"Ahem……"Fischer stood not far behind and said:"If you really want to know, let the person with wings go to the window and take a look"

"good idea! Bai Di nodded in agreement.

In this way, he no longer had to worry. After all, the atmosphere was too tense due to the girls.

"Then please leave it to Paimon!"Barbara also said with a smile.

Paimon was suddenly shocked and shouted:"Pamon won't go, such a terrible thing, just because I can fly?"

"don't want! Paimon stopped watching and went back to sleep!"

"If you don't watch it now, can you sleep? Bai Di said with a smile:"Well, I'll accompany you to see it, and we'll prove there's nothing, okay?""

"If Bai Di accompanies me……"Paimon thought for a while:"It seems okay!"

"Paimon is so brave!"Kelly couldn't help but praise.

Paimon scratched his head, looking shy and satisfied.

"When Keli grows up, she will be so brave……"

I’m really not ashamed at all!

Immediately afterwards, the group of people walked around to the Chenxi Winery.

Di climbed up the wall and climbed under the window, and Paimon flew tremblingly behind him.

Good guy, don’t tell me, Bai Di is really a little nervous at the moment.

"Going up!"

The four people below were all sweating, and Paimon was lying directly on Bai Di's back. His appearance made people laugh and cry.

Bai Di jumped up and lay on the edge of the window sill. When he looked in, his expression suddenly changed. Gotta be weird

"Um... Paimon, take a look and prove that I won't lie for a while."

"Is there anything weird?"Paimon climbed up nervously.

It was like a milk cat lying on his back. He poked his head out and took a look. He suddenly had a weird expression like Bai Di.

"Um... let's go down. Bai

Di jumped down directly. Facing the expectant faces of the girls, he shook his head and walked into the winery.

"What happened? Ying could not help but ask:"Paimon, tell us quickly!""

Paimon spread his hands and shook his head.

"Forget it, it’s not as interesting as the conversation we had before. All in all, it’s a very weird room!"

"Why?"Barbara was even more confused.

"You obviously said that, but what on earth did you see?"

Pamon flew feebly towards the door.

"Let me tell you, it is quite boring. If you want to see it, go see it yourself!"

The remaining four people looked at each other, not knowing why.

"alright! Paimon turned around, smiled, and shouted,"The curtains are closed, we can't see at all!""

"what the hell……"Yingya feels so bored.

Everyone returned to the winery together. Although they didn't see what was there, when they thought that they wouldn't see anything anyway, no one was interested in mentioning it anymore.

Bai Di was already sitting at the table and began to taste the wine that had just sobered up for a while.

For most wines, the sooner you drink them the better, because vintage will cause bottle differences and no one can drink the same bottle of wine twice.

Just like Lafite in 1982, people often joke about it, but unless they travel back to 1982, no one can find the feeling that Parker gave full marks to Lafite in 1982.

However, top-quality wine has aging significance and value.

The winery's wine is undoubtedly of this level. Chenxi Winery has been making wine for generations, and even the workers who come to make wine have been passed down from generation to generation.

The wines in Bai Di's hands are even more terrifying than the 1982 Lafite. Even the winery's wines have many of this grade.

"that……"Fischer was actually already greedy, so he stood next to Bai Di and asked tentatively.

"Travelers from another world, if you are trying to eliminate the source of demons here, why don't you come to me as the Princess of Sin?"

"good. Bai Di smiled and gave Fischer a glass.

Paimon and Ying were more natural. They came directly with the cups. After pouring some, they returned to their seats and tasted it carefully.

"hey-hey……"Barbara could only smile awkwardly and pick up her spicy drink to drink.

Keli was still obedient and continued to study her gunpowder on the table.

Looking at the big guy, he was frightened, but soon, Keli said something and stretched.

"Keli wants to take a shower and go to bed, but where is she?"

"I'll take you there!"Ying took Kelly's hand and entered the bathroom.

The winery is not as simple as in the game. It has all the rooms it should have and bathrooms on both floors.

"Anyone want to join Paimon?"Paimon seemed to be sleepy too. It was already late at night and he was tired from all the tossing.

Barbara got up and rubbed her eyes.

"I'll go with you!"

Only Bai Di and Fischer are left. Noelle is still dealing with the tableware used by everyone, and he will probably not show up for a while.

Looking at the tipsy Fischer, Bai Di came again tirelessly. He had become interested, but now, he suddenly discovered that little Amy had some strange attributes.

Bai Di said calmly:"Actually, everyone didn't say anything wrong just now. This house has killed people."

"puff!"Fischer squirted a mouthful of wine directly onto the table and turned around with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Wha, what? Ahem... This princess is not afraid!"

Sure enough, Fischer is actually inexplicably timid about these things.

Bai Di thought pretending to be thoughtful.

"It is normal for such a large winery to kill people. Just like Mondstadt, there are many people who died abnormally, but no one knows it."

"I happen to know some……"

Fischer looked around in panic. He couldn't help but move his feet to the chair. He looked at Bai Di aggrievedly, his face turned pale with fright.

"Is this also destiny? As a princess, I... of course I will carefully examine the guilt and determine the cause and effect, but……"

"But, traveler from another world, you will help me, right? Because you understand the difficulties in my heart."

"help you with what? Bai Di asked enthusiastically

"help me……"Fischer only felt scared, and she didn't even think about anything.

At this moment, I was speechless and simply stopped thinking. I stood up and walked to Bai Di. The smell of alcohol and body fragrance hit my face.

Fischer hugged him and said softly

"Make a contract with this princess that can drive away evil things. If I can't fight the nightmare with you, I'm afraid... it will be very difficult for me alone.……"

There was no need for Oz to explain it, Bai Di understood the meaning of this sentence very well.

Of course it was a scared girl, begging to herself……

……I'm a little scared. Can we sleep together tonight?

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