Genshin Impact

Chapter 059


“Did you bring these people here to kill me?”

With an angry roar, the wind demon dragon Twalin descended from the sky.

A locked dark crystal around his neck, an abyss mage stood arrogantly on it.

“No, Twalin, we are here to save you, don’t listen to the Abyss Order, they are using you.”

Wendy stepped forward to negotiate with Twalin.

As in the original plot, Wendy hopes that her millennial relationship with this old guy can work.

However, the wind demon dragon Twalin has been tortured by the blood of the demon dragon Durin, and there is no reason anymore.

Coupled with the arch fire of the abyss mage, it was even more impossible to listen to Wendy’s words.

“Hahahaha, give up, Twalin will no longer be deceived by you, the hypocritical wind god, it is our Abyss Sect…”

“Dimensional Slash!”

The Abyss Mage still wanted to continue pretending, and Xu Hao sent him back to the abyss with a dimensional slash.

Just kidding, I don’t know if I throw tiles to force the king?

Dare to pretend to be forced in front of my Uncle Xu Hao, it is simply self-seeking!

This dimensional slash killed the Abyss Mage, and it was also a signal for war.


Twalin roared, and the sound reverberated with waves.

Wendy pretended to be shocked by the sound waves, looking like I was a weak chicken and had no combat effectiveness.

“Guys, I can only restrict Twalin a little, and the rest is up to you.”

“There are three dark crystals on Twalin’s body, and shattering them can liberate Twalin.”

The temperature shouted and retreated into the distance.

Oh, and Paimon.

It is really to touch the fish thoroughly, Xu Hao gave Wendy two middle fingers in his heart.

In the heyday of Twalin, it was a proper A-rank demon god dependent, and it was extremely strong.

But after being tortured for five hundred years, his strength is now floating on the quasi-A line.

This is also why the hips are confident that the Knights of the West Madness can fight against Twalin.

“I’ll attack the neck, and you guys take the opportunity to break the other two crystals.”

Xu Hao shouted to the three girls, and then a phantom sword shot at Twalin’s head and teleported up.

The blade of power slashed down on the dark crystal, and Twalin shook his neck in pain and threw Xu Hao down.

Then raised the locomotive’s big slap and slapped Xu Hao, and was dodged by Xu Yi who stepped back.

While taking a step back, Xu Hao slashed at the dark crystal with two more dimensional strikes.

This dark crystal is still quite strong, and it is only a little cracked after being slashed by two dimensional cuts.

However, it can be regarded as attracting Twalin’s attention to Xu Hao.

Qin has long hips, Yura, and Yingmei take the opportunity to go around and steal her ass.

In order to make Yingmei have a highlight play, Wendy added the most buffs to Yingmei to enhance, making her temporarily stronger than Hip Length and Youra.

Besieged back and forth, the angry Twalin spread his wings and flew.

Roaring in the sky, more than a dozen huge wind elemental bombs fell from the sky.

The wind element bomb fell, blowing out a large crater like a bombshell, knocking down some of the ruins that were still standing.

After all, Twalin is still a member of the Demon God, and he is furious, even if his strength is greatly damaged, it is very terrifying.

A breath of storm dragon breathed, and the entire wind dragon ruins were shaking.

Xu Hao and the three sisters were suppressed in this storm dragon breath.

Just when Wendy was about to make a move to solve the siege, Xu Hao was about to start pretending.

“It seems that you have to be serious.”

Xu Hao said with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

When the three girls heard this, they thought that Xu Hao was hiding his strength before.

In fact, Xu Hao just secretly used that magic enhancement card.

Suddenly, Xu Hao’s magic power broke through the B-level limit, allowing him to step into the threshold of A-level.

The blue magic power exploded, and Xu Hao’s momentum soared.

The profile panel is as follows:

Name: Xu Luo

Power: A- (Congratulations, you can already barely push the coconut sheep, keep it up!) )

Agility: A- (The bullet is not as fast as you, be careful not to hit the coconut sheep.) )

Physique: A-(A coconut sheep will definitely not be able to sit on your butt, even if it is not your immortal body.) )

Spirit: A- (You can spend a whole day on dimensional chopping, as long as your hands are not sore.) )

Abilities: Demon Immortal, Phantom Sword, Phantom Sword, Power Blade, Infinite Martial Arts.

Equipment: Yama Knife, super invincible and indestructible white food stall plastic chair of the tile thrower.

Number of draws remaining: 1.

PS: The recent impact of the epidemic is quite large, the update time will be relatively unstable, I hope that the big guys Haihan, the little author on the street is also helpless, every time the results are a little improved.

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day! Top 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: September 10 to September 12)

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