"The first step in preparing for the ceremony is to obtain the highest quality Yebo stone that can match the quality of the gods."

Zhong Li said, taking everyone to understand Cuixing.

This is a jade restaurant with a shed where they eat at Huyan.

"Hello, sir, welcome to Jie Cuixing. Would you like to try your luck at opening two rough stones today?"Shitou, the boss of Xie Cuixing, warmly welcomed us.

"Hum, so this is where I came from. Paimon hugged his chest and said,"Yesterday's broken rocks are worthless at all. Paimon will not be fooled by you again.""

The boss Shitou hurriedly laughed and said:"This young guest is joking. The reason why the Pu stone is a Pu stone is because it is unmodified and resembles the natural and innocent cuteness of this guest. This is the Kai Pu stone. fun of."

Paimon covered his head, looking like he didn't understand and had a headache.

"Anyway, we don’t want any rough stones, we want night stones."

"Um. Zhong Li said calmly:"The quality must be at least Zhuzhao grade.""

He was still very concerned about the fact that he was sent away.

"The Zhuzhao-level Yebo Stone turns out to be not a tourist!Shitou was startled and said hurriedly:"I'm sorry, I'll get the goods right away."

After a while, he took out a few Yebo stones and placed them on the table.

"What do you think? We, Jie Cuixing, are a time-honored jade brand. Shitou introduced:"Look at the appearance of this product. It's definitely on the shelves. It's a rare gift even from Prince Yan. You can feel free to choose it.""

Compared with the Yebo stones that are usually dug out, these three pieces are larger and more beautiful.

Bai Di doesn't understand stones, but he can see another thing.

That is that the boss of the stone gambling business has already Stones of different qualities are classified, and the worse ones are put in the bad ones, and the better ones are put in the good ones.

In this way, as a customer, it is more difficult to pick up the leaks, and the boss is sure to make a profit.

I think Paimeng is the one who stupidly picks up the leaks. , the result was in vain

"Since it was Zhong Li who wanted to buy it, he had better keep an eye on it."Paimon has a long memory, and he sees that these stones are worth a lot of money, so he doesn't pick them randomly.

"Let me tell you. Zhong Li said casually:"I want them all!""

"good!"Shitou immediately applauded

"Sir, I have long seen that you are very ambitious and your actions are indeed generous."

"baffling."Mona interjected:"The gift ceremony requires so much. Although I don't know how rich you are, it's a complete waste."

"yes. Paimon also analyzed:"If you only need one kind of ritual, buying them all would be a waste of three times the Mora?"

Ying nodded slightly:"Paimon is right.""

Two living treasures, haven't you considered wasting twice as much?"

"As long as the Yebo stone you bought is worth the price, it won't be wasted. Bai Di said

"But even if they are all good-quality Yepo stones, there is still a gap. It would be a waste to buy the bad ones as well."

Zhong Li was thoughtful, holding his chin and analyzing.

"Hmm...so, are you considering Mora?"

"This is indeed the case. I didn't think of this problem just now. It's because I didn't think carefully. Paimon crossed his chest, frowned, and asked in confusion:"How can you not consider Mora when buying something?""

"If Mora must be considered first in everything, it is equivalent to being tied up by Mora in everything."Zhong Li started to talk. No, he is a god, so he is a god.

"Mora is naturally money, but money is not naturally Mora."

Everyone felt helpless for a while, especially Mona. Considering how long she had been worrying about Moura, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Although I understand macroeconomics very well, I don’t know how to save a little money!"Paimon looked at Zhong Li with a critical tone.

"When Paimon was eating, didn't he also want to buy them all and eat them?"Ying joked

"Why? Paimeng chuckled:"It seems like this. Forget it, let's not talk about it. Paimeng feels that Bai Di is right. We can buy more, but we must buy the best ones. In this way, even if we don't If you need it, you won’t lose a lot of money."

"Maybe, hehehe……"

Is it because we have been together for too long and have been subtly affected?

What Bai Di was thinking was the same as Paimon's, which was to win something good by gambling on stones.

"Even if Mora restrains her hands and feet, I have a way to solve the problem even though my hands and feet are restrained."Zhong Li started to work hard and explained to everyone.

"Identifying the quality of Yebo stone is indeed tricky. No matter whether a piece of raw ore is good or bad, its texture, color, and internal rock patterns will not be much different."

"Only when the utensils made by Yebo Stone are formed will we find that some of the finished products cannot be put on the table at all."

This is what happens when you lose money when betting on stones. Things that can't be put on the table are naturally worthless.

"If you go to those profiteers to argue with you at this time, they will excuse you by saying that your synthesis platform is not good and your cargo rear troops are not good."

This is just like what the stone said to Paimon. There is nothing you can do if you lose money, so you have to pay attention when buying.

"However, the real way of identification still exists - a real expert can still identify it."

"If you are ignorant, you will point to the moon; if you look at it, you will not see the moon.

Paimon tilted his head and asked curiously:"What does that mean?" Does it have anything to do with our earning... No, does it have anything to do with our buying night stones?"

Zhong Li started to arrange flowers and continued.

"If you point your finger at the moon, a smart person can understand that you are pointing at the moon, but an unsmart person can only see the finger in front of him and cannot see the moon."

"The texture, the shell... these are all fingers. Yebo stone is a strange stone used for night lighting. The importance of brightness is equivalent to that of the moon in the sky."

"High-quality Yepo stone will have better affinity to the fire element. In other words, under high temperature, the brighter and bluer the luster of the ore, the better the quality."

"I have told you the secrets worth thousands of dollars in the world of jade, and the rest is practice."

Brother Jueqiao said so much, everyone seemed to understand, and knew that the stone was going to be burned.

But the boss would not let the guests burn the night stone, at least not the whole piece, but at most a sample.

Ordinary people would burn the sample. , it's like burning cicada wings, they are destroyed as soon as they are burned, and you can't tell at all. At this time, not only the power of fire element is needed, but also the power of water element.

In short, Bai Di already understands.

Zhong Li deserves a reward for his good work!

"Leave the rest to me and I'll buy it. Bai Di turned around, walked to the front of the shop, looked at the three night stones and asked

"Boss, can I touch it?"

"of course." Shitou hurriedly agreed, but in fact he was secretly happy. After all, as Zhong Li said, you can't tell whether a stone is good or bad by looking at its texture or even touching it. When

Shitou saw it, he knew that this guest was an outsider. He couldn't pick it out. Good or bad, I'm going to make a lot of money this time

"Alchemy of Fire, Water Elemental Affinity……"

Bai Di used his ability to fuse elemental power to activate two abilities at the same time, concentrated in the palm of his hand.

Under his touch, the night stone emitted a light blue light, but was protected by the power of the water element. Other than that, there was nothing unusual about it.

With this little light, Bai Di quickly touched the three stones. It was obvious that the third night stone was the brightest, almost shining so hard that even others noticed.

"This is it, I want it."Baidi pointed casually.

"OK!"The stone was so happy that even he himself didn't know which of the three stones was the best. That would only be known after it was made.

"Well, one piece is not enough. Bai Di said again:"Boss, are there any more?" Get some more out."

Now that you know a secret worth thousands of gold, if you don't turn this secret into a thousand gold, then what's the use of this secret.

Making money with technology is glorious!

"of course!"Shitou was almost overjoyed. This was the arrival of a big buyer. Immediately, he called the assistant in the store, and they worked together and started to take the night's stone from the inventory. ps: As shown in the picture, this is how the night's stone is burned under normal conditions.


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