Genshin Impact

Chapter 044

There are wolves in front and tigers in the back.

It was impossible for two abyss mages to slip away after doing something.

Xu Hao slashed over in two dimensions, and unlike elemental power, the spatial magic power that was not restrained by attributes instantly tore apart the elemental shield of the abyss mage.

Without a shield, the Abyss Mage is the garlic on the board, and you can take a knife and shoot it at will.

Several dragon knights rushed up and immediately tied up these two abyss mages to see if they could torture something later.

“You are, Mr. Xu Hao!”

“Rushed over from Liyue so soon.”

Qin Hip Chang was a little surprised to see Xu Hao, the distance between Liyue and Mondstadt was quite far.

“Introduce myself, I’m Jean, the acting head of the Western Mad Knights.”

“Hello, I’m Amber, a scout knight of the Western Mad Knights.”

“My name is Youra, the Wave Knight of the Western Mad Knights.”

“I’ve heard of the great name for a long time, I’m Kaia, the cavalry captain of the Western Mad Knights.”

Everyone introduced themselves to Xu Hao, and they had already seen Xu Hao’s appearance in the second creation video last night.

“Hello guys, it seems that the situation in Mondstadt City is not very optimistic.”

Xu Hao responded to everyone.

The hips of the piano are long, the vengeful knight Yura, the lighter Amber, the ice crossing the sea Zhenjun Kaizi brother.

I really miss it.

“The Abyss Order comes to attack every three to five, and I don’t know what they want to do?”

Qin shook his head helplessly and said.

The skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and although the combat strength of the Western Mad Knights is greatly reduced today, it is not something that the Qiuqiu people can touch porcelain.

She could tell that such attacks were meant to cover up something and delay them in the city.

Fortunately, there is also an otherworldly traveler who can be used as an additional manpower to take advantage of the Qiuqiu people to attack the city and go out to investigate clues.

Ordinary knights cleaned up the battlefield, and Qin and the others took Xu Hao into Mondstadt City to settle down.

Unfortunately, there are no pigeons on the bridge.

Otherwise, Xu Hao really wanted to harvest a wave of poultry meat in one dimension.

Mondstadt, a fairly standard Western-style city-state, is styled in many RPG games.

As the first city to come to in the game, Mond actually left the deepest impression on Xu Hao.

After all, this is where dreams begin.

Also, relatively speaking, the atmosphere is the most relaxed place.

The further back you go, Liyue, Inazuma.

One knife after another, the child knife is stupid.

The Western Mad Knights wanted to interrogate the two captured Abyss Mages overnight, and they could only discuss the entrusted matter with Xu Hao tomorrow.

The head of the piano hips arranged Xu Hao in the second largest hotel in Mondstadt City, with full room and board, and the money was paid by her.

It should have been arranged for Xu Hao’s strong reinforcement in the Goethe Hotel, the largest hotel in Mondstadt.

It’s just that now the Goethe Hotel has been chartered by the Fools, and the Western Mad Knights can only watch the Fools act recklessly in Mondstadt.

After arranging Xu Hao, the length of the piano hips hurriedly continued to get busy.

“Really, Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, it’s all girls.”

Xu Hao shrugged helplessly.

The hips of the piano on Mondstadt’s side are long, the carvings of Liyue, and the nine jojo of Inazuma are long.

They all belong to the kind of girls with stubborn and rigid personalities.

That is, with such a character, you will not be moved by temptation and faithfully abide by your duties.

Although two Abyss Mages were captured tonight, Xu Hao estimated that the Western Mad Knights could not ask for any valuable information.

The Abyss Mage is just a small minions, he doesn’t know much, and there must be some insurance mechanism on his body.

Something important cannot be said.

Xu Hao stayed in the room for a while, wanting to go to the deer hunter restaurant for a late-night snack.

Authentic Mondstadt cuisine, he has long wanted to try.

It’s a pity that tonight the Qiuqiu people attacked the city, and the deer hunters closed early, and if they wanted to eat, they could only wait for tomorrow.

So, Xu Hao wandered to the angel’s gift tavern again.

There were only a few guests in the tavern, and Charles the bartender was watching the shop.

Count Justice Lulu is not there, and Rosalia, who never works overtime, is not drinking.

Even Wendy’s hey fish monster is not there.

It is estimated that these two people are secretly wandering around the city at this time, in case of emergencies.

Hey, then this wine doesn’t taste interesting.

After buying a few bottles of the main good wine of Sunrise Winery, Xu Hao went back to the hotel for a late-night snack.

It’s not too late, and most people haven’t rested yet.

The second creation video is engaged.

Tonight, let’s give the cute hips to the hips and Kelly’s little baby to make a second shot together.

PS: Thank you for the flowers and recommendation tickets of the big guys, continue to brazenly ask for flower tickets, the data of the new book is very important, decide life and death, and I hope the big guys can support it more.

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