Genshin Impact: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

Chapter 87: I Am So Stupid! God Damn One Million!

Time, go back half a minute.

at this time!

People in the light curtain live broadcast room are still sighing that the Yanhuang Kingdom's Second Legion really has three super giant aerial battleships.

And at the bottom of the deep sea.

In the lens.

The two giant sky ships, wrapped in colorful elemental shields, were side by side and sailing quickly forward.


The super giant aerial battleship on the left suddenly faded.

What does that mean?

What does it mean to fade away?

It means that it gradually begins to change towards transparency.

In less than five seconds, the entire super-giant aerial battleship had completely turned into transparent seawater, merging with the deep-sea water and disappearing from the camera in an extremely strange way.

See this.

People from all over the Teyvat continent and everyone in the live broadcast room were stunned for a moment.

Children, you have many questions.

This time.

Everyone's minds were buzzing.

Confusion, confusion and confusion suddenly swept through everyone's hearts.

After a brief moment of confusion.

All over the continent of Teyvat.

One by one, the confused people suddenly shook their heads and quickly came to their senses.

"Damn it! That's not right! It's only around nine o'clock in the morning! I obviously just woke up!"

"What the hell? Am I dazzled?"

"Holy crap! I'm obviously only in my twenties, but my eyesight is already starting to get blurry, right?"

Each one of them muttered to themselves, then either rubbed their eyes vigorously, or pinched their arms severely, and then looked away again.


They still failed to see another super giant aerial battleship of the Yanhuang Kingdom that was sailing side by side.

But! But! But!

The flow traces of the surrounding seawater told them that there was definitely a huge behemoth moving forward with the original super giant aerospace battleship.




With countless question marks pouring out, the entire live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

"Fuck! What the hell is going on?"

"I just thought I was too dazzled by what I did alone last night!"

"There were indeed two super giant aerial battleships sailing side by side just now, right?"

"That's right!!!"

"Does anyone know what happened?"

"I saw it! I just saw it! One of Yanhuang Kingdom's super giant aerial battleships suddenly faded and gradually turned into transparent glass..."

"I suddenly had a bold guess! Could this be another powerful function of Yanhuang Kingdom's super giant aerial battleship? Yanhuang Kingdom's super giant aerial battleship can not only wipe out an island from a distance of 2,000 kilometers , you can also instantly space jump to any place within 3,000 kilometers, don’t tell me now that it can also become invisible?"

"Invisible, invisible!!!!?"

"Fuck, rush, rush!"

"Zundu is fake?"


"Damn it! Don't tell me! It's possible that he's invisible!"

"Such a super giant battleship turned invisible in an instant? The key to being invisible is so perfect!? You seem to be kidding me!"

"Is there any handsome guy or girl from Yanhuang Kingdom who can come out and explain it to us?"

[King Daci Shu: Let me explain it to you. I happen to be free right now. Air and space battleships can indeed be invisible, and it is not ordinary invisibility, it is high-level invisibility! 】

[Daci Tree King: What do you mean? It means that all the breath and vital signs of a creature in this invisible form will be hidden. Even the blindness emitted and a certain degree of internal elemental reactions can be hidden. Cover it!]

[King Daci Shu: According to the joint test between the Second Legion and the Academy of Sciences, a super-giant aerial warship in a high-level invisible state will not be able to break through the invisibility if it only activates less than twenty elemental cannons at the same time. 】

[King Daci Shu: The invisibility technology used on those three super-giant aerial battleships is a special prop provided by our Yanhuang Academy of Sciences based on my husband, and then uses the original power of a demon god who has mastered the power of invisibility. Created after hundreds of years of experimentation]

[Daci Tree King: Similar to the previous space jump engine! When driving the cloaking device, it also needs to consume a special energy, which we call the power of invisibility! In the same way, the source of the power of invisibility is the same as the power of space. are all extracted from the demon god’s body!】

[Daci Tree King: It’s just that it’s different from the Demon God at the Gate. The Demon God who has mastered the power of invisibility is a powerful demon god, and it has a very thorough understanding of the power of invisibility, so almost every year we can come up with something from it. There are about 10 units of invisibility power, and one unit of invisibility power can almost make a super giant aerospace battleship invisible for about five hours!]

Just when King Daci Shu was explaining the confusion to everyone in the light curtain live broadcast room.

In the video, the first super giant aerial battleship of the Yanhuang Kingdom suddenly floated up quickly.

Within a few seconds, it had already reached the surface of the sea from the depths of thousands of meters deep, and then quickly rose into the sky.


As it soared into the sky, the entire hull of the super-giant aerial battleship began to quickly become transparent.

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

Three seconds later.

Under everyone's keen gaze, the huge aerial warship became completely transparent, as if it had merged with the air and completely disappeared among the blue sky and white clouds.





Blah blah blah!

See this.

The people who were already shocked when they heard King Daci Shu explain their doubts were completely unable to hold back.

The entire live broadcast room was in a state of shock.

Countless barrages, like a flood that broke a bank, were vast and dense, rolling out of the live broadcast room in a steady stream.

“Shoo, slop, slop!”

"Fuck! I'm a fool! I'm a fool! I'm a fool!"

"Nah! Nah! Nah!"

"This is so fucking crazy!"

"Advanced invisibility. All auras and vital signs of creatures in this invisible form will be hidden. Even the sounds they emit and a certain degree of internal elemental reactions can be hidden. This... ..Fuck!”

"This, this, this... the aerial battleship in the invisible state, if it only activates twenty or less super elemental cannons at the same time, it will not break the invisible? This is too abnormal! "

"This so-called advanced invisibility is simply a bug-like ability! This means that even if Yanhuang Kingdom's aerial battleship attacks others on their heads, if they only use twenty elemental artillery, others will not even be able to detect it. All I can do is get beaten in vain?”

"I'm fucked! I'm really fucked!"

"The Yanhuang Kingdom's aerial battleship is already very buggy! The super elemental cannon on the battleship can accurately attack targets two thousand kilometers away. It is equipped with a space jump engine and can jump instantly with only thirty seconds of preparation. To any place within 3,000 kilometers, these two functions alone are already ridiculously buggy. Now that there is an advanced invisible function, I am dumbfounded!"

"It's scary! It's too scary! It's really too scary!"

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Brothers! I suddenly discovered something! If you think about it carefully, it seems that every awesome technology of the Yanhuang Kingdom has nothing to do with their king Li Xuan. Does night matter?"


"It seems so!"

"Yes, yes, yes! It's not wrong! It's indeed like this! The Demon Zoo, which can make the Yanhuang people immune to the Demon God's fear force field, was born because of Li Xuanye! The void virtual reality technology is also because of him! Space So does the jump engine! So does the advanced stealth function! So does the Demon God's small world..."

"Hahahahahaha! It's true!"

"What kind of person is the king of Yanhuang Kingdom? He really planned everything!"

"He is a powerful, mysterious, and wise being!"

"Long live His Majesty Li Xuanye!"

"I am His Majesty Li Xuanye's dog! Woof woof woof woof!"

"Long live His Majesty Li Xuanye! Long live Yan Huang!"

"His Majesty Li Xuanye is invincible! His Majesty Li Xuanye is invincible in the world! His Majesty Li Xuanye has boundless power!"

All of a sudden!

The topic in the entire live broadcast room suddenly changed.

With the participation of a large number of Yanhuang people, the entire live broadcast room suddenly turned into a large-scale bragging scene for Li Xuanye.


This bragging incident against Li Xuanye did not last long.

the reason is simple.


As Tianmu's inventory of the Yanhuang Kingdom's second legion came to an end, the Yanhuang Kingdom's fourth legion began to be exposed on the sky curtain.

The camera flashed.

next moment!

The picture then came to a super-large building complex built deep under the sea and stretching for hundreds of miles.

All the buildings in these building complexes are all rectangular in shape and number in the millions.

The length, width and height of most rectangular buildings are 5 meters, 2 meters and 20 meters respectively. There are at least millions of them, accounting for about 90% of all such rectangular buildings.

A small number of cuboid buildings have length, width and height of 10 meters, 4 meters and 40 meters, accounting for about 10% of all such cuboid buildings!

The length, width and height of the few remaining rectangular buildings are 20 meters, 6 meters and 80 meters, accounting for about 1%.

These mysterious rectangular buildings stood so quietly at the bottom of the deep sea, and everyone in the live broadcast room was filled with questions and confusion.



"What, what, what, what, what is this?"

"What are these?"

"According to the rankings of the kingdom, the next one to be exposed should be the fourth or fifth legion of the Yanhuang Kingdom? What does these buildings located at the bottom of the deep sea have to do with the fourth and fifth legions of the Yanhuang Kingdom?"

"don't know!"

"Hen duck!"

"Although I don't know how these buildings are related to the fourth and fifth legions of the Yanhuang Kingdom, I know that with Yanhuang Kingdom's urine, it is absolutely impossible to waste so many resources on the bottom of the sea to build this building complex! This building This group is definitely related to the fourth and fifth legions of Yanhuang Kingdom!"

"That's right!"

"What is this! What on earth is this?"

"Damn it! The inventory light curtain is starting to show off! You should release it quickly!"

"That's it! What's going on?"

"Damn it! It's all the fault of Dao's wife's little Baga, who made a bad start and ruined the entire live broadcast room!"

"Kamizato Ayato:????"

"Kamizato Ayato:!!!!!"

"It seems that His Highness the Tree King is not free now, so let me do it! Hehehe, in fact, part of your guess is right! The building complex currently being played on the light screen is indeed

They are related to the Fourth Legion! Or, they are the Fourth Legion of our Yanhuang Kingdom!"

"Yes! That's right! This is our fourth legion of Yanhuang Kingdom!"

Hear the words.

People from various countries in Teyvat continent were stunned for a moment involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards.

Strong confusion and curiosity swept through their bodies.




With countless question marks rolling out.


The entire live broadcast room exploded again.

"What, what, what, what, what, what, what, what does it mean?"

"This is the fourth legion of your Yanhuang Kingdom?"

"Can you explain it to us a little bit more? I don't understand it a little bit!"

"Me too, I'm totally a loser right now!"

"These rectangular buildings are the fourth legion of your Yanhuang Kingdom?"

"IxQ private?"

"What do you mean?"

"don't know!"

"Do you still remember that when Light Curtain was taking stock of Camria, which ranked second in military rankings, Oria's ancient mechanical army was revealed?"


"I definitely remember it! I still remember it fresh to this day!"

"Then, then, then? Why do you suddenly mention the ancient mechanical army of Canria?"

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Damn it! I'm a fool! I'm a fool! I'm a fool! Brothers, I suddenly have an extremely bold guess!"



"When I say that big brother of Yanhuang Kingdom, do you mean to say that these mysterious rectangular buildings densely scattered on the bottom of the sea are actually all

Is it a war machine from your Yanhuang Kingdom?"

This guess came out.

"Thum! Thumb! Thunk!"

Everyone in the seven countries of Teyvat continent was stunned for a moment, and their minds flashed to the dozens of densely packed mysterious buildings that the camera had just quickly scanned from the dark seabed.

next moment!

Everyone's heart beat violently.

Reminiscent of the previous economic inventory of Yanhuang Kingdom, the matter of commercially exploitable machinery appeared.

Reminiscent of the fact that the Yanhuang national mentioned their fourth legion before, but then immediately mentioned the matter of the Kanreia mechanical army.

Think of this.

The same bold and absurd guess came up in almost everyone's mind.

It can be seen that the impact this speculation has brought to everyone is unprecedented and very huge.

So much so!

Everyone's pupils were quietly locked (Zhao Zhao).

at the same time.

They all clenched their fists, widened their eyes, and stared at the light screen live broadcast room.

next moment.

The barrage of the Yanhuang national named July 3rd who spoke before slowly rolled out.

【July 3rd: Hehe, almost!】




As soon as these three words came out, everyone was stunned, and their minds suddenly became more and more confused.

"Almost? What do you mean almost?"

"That's right! What does it mean?"

"Ahhhhh! Don't show off!"

"At this time, I don't know why, but I suddenly thought: That little Baga named Kamisato Ayato really deserves to die!"

Confusion issue.

Suddenly, intense confusion swept the entire continent of Teyvat.

At this time, the Yanhuang man named July 3rd spoke again!

[July 3: This is actually the case. Our fourth legion of the Yanhuang Kingdom is called the Mecha Legion. In fact, each of these buildings deep under the sea contains a combat mecha.


[July 3: These combat mechas are just like Kanria’s mechanical army, they can carry out large-scale group operations without human control! 】

[July 3: However, although combat mechas are equipped with intelligent combat chips, the level of intelligence is not low. The combat experience of each mecha can theoretically be improved.

It is comparable to the recruits who have just joined the First Legion, but the machine is just eager after all. After all, it is programmed in advance, so the combat experience shown in actual combat is definitely not as good as

Theoretically it's strong. 】

[July 3: But! This problem is not a problem! Because these combat mechas can be controlled remotely, every soldier of the Fourth Legion can control them through the virtual machine at the same time.

The air network, in the form of small armies, hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away, like a general, selects and directs ten thousand combat aircraft to conduct micro-control battles. 】

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