"so……"Ying asked curiously:"What is the evil eye?"

"It's something created by fools."Amber explained

"Master Diluc used it originally because of the special circumstances, but I feel that maybe someone with the Eye of God can use the Evil Eye"

"Just looking at the example of Mr. Diluc is a bit one-sided."

"The power of the evil eye is very strong. The energy that bursts out instantly is stronger than the eye of god, but it will suffer backlash."

"magical stuff……"Ying looked thoughtful.

Bai Di, who was interested before, now seems to be yawning a little.

"Everyone, that’s all the information I know. I have to go back first. The Knights should be very busy now!"Amber said hello and was ready to leave.

"Let’s talk about it next time we meet……"

After saying that, Amber hurried out and teleported back to Mondstadt.

"Scouting Knight is really busy.……"Paimon Show Hands

"Among the Knights of the West Wind, Amber is the only scout knight. Ying smiled softly:"It's already pretty good without us!""

"It’s finally time to rest!"

Ying stretched.

Soon, Barbara came back with a drink.

"Has Amber gone back? The knights are really busy. After the dragon disaster is over, there is no way to rest for a while!"

No matter what else, everyone is taking a good rest in the winery and having afternoon tea.

At the same time, in the city of Mondstadt,

Qin is ready and is giving a speech to the citizens in the square.

Clarifying the facts for Tvarin , the citizens in the square were sighing.

Moreover, some people in the Goethe Hotel were not in a good mood.

The lady was sitting gloomily in the conference room of the hotel, and only the fooling Thunder Firecaster was left beside her.

New The debt processor has not been transferred yet.

"Madam, that traveler was too arrogant and actually killed the counselor in front of the knights!"Master Lei Ying, now he hates Bai Di deeply.

He has been robbed of so many good things. The more he thinks about it, the angrier he becomes, and the more he thinks about it, the more he suffers!

"Madam, are we being bullied like this? He obviously came to help Mondstadt, but he was bullied like this by a foreigner.……"

Master Lei Ying continued to think casually, and the lady, who was already very annoyed, became even more irritated at this moment.

At this moment, after thinking hard, Victor knocked on the door and walked in, saying respectfully

"Madam, we were unable to intervene in the monster attack. That guy Kaia was very cunning and did not give us a chance."

"Moreover...the Knights and Travelers returned in triumph and happened to be able to help.……"

"So to say……"the lady thought

"Is it the wind god who needs to wear the crown again, or is it the traveler who helps to deal with it?"

"Forget it, what you said is irrelevant, go out."

All the fools in the room retreated.

Victor touched the back of his head, feeling scared for no apparent reason.

"I thought I was going to be scolded, why is the lady so calm?"

"What do you know?"Leiying Magician said with a smile:"I have already discussed with the lady, Bai Di is not a member of the Knights of the West Wind. If we completely break with the Knights because of this, it will not be good for us."

"Therefore, the lady must be secretly planning to deal with him."

At this moment, the lady in the room was sorting out information.

She got up and walked slowly around the room

"The matter of the Wind Demon Dragon has been solved. The Bard is the God of Wind. What an irony."

"Bai Di is just a sideshow. The next time I see Wendy, I can’t let him run away again."

"Heart of God...heh……"

In an instant, the lady had disappeared from where she was, and she didn’t know where she went.

In the square in the city, Commander Qin’s speech was coming to an end.

"It turns out that the four winds protect Lord Tevarin. We should not forget Lord Tevarin’s kindness!"

"That’s right, it’s good that the misunderstanding has been resolved. As expected of the Knights, they are really reliable."

"And those two travelers helped Mondstadt a lot!"

The citizens whispered

"Commander Qin, where is the Qin in the Sky? Has that bard been caught?"

"I almost forgot that the bard has disappeared for a long time. He is guilty of being a thief. Captain Qin, is there any whereabouts of him?"

"That guy wouldn't leave Mondstadt after stealing something so important!"

"this……"Seeing everyone's indignation, Captain Qin suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

It is impossible to tell the truth. In order to help Wendy hide her identity, Captain Qin said against her will.

"The Sky Piano has been recovered, and……"

"It was not Wendy who stole the piano. This was a misunderstanding. Wendy... was actually wronged."

"Because the dragon disaster was not explained to everyone, in short, please don’t worry about the Sky Piano anymore!"

As soon as these words came out, the citizens suddenly became confused.

"Isn't it Wendy? Then why is he running?"

"Although it was unexpected, he might have been scared and ran away after being chased by a large number of people.……"Captain Qin gently stroked his chest:"Dandelion Knight Qin assured Fengshen that Wendy was misunderstood."

"In addition, regarding matters such as the trade routes in Mondstadt, the Knights will issue an announcement later. In short, please wait for the announcement."

After that, Qin returned to the knights with a face of shame.

The knights also disbanded, and the citizens cheered and were curious.

More people were happy that the dragon disaster was over.

"If the trade route is good, you can drink wine again. You don’t have to eat, but people will die if you don’t drink wine!"A drunkard said happily.

The reason why Diluc was able to maintain business in Dragon Calamity was largely because wine from other places did not dare to be transported on trade routes.

And he has the eyes of God and is not afraid of those monsters......

However, it is impossible for all the citizens of Mondstadt to go to the tavern. After all, the wine at Chenxi Winery is very expensive.

"It’s time to open for business!"A merchant shouted excitedly.

There was a scene of recovery in the city of Mondstadt.

At this moment, Chenxi Winery.

After a simple rest, Bai Di still couldn't sit still and was planning to do something.

At this moment, someone Knock on the door.

The person who came turned out to be Diluc.

Seeing that the house seemed to be clean, Diluc looked calm. However, it felt a bit awkward to knock on the door when he got home.

"It's Master Diluc."Barbara greeted

"I took the liberty of visiting the winery. In fact...Barbara has already stayed at the winery for a day.……"

"It doesn’t matter, the temporary owners of the winery are travelers. Diluc said politely:"Everyone can do whatever they want.""

"I came here to say, if you don't mind, come tonight with the angel's gift, I promised to prepare a feast"

"Although I personally don’t like celebrations, saving Tevalin is a rare event and deserves to be celebrated."

"OK!"Paimon happily agreed.

"No problem, shall we go now?"

"words now……"Diluc thought for a while:"It's okay, but the banquet is still being prepared."

"It will pass in a while!"Paimon immediately changed his mind.

Bai Di laughed secretly, good guy, Paimon is very clever!

If he goes over now, wouldn't it be better to help, or to wait and eat?

"In this case, I will take my leave first. There are only two hours left in the evening."After Diluc finished speaking, he went out.

Ying looked at Bai Di casually.

"What about us, should we wait until the evening is over, or should we go to Mondstadt now?"

"This is it……"Bai Di thought for a while.

It's true that I can't sit still for a while, but going to Mondstadt doesn't seem to be a big deal.

He wants to improve the level of elemental power combat skills, but he can fight the phaseless wind.

"Shall we go to that place? Bai Di said to Ying:"It's the formless wind.""

"good!"Ying agreed immediately.

"Where's Paimon?"

"Paimon has to take care of Noelle!"Paimon flew directly to Noelle.

It seemed that the subtext was that it was better to be comfortable in the winery.

"See you all tonight."Barbara didn't intend to follow.

Bai Di and Ying teleported directly to the anchor point in Wangfeng Mountain.

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