Genshin Impact: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

Chapter 81: The Inhumane Yanhuang Kingdom! We Did It On Purpose




Confused! Confused! Confused!

After knowing the true source of the scarlet demon tide.


People from all over the Teyvat continent were suddenly stunned.

They were all confused.

After a brief period of confusion.


The live broadcast room was immediately shrouded in countless question marks.



“Shoo, slop, slop!”

"It's started, it's started, Danhuang Country has really started to behave badly again.

"What the hell! It turns out that the scarlet demonic tide was created by Yanhuang Kingdom themselves!"

"Nah! Damn! Nah! This is too ridiculous!"

"Listen! Listen! Listen! I asked you Yanhuang people to listen to what you are saying!"

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced, I'm really convinced, I'm really convinced!"

[Kamizato Ayato: Wait! I suddenly have a doubt, a very serious question. I wonder if anyone from the Yanhuang country is willing to answer it for me. 】

"hold head high?"




[Kamizato Ayato: I’m talking about Yanhuang people, even if you created a pseudo-demonic monster in order to allow the soldiers to get enough real combat experience and to enable them to grow continuously, you created such a pseudo-demonic monster. In the world of demon gods, if you have to keep throwing countless amounts of energy-containing food into it, there is no need to throw them all in at once! 1

[Kamizato Ayato: You can put it in little by little. In this way, pseudo-demons can still be born in large numbers, but they won’t be born all at once and lead to a scarlet demon tide. Isn’t that good? 】


"That makes sense!"

"Inazuma's little Baga, named Kamisato Ayato, is a top-notch salesperson, but I have to say that his mind is still spinning pretty fast!"

"Kamizato Ayato:????"

"That's right! There's nothing wrong with what he said! Can't you just put it in little by little? Why do you have to put it all in at once! Don't tell me that it's because you find it troublesome!"

"God is so troublesome! How can such a thing be so troublesome?"

"That's right!"

As soon as Kamisato Ayato asked this question, 19 immediately won the approval of countless people in the live broadcast room.

at the same time!

This wave of abnormal operations by Yanhuang Kingdom also caused strong confusion in everyone's minds.


Before anyone from the Yanhuang Kingdom could come forward to respond, Ayato Kamisato spoke in the live broadcast room again.

[Kamizato Ayato: Wait a minute! I suddenly have an extremely bold guess! (Horrified)]


[Paimon: An extremely bold guess? What is it?]

【Kaia:Brother Ayato?】

[Ayaka Kamisato: Brother, you’ve started again, haven’t you! Don’t you think the label of ‘Smug little Baga’ on you is not loud enough! (Contempt)]

[Kamizato Ayato: Ahem, if I say that I didn’t mean to show off, I was actually shocked by my guess just now, would you believe it? 】

[Ying: Ah, yes, yes! (smile)]

[Wendy: Ah, yes, yes! (smile)]

[Kaia: Ah, yes, yes! (smile)]

[Dadalia: Ah, yes, yes! (smile)]

[Hutao: Ah, yes, yes! (smile)]

[Kavi: Ah, yes, yes! (smile)]

【Ayato Kamisato: (embarrassed)】

[Kamizato Ayaka: Ouch, brother, what are you doing! Tell me quickly! What kind of bold guess is it? I’m really going to be pissed off by you! 】

[Kamizato Ayato: Okay, okay, Ayaka, I’ll say it, I’ll say it, I’ll say it now! 】

[Kamizato Ayato: Now, the information we know is that the scarlet demon tide was caused by the Yanhuang Kingdom dropping a large amount of food on the pseudo-demon monsters in one go. "And the Yanhuang Kingdom can predict the arrival of the star tide in advance."

[Kamizato Ayato: Judging from the wisdom shown by the Yanhuang people so far, it is impossible for them to not have thought of my previous guess! It is impossible for them not to have thought that slowly investing resources little by little can prevent the emergence of the scarlet demonic tide! At the same time, they also It can’t be that I just jumped in because I thought it was troublesome!]

[Kamizato Ayato: Combining the above points, I thought of a possibility, that is--is it possible that the Yanhuang Kingdom deliberately allowed the birth of the scarlet demon tide? 】


As Kamisato Ayato expressed his bold guess.


People from all over the Teyvat continent were stunned for a moment.

They quickly turned around in their minds and quickly went through Ayato Kamisato's guess in their minds.

Then they discovered something extremely terrifying.

That is!

This bold guess made by Ayato Kamisato is very reasonable and extremely likely!

Extremely high!

Ever since.

In an instant, the entire light curtain live broadcast room was enveloped in countless exclamation marks.

Everyone's unbelievable exclamations came one after another.

"Not to mention, there's nothing wrong with what that trickster Xiao Baga said! His guess is quite reasonable! With the character of Yanhuang people, it is really possible for him to do such a thing!"

“Shoo, slop, slop!”

"Nah! Nah! Nah!"

"Crazy, crazy, crazy!"

"That's outrageous! It's so outrageous!"

"My whole body is numb!"

"No, no, no! Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How is it possible! What's the point of them deliberately creating such a scarlet demon tide? When there is no scarlet demon tide, the number of pseudo-demons and monsters is already very dense. Is it enough experience for them?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"Compared to the guess that they did it deliberately, I feel that they are lazy, so the guess that they invested so many resources in one go is more reasonable!

"Ah ah ah! Has anyone from the Yanhuang country come forward to explain? Did you do it on purpose? Did you do it on purpose or not?"

[Dainsreb: Ahem, although I really don’t want to irritate you, the birth of the Scarlet Demonic Tide was indeed intentional on our part!]

As soon as Dainsreib said this, the entire light screen live broadcast room came to a standstill again.

A brief lag.


Fry, fry, fry!

The live broadcast room immediately exploded.




"I knew it! I fucking knew it!"

"Sure enough, Yanhuang Kingdom did it on purpose!"

"Madman! Madman! Madman! The Yanhuang people are indeed a bunch of madmen!"

"Nah! What a pervert!"

“Shoo, slop, slop!”

"Then the question is, what is the purpose of your Yanhuang Kingdom deliberately causing the Scarlet Demonic Tide? What benefits does this bring to you?"

"Yeah, what's the benefit of doing this to you?"

[Deinsreib: There are three benefits. 】

[Deinsreib: First, this can train the wartime reaction speed of the soldiers of the First Legion! 】

[Deinsreb: This is why, our Yanhuang Kingdom War City monitoring agency could have predicted the birth of the Scarlet Demon Tide a day ago, and had clearly monitored the start of the Scarlet Demon Tide two hours ago. However, we did not notify all the soldiers who were training until the third minute before the scarlet demon wave arrived in War City, and Zhong gave them thirty seconds to evacuate. 】

[Deinsreib: Second, it allows the Third Army to experience high-intensity battles on a regular basis, improving their combat capabilities when encountering high-intensity and high-density enemies! 】

[Deinsreib: When the Scarlet Demon Tide arrives, the density of pseudo-demonic monsters is five to six times or even higher than usual. The entire Scarlet Demon Tide will last for about ten minutes, and in just ten minutes, At least hundreds of thousands of pseudo-demonic monsters will attack, and by then all members of the First Legion will stop, and the battlefield will be completely taken over by the Third Legion. 】

[Dainsreb: By the way, the entire Third Army currently only has four to five thousand people in total!]

[Deinsreb: The last benefit is that we can use the scarlet demonic tide to test some of the newly invented elemental weapons of the Academy of Sciences! 】

[Dainsreib: By the way, there is actually another advantage! When such a pseudo-demon monster is born, it will spontaneously absorb a large amount of free elemental power in the air, and then generate an energy core in its body. This core's The energy density is very high, very high. What the Academy of Science and Technology can currently produce is the energy density of the battery!]

[Deinsreib: Currently, this ultra-high-density energy core has been widely used in all parts of our Yanhuang Kingdom. Even the huge energy output by the energy stations in the seven countries is provided by these pseudo-demonic energy cores. ! The foundation of all elemental weapons that can release a variety of elemental powers is actually these energy cores!]

[Deinsreib: Our Yanhuang Kingdom deliberately promoted the birth of the scarlet demon tide. In fact, it was also caused by allowing our Yanhuang Kingdom to quickly harvest a large amount of energy cores every once in a while! 】

[Deinsreib: Thanks to these energy cores, our Yanhuang Kingdom pours tens of trillions of molas into the Demon God's Small World every year. But calculated every year, the amount of money we invest in the Demon God's Small World is, In fact, it is far less than the income that the energy core produced by the Demon God’s small world brings us!】

Numb! Numb! Numb!

Watch Deinsreib’s explanation in the live broadcast room.

People from all over the Teyvat continent were numb, confused, and stunned.

Everyone was stunned and dumbfounded.


No matter men, women, old or young, no matter tall or short, fat or thin, no matter rich or poor, they were all stunned in place at this moment.

Eyes widen!

Open your mouth wide!

On his face and in his eyes, besides shock, he was still shocked.

The entire continent of Teyvat suddenly fell silent.

The entire light curtain live broadcast room fell silent as well.

Tick ​​tock tick tock.

Time passed slowly, second by second.

After almost half a minute, everyone suddenly came back to their senses.




Along with countless question marks and exclamation points rolled out.

The entire light curtain live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

"Fuck, rush, rush!"

"Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah~!"

"This is really outrageous!"

"Damn it! I'm a bastard! I'm a fool! I'm a bastard!"

"I'm convinced! I'm really convinced! I'm totally convinced!"

"Is this the legendary ability to kill four birds with one stone?"

"Let me tell you, Yanhuang Kingdom definitely did it on purpose!"

"Although I had already expected that the scarlet demonic tide was deliberately caused by the Yanhuang Kingdom, I really didn't expect that the Yanhuang Kingdom would actually

There are four benefits you can get from the Crimson Tide!"

"Holy shit! The Yanhuang Kingdom invests tens of trillions of mola worth of resources into the small demon world every year to feed those pseudo-demonic monsters. As a result, the energy produced in the bodies of those pseudo-demonic monsters

Quantitative Core not only allowed them to get their money back, but also made them a huge profit!?"

"I'm really crazy!"

"In order to use the pseudo-demonic monsters to train their army, the Yanhuang Kingdom invested a large amount of mola, and then processed and sold the energy cores of the pseudo-demonic monsters, and obtained them from our seven

The country made a lot of mora in its hands, and finally put some of the mora into the devil's small world. This is a perfect cycle!"


"Haha! Isn't this equivalent to Yanhuang Kingdom using the money of our seven countries to train its own army?"

"Not a human being! Not a human being! Not a human being!"

"Ahhhhhhh! So crazy! It's so crazy!"

All of a sudden.

Screams, screams, and wailings resounded throughout the entire Teyvat continent, one after another, resounding through the sky.

The video continues to play.

As time goes by!


Looking from the towering walls of the inner city of the Demon God's Small World War City to the distance outside the city, you can see a circle of dark red dust mist in the shape of a ring, heading towards the direction of the War City.

Come to the gush.

No no no!

Where is the dust mist? It is clearly an army of monsters composed of dense pseudo-demon monsters one after another.

The army of pseudo-demonic monsters has not yet completely arrived at War City, but the terrifying pressure formed by its numbers is already pressing towards War City like a mountain.


To this.

Among the more than 4,000 soldiers of the Yanhuang Kingdom's Third Legion on top of the inner city, none of them had any change in their expressions. Everyone's expressions were very dull.

Most of the 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers of the First Legion below are relatively mediocre. Only a small number have just joined the First Legion and have not experienced it or have only experienced it.

The soldiers who had been exposed to the scarlet demonic tide for a few times looked a little uncomfortable.

And at this moment.

All over the continent of Teyvat.

Most people's faces were as white as snow.

There is no other reason!


The canopy perfectly played out the terrifying momentum formed by the dense army of hundreds of thousands of pseudo-demonic monsters through the canopy.

Those are hundreds of thousands of pseudo-demonic monsters!

Even the weakest of these pseudo-demon monsters is at least as strong as an elite Qiuqiu thug.

What is this concept?

Explosive concept!

If an army of monsters like this appeared on the continent of Teyvat, it would definitely cause a huge storm that would sweep across the seven nations of Teyvat.

A bloody storm!

Just ask!

How can the vast number of Teyvat people not panic?

How could the majority of Teyvat people not feel fear and fear in their hearts?

"It's too, too, too... This is too scary!"

"Mom... Damn it! Just looking at me makes me feel horrible!"

"Yes! My body is already shaking unconsciously just by looking at it, let alone asking me to fight them personally!"

"Don't forget, we are not witnessing it live, we are separated by a canopy!"


"Fuck! I'm a fool! I'm a fool! I'm a bastard!!"

“Shoo, slop, slop!”

"Pervert! What a pervert! The people of Yanhuang Kingdom are really perverts! None of the people in the third legion of Yanhuang Kingdom are afraid!!"

"This is normal! The scarlet demon tide will occur once a month, and the four elite legions will be selected from the first legion almost once a year. In other words, the third legion will

Soldiers have experienced the scarlet demonic tide at least a dozen times, who would still be afraid?"

"That's right!"

"I'm so confused! What is that? What kind of elemental weapon is that? Oh my god! That elemental weapon is too perverted!"

Just when people in the live broadcast room were barraging one after another because of the pressure of the arrival of the scarlet demonic tide!

Demon God's small world, above the war city.

Following the order from the commander of the Third Army, the artillerymen of the Third Army fired one by one!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Accompanied by a roar.

Elemental cannonballs galloped out from the pitch-black barrels. After drawing a beautiful arc in the air, they landed on the pseudo-demonic monster seven or eight kilometers away.

In the army.

This is not the key!

The key is that the charging time of these elemental cannons does not even take one second!

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