Everyone seemed a little embarrassed. So many people had been fighting for almost half an hour. In Bai Di's hands, everything was solved.

Even... I didn’t even have time to see how it was fought.……

"The strength of travelers is always somewhat unexpected."Qin seemed to be amazed, and then said hurriedly

"The knights, each resume their duty and are on guard to avoid further attacks by monsters!"


The knights responded immediately.

Then, the knights dispersed in whispers

"Isn't the traveler too strong? It was obviously a general attack by the Qiuqiu people, but he was killed by one person?"

"Therefore, the reason why Feng Molong can be solved so quickly must be because Bai Di is here. Although Captain Qin is also very strong, he has not yet……"

"In short, my future goal is to be a traveler. Unfortunately, I have not been recognized by the Eye of God."

"Let's go. Go back to your post. Mondstadt has been paralyzed for a while. Please tell the citizens quickly that the alarm has been lifted!"

At this moment, Bai Di was still a little unfinished. There were so many materials, and he secretly said:"It would be great to have this opportunity again.……"

Good guy, if there are a large number of Qiuqiu people coming every day, upgrading will be as easy as eating and drinking.

In the battle just now, all the rock element charges of LV1 were used, as well as some fire element charges and thunder element charges.

Although the rock elemental power is only LV1, it is indeed a very strong attribute of single elemental power, and Bai Di gave full marks to the control effect.

For now, the control of rock elemental power makes him feel amazing.

"Bai Di obviously said that.……"Noelle didn't know whether to feel aggrieved or not, and said shyly to Bai Di.

"Noelle must be making you feel unreliable?"

"No, Noel wielding a sword is as beautiful as the rose on your head. Bai Di said casually.

Noelle lowered her head shyly.

"but……"Bai Di thought of the strange thing just now and asked:"Noelle seemed to have gained some kind of power before, what was it?"

"I noticed it too!"Qin thought seriously.

"Noelle is not the first precedent. That kind of power seems to come from the Eye of God, but it also violates the Eye of God."

"that……"Amber seemed to know something and told everyone

"I was once in a situation where I met a very powerful guy who released ridiculously powerful evil energy from his body."

"Under the crisis, my God's Eye seemed to give me power that I shouldn't have. As a result,……"

"What's the result? Paimon asked.

Amber touched her hair and stuck out her tongue.

"I actually shot the evil god through with one arrow!"

"Normally, it would be impossible for me to do this!"

"Evil God? Ying thought thoughtfully and asked curiously:"Does the evil god refer to a god?" Or what kind of thing is there in the human body?"

"yes……"Amber was about to continue speaking, but was stopped by Qin.

Qin said slightly seriously

"Sorry, if you want to know something, you can talk to another place."

"oh!"Amber hurriedly covered her mouth, seeming to realize the problem.

She is still on the Mondstadt Bridge. Although it seems that no one is eavesdropping, the walls have ears, and the knights have to be cautious.

There are many things to pay attention to in normal fashion. What's more, there are still fools in Mondstadt.

At this time, it happens to be the afternoon, and everyone has eaten.

Bai Di's phaseless thunder was also collected in the morning, so he can go wherever he wants.

"Why not go to the winery? Bai Di thought for a while and said.

Several people have unlocked the anchor point of the winery. It only takes a moment to return to the winery from here.

"I'll go with you all and tell you about that incident! Amber said immediately

"That...please wait a moment, I want to say……"Barbara said weakly

"As for Wendy, there is no need to replace things, after all……"

Speaking of which, Wendy didn’t return the Sky Piano to Barbara.

This is very clever, there is obviously a chance.

It seems that the poet wants to listen to music with Long, Bai Di nodded slightly

"It doesn't matter, come with Barbara, let's go back to the winery, and Noelle"

"Feel sorry……"Noelle didn't look very good at the moment.

"Noelle's health seems to be really bad. If he works, maybe……"

"Was it when we were fighting just now?"Barbara looked at Noelle with concern.

She immediately activated the water elemental power to help heal.

After a while, Barbara said:"You are too tired and need a good rest!"

"No, no, Noelle still has to go back to the winery and do what a maid should do."Noelle hurriedly shook his head.

"I don’t mean to avoid work, I’m just worried that I won’t be able to take care of everyone. Noelle will work hard.……"

"Barbara did it for you!"Barbara volunteered.

"Although I don’t know much about maids, I used to……"

As she said that, Barbara glanced at Qin and thought of the time when she was still in the Gunnhild family.

For such a big family, maids are a must. They have seen her since she was a child.

"In short, I helped you. If you feel embarrassed, just help me clean the church office another day!"

"good!"Noelle agreed.

She seemed to have made a decision, Qin held her chest and said

"Everyone, the matter with the Wind Demon Dragon is over, but because we encountered the Qiuqiu people’s attack and there is still a lot of aftermath work to do, I took Keli back first!"

Is there really not even a little cheer of victory?

But Bai Di doesn't care about this. At this moment of victory, the citizens of Mondstadt can't even tell whether the Wind Demon Dragon has been destroyed or saved. There is no need for such cheers.

Keli feels aggrieved. Di followed Captain Qin, turned around, and whispered:

"Brother Bai Di, I want to be in solitary confinement all day, remember to come see me, it would be best if you bring some grilled fish"

"Brother Bai Di's grilled fish was many times more delicious than what Keli usually eats.……"

"Keli……"Qin called softly.

Keli hurriedly followed up

"Facing Keli, Qin suddenly became very strict! Paimon couldn't help but sigh.

Yingze said:"That's because Captain Qin has high hopes for Keli, so he has very high requirements for her. Whether it's the rules of survival or the most basic etiquette, she is very responsible. This is for Keli's own good"

"If Paimon wants to become a better guide, it would be great to have such guardianship!"

"Paimon has grown up! Paimon pouted:"It just looks shorter, no, I'm not short!""

"Paimon flies very high!"

Immediately after, the six people planned to teleport, Bai Di suddenly remembered that because of the Qiuqiu people's general attack, he had been delayed in activating the wind elemental power.

He couldn't wait at this moment, and he said directly

"Let’s teleport to the statue near Chenxi Winery. I plan to enshrine the statue of the Seven Heavens!" ps: Please leave a message, hehe, and the anchor of the Coconut Sheep Protection Association answered the question in the message area!

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