Arriving at the door of the Immortal Mansion, Bai Di tried to push it, and a female voice that sounded superior came from inside the door.

"Mortals, please don’t disturb me, and leave as soon as you have finished your offering!"

"But I still have something to do with you. Bai Di shouted

"What are you doing with me, a mere mortal?"Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng said disdainfully

"That's all, for the sake of your worship, try to break into this immortal's fairy house."

The door opened, and there was a space of its own in this Immortal Mansion.

There were pumice stones everywhere, connected to mechanisms, and some monsters. Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjunze's Immortal Platform.

A mere mortal, looking down on himself so much, Bai Di doesn't want to run such a long way honestly.

"The barrier of wind!"

The Wings of Wind were opened and protected by the Wind Barrier, and he flew directly.

But there seemed to be a restriction in the space. He flew too high, and after a flutter, the Wings of Wind were damaged.

After all, it was just used for gliding. The tool was tossed around in his hands and finally broke.

Bai Di fell on the floating stone platform first.

The Wings of Wind was broken, butI went to the Knights to find someone to help repair it, but after the repair, it was still an ordinary Wing of Wind, and it would still break sooner or later.

Without the wings of wind, Bai Di felt a little lost inexplicably, just like a bird without wings.

Although it wasn't that exaggeratedly uncomfortable, he was still slightly dissatisfied.

Without this Broken Immortal Mansion, it might not be broken at all!

This debt must be settled on Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's head.

No longer thinking about it, Bai Di used the lightning teleportation to immediately teleport to the distant platform, and in another moment, he came to the Immortal Platform...

At the same time, in Jueyun, the three-person team also had something to say. Progress has been made.

Walking to the ruins of an incense burner, a fairy deer appeared with a slightly hoarse voice.

"Why do you mortals go so deep into the clouds?"

"Alas, the deer spoke! Mona was startled:"Wait until I take a look at the water fortune teller and check the origin of this deer. Don't panic now.""

"Well, you are the only one who is panicking."Barbara took a step forward and asked the fairy deer.

"Hello, we heard that the immortals in Liyue often appear in the form of animals. Why are you here to see the immortals?"

"snort……"Xianlu snorted coldly

"I am an immortal with three eyes and five manifestations, the true king who cuts the moon and builds the sun. Mortals can't stand the immortal energy anymore. Please explain your intention quickly."

Mona pondered for a moment, Shui Zhanpan really didn't see anything.

"It turns out you are an immortal. We are here to tell you that Emperor Yanwang was killed during the ceremony to invite immortals."

Barbara covered her face. She hadn't thought about what to say yet, but the result was so direct.

"joke……"Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun looked at the three people and saw that they all had the eyes of gods. He couldn't help but be shocked.

"Are you telling the truth?"

The three of them explained, and Zhenyue Zhuyang finally believed them. They didn't lie.

"How unreasonable!"

"How unreasonable!!!"

Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun was furious. At this moment, the three girls had also felt the power of the immortal energy. Sure enough, it was not that comfortable for mortals.

"There must be something fishy about how someone could assassinate the emperor during the Immortal Invitation Ceremony."

"The Seven Stars of Liyue are really disappointing. I will tell all the immortals to go to Liyue and suppress the real assassin!"

"please wait a while!"Barbara hurriedly advised

"The immortal stayed behind, and Liyue Qixing was already investigating. I wonder how the immortal planned to catch the assassin?"

Hearing this, Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun paused and said angrily

"Naturally, I went to Liyue Port to investigate with all the immortals. Three travelers, please inform me of this matter. I will make my own judgment."

"It's Liyue Qixing...that's all. I'll settle the score with them later."

‘It seems that Ningguang's worry is not unreasonable. 'Barbara sighed secretly.

When the immortal's temper rises, there is nothing that can be done to stop it.

But they were doing it for a transaction, and now they seem to be at an impasse, unable to intervene at all.

"Excuse me, Immortal, is there anything we can help with? Noelle stepped forward and said,"I am the maid of the Knights of the West Wind. You can trust me no matter what you do.""

"Um……"True Lord Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang temporarily calmed down.

"Mortals can't help much, but I have already made a judgment in my heart. If I am arbitrary or make mistakes, if you three are really thoughtful, please tell all the immortals on my behalf."

"My disciple has already gone."Mona shook her ponytail and said with half of her waist

"In addition to my disciple, there is another traveler who is already on the way."

Barbara and Noelle also nodded.

"Immortals might as well believe in the seven stars. Barbara said:"Although we didn't stay long in Liyue, the people in Liyue Port all worship the Seven Stars, and it was the Seven Stars who told us the location of the Immortal, which shows that everyone wants to solve the problem together.""

"What do you outsiders know?"The True Monarch of Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang said coldly.

"That's all, let's see what other immortal families mean."

After the immortal left, the three of them sat aside and waited.

"The Immortal is aloof, and if oil and salt are not available, things will be difficult to handle."Mona covered her head.

Her divination only came in handy when she was looking for immortals.

"Feel……"Noelle smiled and said:"He was still very accommodating to us. At least he didn't force us to leave because we were outsiders. This should be considered a success."

Barbara held her cheek and pouted:"It's just I place my hope on Bai Di and Ying. If the situation there is better, this immortal will listen to the opinions of other immortals."

"By the way, speaking of which, Noelle seemed to have not had a good rest. Last night... did anything happen?"

The two of them looked at Noelle curiously.

Being asked so bluntly, Noelle was a little shy, but since they are all girls now, they would naturally discuss some private topics.

She tilted her head guiltily and said weakly said

"There's nothing, it's just Bai Di sleeping, and it's very dishonest... But it's actually Noel's own random thoughts."

"……"Barbara looked a little envious as she listened.

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