isn't he from Liyue? And his son seems to be from the Liyue Intelligence Department. According to him, , Inazuma has held a complete referendum, and it passed unanimously!"




"The Inazuma side is moving so quickly? The referendum has already been completed in just one morning?"

"Well, it seems so! And it is said that it will be officially merged into Yanhuang Kingdom in two days!"

"Hiss~ There isn't even one objection?"

"Yes, there should be!"

"Since there is, and it was passed unanimously, doesn't that mean that all those who opposed it were silenced?"

"emmm...Yeah! Yes!"


"Have you heard? Something big happened over there with Ina Wife!"


"What happened?"

"Didn't General Dao's Thunder want the entire Dao's wife to join the Yanhuang Kingdom with her?"

"Yes! I know this. What's wrong? What happens next?"

"Then, according to the news from Inazuma, after General Raiden returned, he encountered opposition from many people!"


"Zun Du Fake Du?"

"Didn't the Inazuma people say in the live broadcast room that they would follow their general's will?"

"Those are ordinary people! Ordinary people! Those powerful people in Daoqi may not be willing! After all, after joining the Yanhuang Kingdom, their power will definitely be affected!"

"Then what? What happened next?"

"Then there will be no more!"


"What's the meaning?"

"Then it is said that Daozhime has just completed a referendum, and the vote rate for agreeing to join Yanhuang Kingdom was 100%!"

"hold head high?"


"That's not right! Didn't you say that many people objected? How come it still passes 100%?"

"I heard that the river in Inazuma Castle is red now!"


"Something big happened! Everyone, something big happened! Big news! Big news!"


"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"I heard from my friends in Xumi that the nobles of Inazuma, in order to oppose General Raiden's proposal to join the Yanhuang Kingdom, united together and rebelled!"


"real or fake!?"

"Is the news reliable?"

"pretty close!"


"Are you crazy! Are those rich and powerful people crazy? How dare they?"

"how is it now?"

"What else can I do? General Leiden is a god! The dignitaries of Daozu are not from the Yanhuang country, so they are no match for General Leiden! It is said that at least 50,000 people died in Daozu! The entire Daozu city was filled with blood. !"


"Something big happened! Something big happened to Rice Wife!"


"What's the big deal?"

"I heard that nearly 100,000 people have died!"


"Holy shit!"


"what's the situation?"

"It seems that the dignitaries of Daozu are unwilling to join the Yanhuang Kingdom, because if they join the Yanhuang Kingdom, their power will definitely be affected. Then they took advantage of the fact that General Thunder and Lightning had not returned to seduce a large number of Daozu people, and then Start working with the shogunate!"


"What now? How is it now?"

"After all, General Raiden is one of the seven rulers in the world. She is very powerful. I heard that she killed all the top leaders of the resistance army with one sword. Now the Inazuma shogunate is liquidating those powerful people. It is said that the entire Inazuma is bleeding like a river! And the number of people who died is getting worse. More and more are coming!”


to winter.

"Wow! Something big happened!"

"What's wrong Puzengoli?"

"My friend in Nata sent me a message, saying that he heard from friends in Fontaine, friends in Xumi, friends in Liyue, and friends in Mondstadt that something big happened over there at Daozhu!"

"God, why don't you listen to Fengdan's friends, Xumi's friends, Liyue's friends, Mond's friends? Are you across the matryoshka doll?"

"Don't interrupt, don't interrupt! What did you say? What happened to Rice Wife?"

"It is said that hundreds of thousands of people died on Inazuma's side!"


"Hundreds of thousands? What's going on?"

"It seems that because the powerful people of Inazuma were unwilling to join the Yanhuang Kingdom, they secretly colluded with a demon god, and then took advantage of the fact that General Raiden had not returned to launch a war against the shogunate. Although the demon god was driven away by General Raiden, there were many The people of Inazuma who have been coerced by the devil have been infected by the power of the devil and turned into monsters..."


"Crazy, crazy, crazy. Are those rice wives and powerful people crazy? There is nothing wrong with joining the Yanhuang Kingdom, right?"

"For ordinary people, joining the Yanhuang Kingdom is a good thing, and it is a great good thing, but for those powerful people, it is not necessarily the case! After all, after joining the Yanhuang Kingdom, Dao Their wives no longer exist, and their power comes from their rice wives. If their rice wives are gone, their power will naturally be gone too!"


"That makes sense!"

The gossip about Rice Wife quickly spread throughout the seven countries of Teyvat Continent.

As we all know!

Things like gossip can easily become distorted as they are passed around.


From word to word, the gossip about Ina Wife became more and more outrageous.


In the light curtain live broadcast room.

"Ah ah ah! Speaking of which, I really envy Mrs. Dao! She actually unanimously approved the proposal to join the Yanhuang Kingdom!"

"Yes! Although thousands of people died because of this, those thousands of people were just leeches lying on Inazuma's body to suck blood, so it's not a big problem!"

"Thousands of people died! Didn't it mean that more than 10,000 people died?"

"There are only more than 10,000 people! I heard that more than 50,000 people died?"

"Fart! Hundreds of thousands of people are obviously dead, okay~!"

"Where did you hear the gossip? Didn't hundreds of thousands of people die? And it is said that even General Thunder and Lightning was injured?"

As those who heard the gossip began to spread their own gossip in the light curtain live broadcast room.

All of a sudden!

The majority of Teyvat residents were stunned for a moment.

My mind is full of question marks.

Especially the vast number of rice wives, they are so confused at this moment. They are so confused that they are beginning to doubt life and whether they are rice wives after all!




After countless question marks rolled out.


The entire live broadcast room was in a state of shock.

"What, what, what, what? What are you all talking about!"

"That's right, how come one said thousands died, another said tens of thousands died, and then even 50,000, hundreds of thousands, or hundreds of thousands came out?"

"General, is he injured?"

"What the hell? What the hell is it?"

"Those guys in front of you, what are you talking about? As a rice wife, I have never heard of what you are talking about?"

"That's right!"

"Am I a fake rice wife?"

"No! I just heard someone on the street saying that some of your powerful people were unwilling to join the Yanhuang Kingdom, and then they were all killed by the shogunate?"

"Ang? That's not it! The version I heard was clearly that the dignitaries of Inazuma rebelled because of this incident and wanted to use force to change the will of General Raiden. As a result, they were all killed by General Raiden. The people of Inazuma City I heard that the river water is dyed red with blood?"

"No, no, no, your version is wrong too! It was clear that Inazuma's powerful people colluded with the devil to overthrow the shogunate's rule, and then they had a big war with the shogunate represented by General Raiden, and people died!"

"The version I heard is that General Inazuma's thunder and lightning launched a killing spree because many people did not agree with her proposal and killed most of Inazuma's people!"

[Hutao: Zundu is fake!? Is there such a good thing? Dao Wife, why are you so unkind! Why don't you call me when such a good thing happens! (Excited)]

【Ayato Kamisato:???(confused)】


[Maplehara Manyo:??(Confused)]

【Kujo Sara:???(confused)】

[Qi Liangliang:???(confused)]

【Thunder movie:???(confused)】

Confused! Confused! Confused!

Watching the outrageous barrages rolling out one after another in the light curtain live broadcast room.

All the Dao wives were stunned.

Completely confused.

Even Lei Qiang and Yae Shenzi were confused.

"Son of God, has our rice wife's referendum been completed?"

After Lei Qianqian was stunned for a few seconds, he suddenly asked.

"No, no, the shogunate should have just

Start preparing for this matter, it is estimated that the referendum matter will take at least two days to start. " Yae Shenzi shook his head in astonishment.

"Then, then this..."

Lei Movie looked at the outrageous barrage that was still rolling out on the sky screen, and his eyes were not only confused, but also confused.

the other side.

Dark sea.

Crystal Palace.

"Pfft hahahaha!"

".||It's outrageous! It's outrageous! What this rumor is spreading is really outrageous!"

Li Xuanye, King Dacishu and other women, after learning the cause and effect of the matter through the void network that spread throughout the Teyvat continent, they all laughed.

This farce came to an end very quickly.

after all!

The light curtain live broadcast room hangs high in the sky

The outrageous gossip that those people heard only needed to be communicated with Mrs. Inazuma through the light curtain live broadcast room, and it was quickly self-defeating.


Although this farce has come to an end, the people of the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat have successfully learned from some people in the Inazuma Shogunate that the Inazuma Shogunate has indeed almost unanimously approved the proposal to join the Yanhuang Kingdom, and is indeed making preparations for the whole nation. The referendum thing.

All of a sudden.

People throughout the Teyvat continent were once again discussing the matter of Dao's wife joining the Yanhuang Kingdom.

Time passes quickly.

One hour, two hours, five hours, ten hours, one day, two days

In the next two days, no new live broadcasts appeared in the sky.

Yanhuang Kingdom's industries across the Teyvat continent are also operating smoothly as usual.

after all!

After several live broadcasts, the fighting power of the Yanhuang people has been seen by everyone in the entire Teyvat continent.

All Yanhuang people have extremely rich combat experience and are equipped with powerful elemental weapons!

Three young people from the Yanhuang Kingdom can kill seventy or eighty powerful fighters in half a minute!

A group of Yanhuang people gathered together and could even hunt down the devil!

The Yanhuang people are even willing to spend more than a hundred years to lure the demon god to escape from prison for some purpose!

All of the above show that the people of Yanhuang country are not easy to mess with!

not to mention.

Yanhuang Kingdom also has a terrifying king like Li Xuanye who can withstand the full blow of the fourteen demon gods.

May I ask?

At this juncture, who dares to bring trouble to Yanhuang Country? Who dares to make Yanhuang Country uncomfortable?


Two days to this day.

There are only five hours left in the countdown to compare the kingdom's military rankings.

Above the sky, the fifth live broadcast has arrived.

And the scene of this live broadcast is related to Ina Wife.

In the camera, scenes flashed by.

In these pictures, there are many cities and villages.

(Zhao Nuohao) Huge ballot boxes are placed in the main streets of these cities and in the centers of villages and towns.

The shogunate's heavily armed warriors, holding halberds and armor, stood around these ballot boxes to maintain order around them.

The people of Daoji lined up in an orderly manner, kept coming to these ballot boxes, and put their bills into the boxes.

See this.

Blah blah blah!

The live broadcast room immediately exploded.

"Damn it! Rice Wife, are you serious! Did you really hold a referendum?"

“Shoo, slop, slop!”

"It's started, it's started, it's really started!"

"What the hell!"

"I don't know what the final result will be?"

“I feel that judging from Mrs. Daozuma’s reactions in the live broadcast room over the past two days, most people will vote in favor!”

"Holy crap! These ballot boxes can also display real-time voting data?"

"That's right! These ballot boxes were temporarily customized by us from Yanhuang Country! The purpose is to prevent malicious tampering with voting data from various places!"

"According to scientists from the Yanhuang Academy of Sciences, these ballot boxes can not only display local real-time voting data, but can also simultaneously transmit all voting data from various places to the main ballot box in Daozuma City."

"Fuck! I'm a fool! I'm a fool! Look at this attitude, there are no objections at all!"


"Crazy, really crazy!"

"I feel like we might be witnessing history!"

"Dao Wife, you are not really going to join the Danhuang Kingdom, are you?"




Time passes minute by minute.

As time went by, the voting data displayed on the main ballot box in the live broadcast screen kept changing.

The number of yes votes has skyrocketed, while the number of no votes is almost non-existent.

Three or four hours later.

The Rice Wife referendum is over.

The results of the referendum for Daozhu to join the Yanhuang Kingdom and become the Yanhuang Kingdom’s Daozuma Province are out!

Agree vote rate: 99.99999%!.

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