It was something that had already been mentioned but was still very important. Bai Di suddenly had a short circuit and couldn't remember it.

"Bai Di?"Qin was lying on her side on the bed, looking a little lazy.

"You have a very good smell……"

Bai Di raised her arm and smelled it. She really didn't smell anything.

"blown away by the wind. Qin said mysteriously:"Can you sit over here?""

Good guy, you gave in yourself, don't regret it later.

Bai Di pretended to be suspicious and sat next to Qin.

There are sofas on both sides of the room, which can accommodate many people.

But the small sofa alone seems a bit... It was not enough. After sitting down, Bai Di had already felt the touch that he had coveted for a long time.

Just as he thought, it had quite a texture, like fried pork with honey sauce and carrots, tender and yet flexible. It was the same as the sofa. It felt like a sharp contrast.

Qin naturally sat up, raised her head slightly, and looked at Bai Di with strange eyes.

She should have been as bright as a girl at her age, but Qin's icy blue eyes were as gentle as a royal sister..

The feeling of maturity comes from her heart, as if her growth has stagnated in her noble and elegant girl appearance.

So under the pure skin, she is a stable and mature leader.

She looks young, but she is already very mature. Sensible and even partial to Sister Yu, such Qin is undoubtedly a rare treasure.

There are too many messages in Qin's eyes. Bai Di can't read them, so he can only see that she is a little strange.

"That's not your taste."Qin kissed her thin lips and said,"But there is a feeling that I like very much. Bai

Di realized that Qin was talking about Barbara.

In her subconscious mind, she enjoyed this smell very much.

Are all women's noses so good? Bai Di couldn't help but marvel.

But it is precisely because of this, While he was excited to be able to sit next to Qin at such a close distance, the core of God had begun to slowly take effect.

Normal Barbara, no matter how curious she was, would not do anything that crossed the line, but there was The God's Core is different.

The God's Core allows them to give up rational thinking and focus on first feelings. The

God's Core is not the decisive factor, but only affirms Bai Di's own abilities and strengthens them.

If there is no God With the core of God, a careful person like Bai Di will not encounter many obstacles.

But with the core of God, things often develop unexpectedly.

For example, Qin, who is now leaning lightly on Bai Di's shoulder, He was already a little shocked.

Qin took Bai Di's arm and seemed to fall into some kind of nostalgic mood, and said softly

"A few years ago, I joined the Knights with honor and loyalty. At that time, my thoughts were as simple as a blank sheet of paper, and honor was the only two words on the blank sheet."

"Sister Qin indeed did it. Bai Di said with certainty

"Yeah?"There was a trace of hesitation in Qin's eyes.

"I often wonder why I became the acting team leader. Is it because of my personal excellence or because of my beliefs?"

"The confusion in my heart has not been solved, but my guiding power blessed by the wind god has begun to affect other people."

"Everyone believed that I was a reliable group leader and wanted to share their worries with me, but in fact, in my heart, the fragile side has been revealed, and now the travelers can see it."

"Uneasiness and doubt always accompany me, and I even feel a little guilty"


Bai Di really doesn't understand.

Although the Knights are indeed in a difficult situation, it has nothing to do with Qin.

Mondstadt has developed for many years. There were times when everyone was united like now, and there were also earlier times when the city was in turmoil and the slaves had no choice. When it comes to human rights.

The Knights are far less solid than the foundation of Mondstadt. It has good times and bad times, and it only lasts a moment in the long river of fate.

Bai Di is too able to see clearly, so he doesn't take it seriously.

"Said something strange to you."

There was a little melancholy in Qin's eyes.

"In fact, when you first called me sister, I didn’t know how happy I was."

"Compared with this honor, it is a rare enjoyment to hear such a voice"

"Just for a little while, let me put down the so-called Knights first."

She closed her eyes and leaned quietly on Bai Di's shoulder.

The two sisters are a bit strange. One is cute on the outside and strong on the inside.

The other is really tough on the outside and soft on the inside...

On one side is the Mondstad idol, and on the other side is the leader.

While coaxing himself to sleep, he had to coax himself to rest...

This... situation was a little bit subtle again.

Without thinking too much, Bai Di soon felt the warmth next to him.

And his arms were trying to Peering into the mystery.

The dandelions in front of me were scattered everywhere, the sun gradually became dim, and it seemed that there was already a starry sky outside.

The candlestick was half burned, and those small flames were able to continuously heat the room.

Qin was sleeping so peacefully, She was so motionless that Bai Di had to be careful every time she peeked.

However, a person who pretends to be asleep cannot be woken up. If Qin can maintain this slightly leaning posture without falling over, she must have ulterior motives.

Or the thoughts in her heart Wan Qian, or just quietly enjoying the leisure time after dinner.

Being held in arms, it is difficult to move after all, Bai Di gently pulled out, and Qin, who had lost his core, naturally drooped his arms, and his body's center of gravity became even more unbalanced. Stable.

Therefore, the arrangement of fate is the most wonderful.

It seems that Qin, who should be coaxing him to sleep, is sleeping on his lap instead.

Seeing Qin looking so sweet for the first time, Bai Di's heart can be said to be pounding. Jump straight.

Don't wait until sister Lisa comes to visit again, it will be embarrassing.

Then you have to seize the time, there are not many such opportunities, Bai Di naturally touched Qin's blond hair.

With the other hand, Gently stroking her cheek.

Qin leaned over instead. It was too obvious that she was not asleep. The thought of pretending to be asleep was not as delicate as Ying's, full of flaws.

It seemed that she had discovered something terrible, Bai Di became bolder and put his hand gently on her belly.

The uniform in front of her was decorated with golden flowers, and Bai Di looked at it curiously. Qin seemed to like the smell of her body, curled up slightly, and faced He turned around.

Bai Di took advantage of the situation and touched her slender waist. In his eyes, this was already the most ideal curve. It was easy to move and it was completely grown according to the ideal mold, especially the one that was obviously very beautiful. The uniform reflects an indescribable charm.

At this point, everything is left to the wind...

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