
The next morning, the herdsmen were sending Ivan and the others off in the middle of the road, not only because of Amber's status as a scout knight, but also because they wanted to get closer to Shu Ci and Timaus.

Enke respectfully brought 20 sheep and 10 cows and handed them over to Eula.

In front of everyone's eyes, Enke willingly knelt down on one knee and touched his chest with his right hand: "Dear Eula Lawrence, thank you for saving my mother, if you have something to ask for, Enke will take the horse leash for you, as your most loyal eagle dog."

Ivan pouted dissatisfiedly.

Also eagle dogs.

For Eula's combat effectiveness, the official knights of the Knights of Favonius are not even dogs, and they can be the eagle dogs themselves.

Eula looked at Enke haughtily, "Keep your cattle and sheep, for to the great Lawrence, these animals are not worth the rest of the world."

"You want to trade a few cows and sheep for the beauty of following Lawrence, how can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"This hatred, I wrote it down!"

Eula had never been a good talker, but those who spoke to him often or were familiar with him knew what she meant by these words, but the herdsmen did not.

People frowned and looked at Eula with a slight dissatisfaction, and even Enke's expression was a little gloomy.

Amber tugged at Eula, "Alright, almost...",

and then smiled at the herdsmen, "We need to go back to Mondstadt as soon as possible to restore these cows and sheep, it will be inconvenient to bring them, and we have no experience in raising them."

"Enke, stay and live well, I'm looking forward to your wedding."

Enke nodded.

Under the watchful eyes of many herdsmen, Ivan and the others rode away on the horses sent by the herdsmen.

When everyone walked away, Batu spit into the ground hatefully: "I'm bah! Lawrence who was by the dog is still following Lawrence's beauty..."

Before he finished speaking, he was whipped on the head by Enke.


Enke scolded with a calm face: "You can talk about her behind your back, but if I listen to it, I can't, this is not only my friend's partner, but also my mother's life-saving benefactor!" The

fact that Ivan was being fed by Eula was seen by the herders, who felt that Ivan seemed to be strong in some way, and that he could make the haughty Lawrence put down his body and serve others.

Batu scolded and stood up, and also pulled out the whip from his waist: "I scolded today, what's the matter?" As

he spoke, he struck Enke in the head

with a whip, and before he could speak two and a half sentences, the two of them stood still, whipping each other with their horsewhips.

The surrounding herdsmen watched the rise and screamed and coaxed.

Among them were Batu's father, Uliji, and Enke's mother, Yakana.

The two of them fought each other, causing the herdsmen to be excited, and they forgot for a moment the pride that Lawrence looked down on, and when these things were over, they might forget about Eula Lawrence, and only remember the others.


On the way, Schutz and Amber chatted enthusiastically.

Because Amber has already paid a deposit for 2,000 arrows in Schütz, it is considering the style of the arrows.

After all, girls want to make arrows beautiful and destructive, and Schutz and Amber discuss these things.

Schutz and Timaius could not ride horses, and in order to take care of these two people, the pace was slowed down a lot, but it was still faster than walking.

Pallad and Timaus walked at the back of the group, a few positions behind the others, muttering about Ivan and Eula.

Because of his membership in the Western Knights, Timaeus hated Lawrence when he was young, but after joining the Western Knights, his hatred for Eula Lawrence diminished a lot due to the guidance of his teacher Albedo.

As for the Pallad... He believed that seeing was believing, and that Eula had not done Mondstadt any harm, but had only spoken it, but was always a little dissatisfied.

However, the good brother Ivan has taken a fancy to Eula, and even now that things are going well, they don't have any dislike for Eula.

Ivan Love Strategist +1

Sora and Paimon stay between Ivan and Eula, and the two of them are talking about whether Anemo is as lascivious as the herdsmen say.

Ivan and Eula seem to have a slight gap after last night's feeding exchange.

Neither of them dared to speak to each other, as if they were afraid that the other would hate each other, or they didn't know what to say.

Both of them were secretly observing each other, and sometimes when their eyes met, their faces would turn red, their body temperature would rise rapidly, and then they would instantly avoid their gaze.

This reaction was taken into the eyes of Palad and Timaeus in the rear.

Timaius touched his chin and said, "I captured a sociological essay from the Steambird newspaper about the Sumeru school, Ivan's phenomenon stems from a family tragedy, and we should help him guide it, so that it will also help him in his later life."

Pallad nodded: "Ivan never shy away from talking about the darkness and light of the world before him, but he doesn't seem to mention his family very much, and he doesn't have a surname... Who doesn't have a surname in Mondstadt except for those sheep herders? Both! The

two talked about how Ivan would pursue Eula next and how to enlighten Ivan out of the haze of childhood.

Timaeus didn't read it all, the sociological paper published by the Sumeru scholar reads.

[Generally speaking, the shadow suffered by childhood often needs to be reconciled by oneself and healed in a lifetime, and there is a high probability that it cannot be cured.] ]

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