Chenxi Winery, the nearest statue.

The original god gate with the eye of god teleported here, and the knights of the knights have been waiting here for a long time. There are even many knights who have laid traps and are still beside the steep cliff of the canyon.

"Bai Di really lived up to expectations, hehe……"Amber happily wandered beside Qin

"Unexpectedly, Captain Qin agreed so much. He had found so many reasons before, saying that he wanted me to guard Mondstadt, but the words of travelers were more effective."

Looking at the lively Amber, Qin thought of last night, when she wrote an unforgettable diary in her own diary, as if describing a beautiful girl's love.

Except for the acting leader's side, Qin privately She just likes love stories like that. The encounter with the traveler is undoubtedly the most beautiful love affair she has ever seen.

Qin's pretty face couldn't help but have an imperceptible blush.

Then, she looked at the thirty-year-old who came to join the battle. Many knights, it is difficult to mobilize too many troops of the Knights, and this is an elite battle, and all the people who come are very skilled people from the Knights.

Qin walked among everyone and started to mobilize

"Knights of the Western Knights, may the wind god protect you all"

"In our forgotten era, the dragon was raging, which was an even worse disaster than it is now. The east wind guarded Tevalin, and under the guidance of the wind god, he fought against the dragon and gained Mondstadt's future."

"Even Tevalin is now bewitched by the Abyss Cult. We are not here to defeat Tevarin today, but to save it. This is a battle that you have never faced before, but the heroes of Mondstadt have always been in disasters. born in."

The knights present, including Amber, listened attentively, each one thoughtfully, and couldn't help but feel high morale in their hearts.

"Knights!"Qin pulled out the West Wind Sword and stood it on her chest. The guard like an eagle's wings wrapped around her white jade hands. She shouted

"Today is not a feat, but it will still be recorded in the history of the Knights. The bards of Mondstadt will still write you into poetry."

"But the Knights never do things for these reasons, but for honor!"

"Protect Mondstad forever!"

The knights at the moment are excited and shouting along with the leader.

"Protect Mondstad forever!"

"Didn’t Captain Qin say that?"Amber was curious and shouted too.

"Protect Mondstadt forever! Protect Mondstadt forever!"

At this moment, a discordant voice suddenly appeared, accompanied by clear clapping sounds. The tone was full of irony.

Anastasilia, the Counselor of Fools, walked over with her charming body and raised her head gently arms, waving wantonly

"Protect Mondstadt forever, protect the green plains, mountains, hills and forests of Mondstadt forever. May it remain green forever."

"Protect Mondstadt forever, no longer trapped by the tyrant-like wind and snow, may it be free forever"

"Hahahaha, are the Knights of the West Wind still shouting this sentence now? Once a noble family carved these words in front of a statue of a god, wouldn't it be overthrown in the blink of an eye? The mention of eternal protection is just a reason the nobles find for their own desires!"

"Mond, who was ordered to be free by the God of Liberty, still has expectations? Amber suddenly became so angry that her face turned red. She ran to the counselors and said angrily:"Foolish counselors, this is not the place you should come to. The Knights of the West Wind can shout whatever they want. It is not your turn to come." Tube!"

"Amber is right. Would a fool like him dare to go against the Knights of the West Wind so blatantly?"Some knights also stood up and said dissatisfiedly.

"Go away, you unreasonable diplomat, we don’t need your involvement in Mondstadt’s affairs!"

"Putting the knight's honor on the line, I won't allow you to say such words again!"

Seeing the menacing appearance of the knights, Anna was immediately frightened and took a few steps back. At this time, Qin came over with an awe-inspiring face and said seriously

"There seems to be nothing to discuss today. Counselor, please come back. Please do not interfere with the work of the Knights of the West Wind here."

"Protecting Mondstadt forever is a family motto. Children of the Gunnhild family must learn this sentence before they learn to call mother."

"If you dare to insult me ​​again, I will put Gunnhild's honor on the line and I promise to shut you up!"

"you……"Anna was too angry to say anything. It seemed that Qin was planning to take action.

"Captain Qin?"Amber was also surprised. It has been a long time since she heard the name of this family.

Although there is no real king in Mondstadt, the only one who has always maintained order in Mondstadt is the Gunnhild family.

From the church to the knights, Mondstadt has no real king. The most authoritative place in Germany is occupied by members of the Gunnhild family.

"never mind!"Anna said the next sentence unhappily.

"I’m just here to tell you that Tvarin is not worthy of being saved. It has brought such a huge disaster to Mondstadt. Does Mondstadt still intend to blindly protect it? If you all fail this time, then leave it to us, the Fools, who can directly save Mondstadt from fire and water! After saying that

, Anna turned around and left, and happened to bump into Diluc who had just arrived.

Diluc glanced sideways, adjusted his gloves, and whispered as Anna passed by.

"Even if the knights are not popular, it is not the turn of the fools to judge. If the counselor wants to sleep peacefully in the future, it is best not to be so arrogant."

"What do you mean!"Anna stared at Diluc inexplicably.

Diluc continued to walk forward without saying anything.

"snort!"Anna then walked toward the canyon, followed by several fools.

"With the lady here, you guys, how long can you hold on? It's just because of the mysterious traveler, you feel like you have grasped a life-saving straw!"

The arrival of the counselor did have a slight impact on the momentum of the Knights.

Diluc looked around and found that the travelers had not arrived, so he had to hold his chest and said

"I'm in a hurry, but the traveler should be here soon. If there is no traveler, nothing can be done today."

"Oh, by the way, the bard said that it was not easy for him to appear in front of the knights, so he appeared directly at the place where he called the Wind Demon Dragon and asked me to bring a message to Bai Di. I will talk to him later."

"indeed."Qin nodded. You must know that Wendy is still wanted by the Knights and the Church.

Before the Sky Piano was recovered, Wendy's name was a bit harsh in the ears of the citizens of Mondstadt and the unsuspecting knights.

Everyone began to walk towards the canyon.

Not long after the knights left, Bai Di had just teleported to the statue. By coincidence, Ying and the others also came.

Bai Di counted Ying, Paimon, Kelly, and Barbara. , Noelle... Huh? Noel is here too? The winery is empty...

He smiled and asked:"Um... where is Fischer? Haven't woken up yet?"

I really didn't sleep for a few hours last night. Fischer doesn't have a magic core like him, so it's okay to sleep in."

"woke up! Noelle explained:"But Fischer left without breakfast, saying what fate had arranged for her to do... I'm sorry, Noelle didn't understand, so I didn't remember it." Bai

Di didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she had no choice but to say:"Then let's go over first. I'll go over first to see how the knights are preparing.""

After saying that, Bai Di jumped up, lightning flashed, and he was already in the sky.

Zizi, with the LV3 lightning teleportation, coupled with the subsequent physical sprint acceleration, it is no problem to be able to jump seven to eight hundred meters in one leap... …

It wasn’t until he could get a bird’s-eye view of the entire landscape all the way to the edge of Mondstadt that Bai Di had the momentum to fall.

The girls on the ground exclaimed in unison.


Bai Di, on the other hand, had already unfolded his wings of wind and flew towards the canyon.

Flying at the front of the knights was Amber. With the help of the cliff, she flew to the other side to investigate the situation.

On the edge of the cliff on the other side, there were more than twenty stupid people standing. The previous counselors had already arrived.

Amber suddenly felt uncomfortable and flew in front of these people.

After landing, Amber suppressed her anger and said politely:"How can so many people come here, counselor? Is this your diplomatic etiquette? This is obviously the place where the Knights are operating. Please get out of the way! To avoid unnecessary conflict!"

"Yo……"Anna looked back, and behind her stood a lightning magician, a debt processor, and some thugs from the Fools.

She suddenly felt that she had no scruples and said contemptuously to Amber

"Isn't this the last scout knight of the Knights? It has already declined like this. If I were you, I would change my job to a sinecure and be a scout knight by myself. Is it lonely?"

"Even if I am alone, the Knights are complete!"Amber didn't give in at all.

"Now, in the name of the knights investigating the knights, I ask you to get out of here. If anyone is injured, don't put unfounded charges on us. The knights have already fulfilled their obligation to remind!"

A few years ago, the diplomat of the Fools was killed at the entrance to Mondstadt, and the Knights spent a lot of effort before they could give an explanation to the Fools.

At that time, the junior deputy commanders Amber and Qin, but Been busy with this for a long time……

"cut! Anna dismissed it:"We are just taking a look. If it is really because of Tevalin's trouble, then the fools will find a way to solve it themselves, but there is no need to convict you.""

"you……"Amber was originally worried about an accident like the one a few years ago, but now she kindly reminded her, but the other party didn't appreciate it.

He even said that the other party did it on purpose!

Amber was so angry that she put her hands on her hips, but there was nothing she could do to stop the Fools. At this time, a debt handler stepped forward and approached with a cunning look on his face.

"I heard that Miss is the flying champion of Mondstadt. I would like to learn a lesson. I wonder if Miss can go back after flying so high?"

"I bet twenty thousand Mora that little sister Amber will probably fall into the canyon."Another debt processor stepped aside and looked at the canyon.

"Zizzi, there seem to be a lot of monsters. The canyon here is blocked by trade routes, and the knights don't seem to have time to clear them all!"

Amber suddenly felt bad, and her feet had already reached the edge of the cliff.

Even for her, this was not the first time she had fought against the Fools. Although it seemed that there was no problem in taking off like this, but what if something happens behind the Fools' back......

At this time, the Baidikong Knights passed by and saw Captain Qin's gate. They were about to go down, but they found Amber on the other side.

In the surprised eyes of the knights' gate and Diluc, he flew away. Past.

Those few materials are so attractive! ps: Come on, everyone, keep going, Yeyang just went out for a while, monthly tickets are constantly being updated, and updates will be added tonight!!!

Also, how about Miss Amber? How many people like it! Are they all used to ignite and decrypt?

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