Genshin Impact: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

Chapter 98 Damn It! Were You Just A Preliminary Member?

In the light screen live broadcast room, for a moment, looking around, the entire screen was filled with question marks.

"What the hell? What the hell is this?"

"What is Yanhuang Kingdom doing? Don't tell me that you are planning to let those fifty Royal Guards with such luxurious equipment fight against fifty prisoners without weapons or armor, right?"

"Looking at the current posture, it seems so."


"This, this, this...but what's the point?"

"Hen duck!"

"A little confused!"

"Confused +1!"

"Confused +2!"


It's really normal for people to have such confusion, it's really too normal.

After all, the fifty prisoners in the sky are completely powerless. No matter how people look at it, they don't think that the fifty prisoners can cause any harm to the elite soldiers of the Huang Kingdom.

Just when everyone is confused!

This 50v50 battle, which looked completely disproportionate to the naked eye, suddenly started.

The fifty Yanhuang Kingdom Royal Guards suddenly lined up and formed an attack formation, and then like a sharp arrow from the string, they shot towards the fifty prisoners at extremely fast speeds!

One hundred meters!

Eighty meters!

Sixty meters!

Forty meters!

Twenty meters!

Seeing that the fifty Royal Guards were about to kill the group of prisoners.


Something unexpected happened.

Under the bright gaze of everyone, the fifty prisoners suddenly raised their heads.

A pair of blood-red eyes, full of anger and hatred, suddenly appeared in the camera.

It made people shiver inexplicably after seeing it.

Before people could react.

next moment!

"Human! Human! Human! Seeking death!"

"People of Yanhuang country, you are bullying us too much!"


Accompanied by deep and hoarse roars, a large amount of black light emerged from the bodies of the fifty prisoners almost simultaneously.

Under the shroud of black light, each one's form changed drastically, from the original human form to a variety of terrifying and terrifying monster forms.


Head after head roared, head after head roared, facing the military formation of the Royal Guards of Yanhuang Kingdom, charging away!

next moment!

The two sides collided violently.

Although the fifty monsters only started to take countermeasures when the Royal Guards of the Yanhuang Kingdom were about to rush in front of them!

Although the fifty monsters all fought independently, unlike the Royal Guards of the Yanhuang Kingdom, the fifty people cooperated in an incomparable tacit understanding, as if they were a whole.

Although every Yanhuang Kingdom royal guard wears the most advanced elemental armor and is equipped with the most advanced elemental martial arts!

But! But! But!

After the two sides collided, and after the fierce battle between the two sides began.

Having so many advantages, the Royal Guards were not able to disperse the fifty monsters in an instant. Instead, they were still entangled by the various attack methods of the fifty monsters.

No no no!

More than just being entangled, it can be said that he fell into a disadvantage, fell into a bitter battle, and was beaten back steadily.


In the live broadcast room, among all the people watching this battle, no one thought that these fifty Yanhuang Royal Guards were weak.

the reason is simple.


When those fifty prisoners looked like ferocious and terrifying monsters, everyone finally recognized their true identity - the devil!



Those fifty prisoners, without exception, were actually all ancient demon gods.

They were just wearing a human coat!

Although it can be seen from the size of the fifty-headed demon gods after the real prototype, as well as the power of various abilities they used when fighting the Yanhuang Kingdom Guards.

The power of these fifty demon gods is restricted and sealed.


They are demons after all, and there are fifty of them.

Is it embarrassing to be pressed down and beaten by fifty-headed demons?

If this is embarrassing, there is nothing in this world that is not embarrassing.

Silence! Silence! Silence!

Looking at the fierce battle between the Royal Guards of Yanhuang Kingdom and the fifty ancient demon gods in the sky.

The entire continent of Teyvat suddenly fell into silence.

People from the seven countries of Teyvat continent.

Everyone involuntarily widened their eyes and opened their mouths at this moment.

Everyone was stunned and dumbfounded.

Everyone's minds are blank at this moment.

Confused! Confused! Confused!

Everyone is confused!

Completely confused.

It took almost three or four minutes before everyone managed to regain their composure.


"My mud horse!@#¥%*(beautiful Mondstadt words!)"

"My Nima!@#¥%*(beautiful Liyue words!)"

"My mud horse!@#¥%*(beautiful rice wife words!)"

"My mud horse!@#¥%*(beautiful Sumeru words!)"

"My mud horse!@#¥%*(beautiful Teyvattongue)"

All of a sudden!

The foul language resounded throughout the entire Teyvat continent again.

at the same time.


In the live broadcast room, there was an explosion.

It was like a century-old earthquake suddenly erupted.

Blah blah blah!

Countless barrage filled with unprecedented shock, vast and endless, rolling out densely like a violent storm.


"Nah! Nah! Nah! Damn it!"

"Damn it! I'm a bastard! I'm a fool! I'm a bastard!"

"Pervert! What a pervert!"

Fuck! What kind of prisoner is that? He is clearly a demon god~!"

"Pervert! This is so fucking perverted!"

"Fuck! Yanhuang Kingdom, you really don't care about summoning gods!"

"You're so crazy! You must be so crazy!"

"I'm convinced! I'm really convinced!"

"Is this the strength of the Royal Guards of the Yanhuang Kingdom? Damn it! Fifty Royal Guards of the Yanhuang Kingdom can actually persist for such a long time under the joint attack of fifty ancient demon gods!?"

"What the hell! What the hell, they've been holding on for almost four or five minutes, right?"

"This, this, this...this...this is too perverted~!"

"I'll wipe it! It's not just that! It's not just that! Look carefully! Those Royal Guards from Yanhuang Kingdom are still trying to fight back!"

Fry, fry, fry, fry!

The entire live broadcast room completely exploded.

Everyone was shocked by the battle scenes played on the light screen.

no way!


That's a demon, that's a fifty-headed demon!

In the upper right corner of the sky, a ten times speed sign suddenly appeared.

So time passed quickly like this, amidst people's shock and disbelief!

Five minutes!(bjag)

ten minutes!

fifteen minutes!

twenty minutes!

In the blink of an eye.

Two hours later.

Looking at the Yanhuang Kingdom Royal Guard soldiers who were all scarred and exhausted even though they had been completely cornered by the fifty demon gods, everyone's eyes were filled with deep awe. .

Two hours!

Under the crazy offensive of the fifty-headed demon god, he persisted for two hours!

What is this concept?

Explosive concept!

The most important thing is!

After two hours, none of the fifty Royal Guards soldiers from Yanhuang Kingdom fell down, and all of them were standing on the same spot.

Just ask.

After witnessing the whole battle, can people not feel awe in their hearts?

In the light curtain live broadcast room.


"It's been two hours, it's been two full hours, and they're still persisting!"




"Horror! This is so terrifying!~"

"The finale! Is this the Royal Guards of Yanhuang Kingdom who appear in the finale?"

"No wonder! No wonder even the members of Yanhuang Kingdom's four elite legions cannot easily join this Royal Guards. This combat capability is too terrifying!

"Abnormal! Abnormal! What a pervert!"

In the midst of everyone's almost numb sighs, this fierce battle between humans and demons finally came to an end with the defeat of the Yanhuang Kingdom's fifty royal guards.

Although they lost, they lost miserably and completely!


Their opponents, the fifty-headed demon gods, were not much better. Among the fifty-headed demon gods, at least twenty or so were left with scars and blood dripping from their counterattacks.


With their two-hour persistence and never-say-die spirit, they successfully won the respect and applause of everyone in the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat.

Light curtain live broadcast room.

"'s finally over!"

"Yeah, it's finally over!"

"Ah~~it's not easy!"

"It's great, I finally don't have to continue to be stimulated by Yanhuang Kingdom! I can finally let my heart, which is about to explode from stimulation, rest for a while!"

"Hahahaha! Finally! It's finally over! It's great! It's really great!~"

[Kamizato Ayato: Well...well...this...I think the military inventory of Yanhuang Kingdom does not necessarily end like this!]



"Nima! Shut up!"

"Xiao Baga, I bought a watch last year. I don't want a crow's mouth!"

"Oops! It's broken! Why is the canopy still on? Why is the video still playing! Haven't all the fifty Royal Guards of Yanhuang Kingdom been carried down? What the hell?"

"It's broken! It's broken! It's broken! I have an unknown premonition!"


"Damn it! I'm a fool! I'm a Cao! I'm a fool!? Why are there fifty more Yanhuang Royal Guards here!"

"That's right! That's right! That's right! I really remember coming in! The Royal Guards of Yanhuang Kingdom seem to be divided into formal members and reserve members. There are fifty full members and reserve members!"




"Brothers, I suddenly came up with a very bold and ridiculous guess, I don't know whether I should say it or not!"

"Say! Speak quickly!"

"What guess?"


"That is to say, is it possible that the fifty Yanhuang Kingdom Royal Guards who just fought with the fifty demon gods were just royal guards?

Where are the reserve members of the Guards? The fifty who appear now are the official members?"




Along with this speculation came out.

The entire continent of Teyvat suddenly fell silent.

The entire light screen live broadcast room suddenly stagnated.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Tick ​​tock tick tock!

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

Three seconds later.





With countless question marks pouring out, the entire live broadcast room suddenly exploded.




"Nah! Nah! Nah!"

"Crazy, crazy, crazy, I'm really going crazy!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How is this possible! (Shaking his head crazily)"

"That's absolutely impossible! If a group of reserve members can survive for two hours under the siege of fifty demon gods! How strong must the full members of the Yanhuang Kingdom's Royal Guards be?

"That's right!"

"No, no, no, no! I don't believe it! That's impossible!"

"Is there anyone from the Yanhuang country who can come out and refute the rumors for us? The Royal Guards who just fought with those fifty strangers are definitely official members, right?"

"Although I really don't want to irritate you, but... it's not true! Just now it was just the reserve team of our Xiangjia Guards! The ones who appear now are the official members!"


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