"It turns out that neighboring countries are so beautiful.……"Barbara couldn't help but sigh, and Noelle beside her looked a little excited.

Bai Di and Ying also simply admired it for a moment.

"Let's go, you have only one chance a year to find the Rock God. Paimeng looked at Liyue City and said,"We must first find a place to live. Tomorrow is the ceremony for inviting immortals.""

"That's right."Keqing nodded slightly and introduced.

"After crossing the bridge, the first store you see is the hotel. It’s easy to find a place to stay."

"If you want to eat, the hotel will provide it. If you want to eat out, why not go directly to Xiangling. I will go into the city with you and do your own thing."

Is this the legendary oral arrangement? Although Liyue is also quite beautiful, it is better to have someone to receive her in Mondstadt. Bai Di... misses Kaia a little bit. At this moment, Kaia, who is drinking in a tavern in Mondstadt, He couldn't help but choked on his drink and smiled:"Maybe some close friend is thinking of me, haha."

Soon, everyone walked to the bridge together. Cai Xun, the Qianyan Army at the head of the bridge, saw everyone and hurriedly shouted politely

"Lord Yuheng! Who are these?"

"He is a traveler from a neighboring country, coming to attend the ceremony to invite immortals."Ke Qing responded:"By the way, go back and report. They have brought the dragons from Mondstadt City. For the time being, these people are just attending the invitation ceremony and want to meet the Rock King."

"Got the order! Cai Xun of the Qianyan Army immediately clasped his fists and said,"Don't worry, Lord Yu Heng, my subordinates will report immediately.""

After that, he left the bridge directly, but there were other Qianyan troops on the other side of the bridge, so it was okay for him to leave temporarily.

"alright."Ke Qing turned around

"Tewarin's matter has been resolved, but I haven't expressed my position yet on the prank of deliberately throwing me down. If I speak now, can he hear me?"

"Maybe. Bai Di smiled. If Tevarin needed it, he would enable the perception of the outside world to be transmitted through the core of God without any delay.

But Tevarin was very quiet and had no such idea.

"Forget it, actually I don't really care."Ke Qing shook her hair

"Then you can have a good time in Liyue. Goodbye."

"etc!"Paimon suddenly stopped, as if he wanted to say something.

"Just leave like that? Please say goodbye to the immortal ceremony?"

"Invitation ceremony? Keqing thought for a while and said casually:"Except for last year when I was the host and had to participate, there is usually no need to waste time for this." But this tradition has been going on for a long time, and Qixing has been running it. Although you can't see me, you can see Tianquan Ningguang."

"I remember saying that she was the one who organized the ceremony"

"Tianquan... Ningguang?"Paimeng nodded as if he understood.

After Ke Qing left, Paimeng said to everyone:"Qixing is a wealthy person in Liyue. Have you noticed that this Yuhengxing still takes good care of us? of"

"If we meet Amber in Mondstadt, we will be thoroughly investigated."

Paimon didn't mean to dislike Amber. She just made an analogy based on her understanding. Amber is everyone's friend. If you think about it carefully, it is like this. Keqing has her own rules and will not act like a knight. The group is like that.

But in terms of care...compared to Kaiya... forget it, I don't miss Kaiya anymore. I hope I can get a little more care from Keqing in the future.

"Paimon didn't remember anything, only that Seven Stars had money."Ying said softly:"Let's go. It's still very early now. We can have a nice walk around Liyue City."

"Then come to Wanmin Hall for lunch at noon."Xiang Ling said enthusiastically:"Everyone can come, I'll treat you! By the way, Bai Di, please give me the ingredients I found. I'm going back to Wanmin Hall. Bai

Di waved his hand and took out the three baskets from the package and handed them to Xiang Ling.

Xiang Ling took two and carried one to Guo Ba, each with a cheerful look on his face.

Everyone crossed the bridge together, Xiang Ling again Say goodbye and leave.

There are many business people on the bridge at the moment, selling vegetables and fruits, selling boxes, selling wine, and selling groceries.

"How about some friends, come and take a look at the goods? They are all rare goods on land!"The salesman yelled.

But Liyue people are pretty good at shouting. When they heard that it was a rare product on land, it was obvious that the four girls were interested in taking a look.

Bai Di led the four of them over.

Behind the vendor, there were some tea, porcelain, and some boxes and other groceries. Bai Di asked:"These are common on land. What are the rare goods you mentioned?""

"oh? Do guests want to see it?"The salesman Zhang Shun immediately pulled out a large box from under the goods behind him.

"Take a look at this, you guys, this is a real good thing!"

"nice one……"Everyone came closer together.

Watching him open the box, it turned out to be a lot of holy relics!

"this……"Bai Di took a closer look and found that although it was a holy relic, the quality was a bit poor.

Holy relics are divided into five levels: fable, epic, rare, exquisite, and ordinary.

Corresponding to gold, purple, blue, green and white.

The white one is ordinary, does not emit luster, and is of no use at all.

Now these holy relics are all green and white

"It turned out to be a holy relic."Ying asked curiously.

They also asked about this thing in other places, but most of them didn't have it. They don't do the business of holy relics.

"You know your stuff, this traveler."The salesman Zhang Shun's eyes immediately lit up.

"So, these are pretty good, right? These are all new gadgets that you can’t buy anywhere else. Are you interested in them?"

"Sorry, um... Although it is a holy relic, we don't need it. Ying said politely:"But where do you come from?""

Ordinary people don't have sacred relics.

"Why? Zhang Shun thought about it carefully and said with a sudden realization:"Don't you guys think that I am dirty?""

"No, no, I was originally a tax payer of the Southern Cross Fleet. These are the trophies I have accumulated over the past few years, and there is only so much."

"pity……"As he spoke, he also sighed:"It's a pity that I was injured in the battle with the demon [Haishan]. It's only thanks to Big Sister Beidou that I saved my life.""

"After that, I quit the fleet with a loss. I couldn’t drag everyone in the fleet back with the hidden danger of recurrence of old injuries. At least what I had accumulated over the years was enough for me to live an ordinary life."

"Why? Sorry, sorry, I accidentally said so much to a few people"

"So since you don't need it, what about the two people behind you?"Zhang Shun looked at Noelle and Barbara and noticed that they were carrying the Eye of God.

"The treasure on both of you is called the Eye of God, so it must require a holy relic, right?"

"Yes. Barbara nodded:"I'm sorry, I don't want it anymore. Can you sell me this plate of tea?" It smells so good."

Barbara has a golden fable-level holy relic sent by Bai Di. Although it is only one piece, it is not comparable to these exquisite-level holy relics.

"What about this? Zhang Shun picked up the tea and said,"The guest knows tea very well. I don't remember the name of this tea. It was brought back by the fleet. The price is...just ten thousand molad. To be honest, this tea is good, but I don’t know what kind of tea it is, and I can’t bear to drink it, hehe"

"ten thousand……"Barbara hesitated for a moment

"Is ten thousand expensive?"Zhang Shun also scratched his head.

"Okay, bought it. Bai Di directly helped pay for it:"Anyway, we are all drinking together, don't worry about anything.""

Barbara took the tea leaves, sniffed them gently, and smiled with satisfaction. She didn't thank Bai Di either. She felt that was too intrusive.

"What about this knight?" Zhang Shun looked at Noelle

"knight? Noelle quickly explained:"Well, Noelle is just a maid of the Knights of the West Wind. As for the holy relics, there is no need for them. I have a complete set with me.""

Noelle's body suddenly shone brightly, and the purple and blue holy relics met. When Bai Di saw it, it was none other than a gladiator set.

Speaking of which, the gladiator's holy relics could only be from Mongolia. According to German rumors, Noelle is a little easier to collect. There are two purple quality items and the others are blue.

It seems that it is not that easy for her to find holy relics. She might leave a set for Noelle if she has a chance.

"this……"Zhang Shun smiled awkwardly

"As expected of a person with the eyes of God, it’s normal to look down on me."

"Well, this is for you. After all, you have listened to me talking for so long, and I can’t sell this."

Said, Zhang Shun took out a blue holy relic from another box, which was a warrior's heart wine glass, named the Warrior's Heroic Journey.

"Don't be surprised. Zhang Shun explained:"This holy relic is considered a good thing, but every time I look at it, I think of the brothers on the Southern Cross and Big Sister Beidou. I feel ready to go to sea.""

"I have had this idea for a long time. If I meet someone who is destined, I will give this away. I am injured and can no longer go to sea. I can’t drag everyone down."

"Forehead……"Paimon looked at it and couldn't help but said with some regret.

"Unexpectedly, when I first came to Liyue, I met such a good businessman. We can’t ask for anything that is commemorative to you."

"no no no……"Zhang Shun calmed down and explained:"I just run a small business. Compared with businessmen, I am much worse. Take it. This thing may be able to help you. After all, holy relics are rare items!

" The relic was handed to Bai Di, who took it and looked at the wine glass thoughtfully.

Although it was not something particularly good for him, he could tell that it was something that the salesman valued, and it was inappropriate to accept it, but rejecting it made him even more disappointed.

Bai Di smiled and used the wings of the sky

"I accepted the holy relic, but we bartered it. I don’t have anything else. Let me try to heal your injuries."

"You...what did you say?"Zhang Shun's eyes widened.

"This young man, I have been injured for a long time. Let alone cure it, even if I go to the doctor to see it, I won’t be able to find out if I don’t tell him."

"I can still live a normal life now, but I'm just worried that I may have a hidden disease that will prevent me from going to sea. Do you really, really have a solution?"

"etc!"Barbara hurriedly stood in front of Bai Di

"Why don't you let Barbara take a look first? Treating people is a very troublesome thing."

"No, no, no, it’s not that Barbara finds it troublesome. It’s because the process of learning medical skills and practicing medicine are very complicated. It doesn’t mean that you can just become a doctor."

"Bai Di, you didn’t know how to do it before, Barbara knew it!"

"Forehead……"Bai Di smiled

"I actually know a little bit about it!"

"Don't worry, I won't make fun of other people's health."

As he spoke, Bai Di strummed the bowstring directly.

Zhang Shun had not recovered from the words of the two men, but was already intoxicated by the gentle wind-like rhythm.

He only felt that the place where he had been injured was extremely itchy. , his whole body was itching, as if something was gathering and growing.

The rhythm was like magic, making his body beat with each note until the music stopped.

The four girls in front of him were also intoxicated. Among them, the vendors and passers-by around stopped to watch and actually clapped their hands at this moment.

If Bai Di didn't look like he was dressed like a busker, someone might have come up and handed him a few pieces of mola.

"It sounds great!" Noelle couldn't help but praise.

"How is it possible? Is this... absolute pitch? Barbara looked shocked.

Paimon scratched his head:"It sounds good, I know, but what is absolute pitch?""

"That is a very strong existence in the eyes of everyone who understands music."Barbara explained seriously:"Absolute pitch sense, grasp of rhythm, and accurate identification of sounds. They can find the faintest gap in the sounds, just like an orange. Some people look red and others look red. Yellow, but orange has a defined color range, an absolute range, and what it is is what it is."

"In short, Bai Di's control of the rhythm must be in place only with an absolute sense of pitch!"

"Really? Bai Di put away her sky wings and smiled.

What the hell, what kind of strange talent does he have? Can he recognize Cheng Zi?

"this……"Seeing Bai Di's disapproval, Barbara actually smiled bitterly and said:"It's still the kind of thing you were born with."……"

"Don’t you even know it yourself? Have you never practiced hard?"

"Why can't I hear it?"Ying said doubtfully:"I just thought it sounded good, I didn't notice anything at all."

"that is because……"Barbara suddenly blushed and said

"Actually, I am too, so I can tell the difference, but there is one thing we are different about"

"Bai Di was born, but I barely mastered it later. It took me a long time and a lot of effort."

"It can be trained at a very young age, but Barbara missed the opportunity and did not start working hard until she grew up. The chance can be said to be less than 1%. Fortunately, I finally learned it."

"I really envy Bai Di. If he was born, he would definitely be gifted when he learned music, and his future achievements would be even higher!"

"It's good to learn. I didn't know that Barbara had worked so hard. Bai Di laughed. He had no intention of achieving anything in music.

But if you work hard, less than 1% of people can master it. Then Barbara has worked hard to be a good idol. It’s really amazing.

Listening to Bai Di’s praise, Barbara lowered her head shyly

"Doesn’t it look like she’s showing off? Barbara was just a little surprised and didn’t mean to say that she understood.……"

"that……"At this moment, Zhang Shun came back to his senses and looked at everyone

"Excuse me for interrupting your discussion about music. This young man’s name is Bai Di. I……"

After saying that, Zhang Shun bowed deeply.

"I don't know how to express my gratitude."A grown man choked up at this moment and said:"Although I don't know if the old injury has healed, but my body feels much more relaxed than before the injury. I rely on music to heal my illness. Dr. Bai Di, you are my benefactor!"

"I can finally go to sea, brothers of the Southern Cross, and I can adventure with you again!"

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