Sure enough, after opening the door, an abyss mage wearing ice blue robes was looking here with fear.

"you!"Mage Abyss was greatly surprised and exclaimed

"How did you find this place? It has been... deliberately hidden.……"

Lisa looked lazily, hugging her chest and said

"I'm not interested in where you guys are hiding. I just want to get the books back."

"You have time to hide the stronghold and set up seals... but don't have time to go through the loan procedures?"

"What a guy who doesn't know how to respect other people's work."

She seemed very angry, with a bit of impatience in her tone, and looked at the Abyss Mage calmly and dissatisfied.

"Hum hum, it turns out it’s for that book……"The Abyss Mage immediately put on an ice attribute shield for himself and wanted to fight.

"oh?"Lisa raised her hand, tilted it back slightly, and a rose thunder light appeared.

Under the thunder light, the Abyss Mage's shield received terrifying thunder and lightning strikes one after another.

But for a moment, it was over.

"You should honestly hand over that copy of"The White Princess and the Six Dwarfs"."Lisa despised the Abyss Mage.

Needless to say, when a lady is angry, she has a different feeling.

Her slightly narrowed eyes, her arrogant attitude, and her lazy body.

Hmm... Bai Di admired it a little and looked towards the abyss. mage

"It surprised me that……"The Abyss Mage suddenly laughed strangely

"In a place like Mondstadt, there are actually people who have figured out the secrets in the book……"

"who are you?"

Good guy, this is just a fairy tale. What secrets are there?

Is this the hobby of the Abyss Mage, or is it really a hidden secret?

"Library management. Lisa just said lightly:"After saying so much, do you still have to ask?" Please return the books, this is your ultimatum!"

"snort……"The Abyss Mage snorted coldly:"You actually want to...hide your identity!"

Lisa couldn't help it any longer. She raised her hand directly, and violent thunder elemental power surged in the palm of her hand, covering the surroundings, including the Abyss Mage.

"Huh?! do you want to do! This level of elemental power... Do you want to……"

The Abyss Mage suddenly started to cry.


The terrifying screams pierced by the electric current came out, like a sharp object scratching the glass, which was harsh and unpleasant.

But looking at the appearance of the Abyss Mage, life is worse than death.

And naturally, what he wanted to say couldn't be said.

Forget it, Bai Di snapped his fingers, and the Abyss Mage was completely liberated by his fire alchemy.

It's not that he feels too pitiful, but Bai Di feels a little uncomfortable hearing such an unpleasant cry, and now he also collects the fallen materials.

"Let me see……"Bai Di looked around and saw that the elemental marks were still there, and it was easy to find the"White Princess and the Six Dwarfs".

He had no interest in reading to find out any secrets, because he wouldn't understand them even if he read them.

Taking the book, Bai Di handed it to Lisa and said casually

"The matter is settled, let's go back"

"The little cutie can’t wait……"Lisa suddenly smiled, with that gentle look, there was no trace of the fierceness just now.

"You’ve been with me for so long, and I won’t treat you unfairly!"

Still calling me cutie!

Soon... the two of them teleported to the roof of the Mondstadt West Wind Knights.

With the help of the wings of wind, Lisa landed lightly, while Bai Di fell to the ground in an instant.

"The little cutie wanted Mu Feng Mushroom before, right? Lisa asked suddenly.

Bai Di nodded.

"That……"Lisa looked towards the steps:"In return, will my sister accompany you to pick some?"


Bai Di's eyes widened.

Good guy, so when Lisa talks about help, does she mean this help?

With this time, Bai Di may have picked all the mushrooms in Mondstadt.

Still need her...

In short, feeling like being cheated, Bai Di asked doubtfully:"Sister, don't you have any mushrooms in reserve?"

"that kind of thing……"Lisa said gently:"Of course when you use it, just pick a little bit and it will be enough."

"What's wrong? The little cutie doesn't seem satisfied."

Not only is he dissatisfied, this is a completely unequal transaction.

At least in Bai Di's eyes, helping to find books is more troublesome than picking mushrooms. He wants to directly ask for a carriage of mushrooms.

But how can he be willing to lose sister Lisa's hand? Inside, there is also a forbidden library that you can take a look at.

The name sounds very interesting, so of course I have to study it with Lisa.

"Forget it, no more mushrooms. Bai Di said with a little bit of expectation.

"Let's go to the Forbidden Library!"

"good. Lisa actually agreed without hesitation:"In the following time, my little cutie can do whatever she wants, as long as my sister can satisfy you.""

This...if she hadn't known that Lisa liked to tease people occasionally, Bai Di would have almost believed it.

She took Bai Di into the Knights of the West Wind together, and the second gatekeeper even said hello.

After entering the library, This atmosphere is so peaceful……

"As for the Forbidden Library, follow your sister."Lisa said mysteriously.

Bai Di was even a little shy at the thought of studying the books in the forbidden library with the beautiful and big sister Lisa with a blushing face, but more importantly, she was excited!

"Come on……"Sister Lisa returned home and smiled sweetly.

Those who hesitate will surely miss opportunities.

When we arrived at the underground library, there were really many books in it. They were full of books. Several scholars were quietly studying this explanation.

"Pounce! Bah!"

A strange shout came, and he heard it, and it was a little girl with twin tails.

"Ella Musk, Qiuqiu human language researcher. Lisa introduced smoothly and walked over with Bai Di.

Seeing the two of them, Ella Musk turned over.

She was wearing a pink skirt, blue eyes, and a pink flower hairpin. She looked quite handsome. Cute, a beauty……

"Librarian, and traveler?"It's surprising that Ella Musk's politeness is not what he should be at this age.

"Hello travelers, I am Ella Musk, a scholar who specializes in Qiuqiu’s oral application rules."

"You...hello."So sensible, Bai Di was a little caught off guard.

After all, in the impression of a child, Bai Di is more like Keli.

No wonder the Knights of the West Wind take care of Keli so much. It turns out there is such a thing, super obedient and well-behaved, even at a young age A little girl who has become a scholar.

But in comparison, Keli’s strength is even more amazing.

"Ella Musk, keep quiet in the library, I told you many times. Lisa said softly

"ok but……"Ella Musk looks at Bai Di

"Are travelers interested in the language of the Qiuqiu people?"

The language of the Qiuqiu people? Bai Di suddenly remembered the tragic incident when he was chased by the Qiuqiu people when he first arrived on the Tiwat continent, and nodded slightly.

"That's right, if you can communicate with the Qiuqiu people……"

It seems to be of no use!

Do you need to comfort the dying Qiuqiu people before the fight?

Bai Di usually hits a large area. If you talk about it, it's not the same as mobilizing in front of the station. It's strange to think about it.

"Then this book is for you!"Ella Musk took out a book to investigate the customs of the Qiuqiu people.

Bai Di took it and said, good guy, this thing... forget it, there are a lot of strange things in the package anyway, and this one is not missing.

"Then let's go……"Lisa took Bai Di to the entrance of the Forbidden Library.

Then he took out a key from his body and finally opened the door to the forbidden library!

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