Chapter 114: The discussion between the Lei Ying Warlock who wants to get off the gram, Ayaka Kamizato and Ning Light

“For your sake, I’ll forgive you first….”Lady, I’ll recruit all of you!”

However, before (madam) could finish speaking.

This Lei Ying warlock, who was already trembling with fright, was frightened by the summer arrogant personality of “Lady”, so he hurriedly got down on his knees.

Like a (self-detonating pickup), crazy to betray their teammates (good sisters).

“Except for me, every member of those female fools in Liyue has secretly spied on Mr. Jiang Quan’s figure!”

“Please don’t send me to Dr. for the ladder experiment!” (Miss): “??????”

If you really have you, you dare to be interested in the leader’s lover…. I’m afraid that they are all impatient to live!?

Is it true that both places (Solstice) and Mondstadt are as popular as Inazuma (Shimokagami)?

It’s really too much to think about, my “cute” subordinates…..”Good, it’s so good, it’s really good…”

(Madam) never calculated that one day she would encounter something like that…

This is really bloody!

So much so that Ling (lady) was a little unacceptable for a while.

“Even my man you dare to peek…”

“Could it be that you don’t want to live because your life is too long!?”

Although, this gang (members of the female fools) just looked at it, and did not go to the step where they really intended to act…

But it’s already touched (ma’am’s) bottom line!

Without her permission, this gang (members of the female fools) is so presumptuous!

It’s so unobservant….. The girl said!

“I’m so sorry, ma’am!”

Sure enough, after (the lady) said these words, the Lei Ying warlock instantly performed a wave of Inazuma’s traditional art spirit towards the lady!

Caused (the lady) who was still slightly unhappy was also slightly eased)…..


Even so, his eyes looking at the Thunder Ying Warlock did not change in the slightest.

This made the Lei Ying Warlock feel very panicked…”Please be sure to allow me to wear the guilt and make meritorious deeds!”

As soon as these words came out, Rao was originally a little angry (lady) and finally calmed her mood.

Together with the eyes looking at the Thunder Ying Warlock, it also became “softer” a lot…


“Wear the crime and make meritorious deeds….. "

Hearing this, (the lady) chuckled and stretched out her hand to signal her to come to her side.

“What is your lord’s order?”

In the face of the Lei Ying Warlock’s inquiry, (Ms.) just slightly upturned the corners of her mouth, slowly bent down close to her ear, and said softly: “For the sake of you wanting to wear guilt and meritorious service so much, I will give you a task…”

As (lady) said her next words one after another, a look of astonishment appeared on the whole face of Lei Ying Warlock, who was still a little nervous.

It seems that some people can’t believe that such words can come out of the mouth of their old boss.

It seems very confused…………



At the same time, above Liyue Port, there was a flying palace driven by pumice.

It is an industry that belongs to Condensation (Qunyu Pavilion)!

When the weather is clear, standing on the deck outside the palace gate, you can overlook the rice area of Liyue Port

If he wanted to deal with major business affairs, Ning Guang would definitely come to this Heavenly Palace, forbidding others to enter and exit, and only allowing his three henchmen to accompany him.

Confidants flip through materials, integrate paperwork…

Once the results are available, post the abstract on the wall.

And Ning Guang himself admired the scenery of Liyue while leaning on the fence to meditate.

Before the walls are covered with data, condensation will definitely get the best solution.

Immediately after, she crushed all the materials and scattered a large amount of debris out the window, creating a sudden snowbreak.

And this…

—It is also one of the wonders of (Liyue)!

The handwriting on those pieces of paper was like ink stains in the snow in the eyes of all the merchants in Liyue Port.

And whenever this burst of snow falls…

The entire business community of Liyue is bound to undergo earth-shaking changes! And today, this (Tianquan Star) can be said to be too busy…

It is necessary to find out the murderer of (Emperor Iwao), and it is necessary to find time to welcome those visitors from (Inazuma)…..

This is not

The messenger from (Inazuma), one of the (three bongs), (sha shōshō

The eldest lady of the Kaminari family, Kamisato Ayaka walked into the (Qunyu Pavilion) under the guidance of her own attendants.

Come to yourself.

After a while with himself, he talked about the next political, economic, and cultural matters related to (Liyue) and (Inazuma).

Attracted Condensation to nod his head in approval from time to time and put forward his own suggestions.

So that the two quickly got into the state.

began to compete for the interests of their respective Guo Jia.

And this negotiation…

Naturally, it lasted from the afternoon to the evening before it finally ended…..

This made Ayaka Kamari, who was the person concerned, couldn’t help but sigh.

The political experience of the dark path (Tianquan Star) condensation is really rich, and the intuition of negotiation is really terrible…

So that the whole negotiation is under her control, and she can’t take advantage of it at all…

This really amazes Ayaka Kamisato.

“Should I really say that she is worthy of being Miss Condensation…..”

“I’m afraid that from the beginning, you will calculate me…”

In the face of Kamisato Ayaka’s emotion, Ning Guang just smiled slightly and did not refute anything.

For her, there is not the slightest secret about everything in the whole (Liyue Port).

For example, when Kamizato Ayaka came to Liyue, and what did he want to discuss with himself during this visit to Liyue…

She knows all about such things!

There is a way is the heavenly power condensation, the rich side, the eyes are good, the peach shame apricot This sentence is undoubtedly the best description of (Tianquan Star) condensation!

Outsiders are often admonished by the people of Liyue like this——(What does Lord Ning Guang know….)

The Chamber of Commerce who wants to drill the leak, a certain profiteer who is hoarding goods, the prohibited goods carried by the returning fleet…

For these information, light or dark, (Heavenly Power) Condensation knows everything.

A certain Sumi alchemist went on a study tour in Liyue and accidentally checked the accounts of a night stone transaction ten years ago in the Black Rock Factory.

That night, Condensing Light’s close attendant knocked on her window and invited her to go to the (Qunyu Pavilion).

There are rumors that the Palace in the Sky (Qunyu Pavilion) was cast a spell by condensation.

Can capture and repeat the whispers of everyone in Liyue Port for condensation – listening…

But this is not the case…

The real (eyes and ears) of Ning Guang are none other than the children who are playing in the streets and alleys of Liyue Port.

Every confidential meeting, every secret conversation, every strange visitor. All of them are looked at by these innocent children of their kindness.

When the children gather around (Sister Condensation), the snacks in Condensation’s hands always let them know everything and talk endlessly.

Condensation will strip away the information that children say… Then you can get the information you want!

That’s it…..

(Liyue Port) For her, there is no secret condolence.

She knows better than anyone the value of this commodity.

That’s why she’s willing to spend her time in the market.

Of course…..

In the process, she also has a little selfishness… That’s one – she loves the kids smiling at her!

Perhaps, this is also related to her experience when she was a child… “I really didn’t expect it to be so late… "

At this time, Ning Guang, who had just recovered from the state of discussion, also raised his head and glanced at the scenery outside the window, and said very politely to Kamisato Ayaka: “If Miss Kamisato has free time next, how about having dinner with me?”

In the face of 2.3 Condensation’s friendly invitation, Kamisato Ayaka naturally would not refuse.

Otherwise, it would be to not give Ning Guang, one of the (Ten Stars of Liyue) (Tianquan) face.

This kind of stupidity…

Kamisato Ayaka can’t do it…

“Then Miss Lao Ningguang will bother a lot~.”

“You’re welcome, Miss Kamari~.”

Although the two are meeting for the first time, they have already heard of each other.

In the eyes of Condensation, Kamisato Ayaka is gentle and elegant.

Definitely a great choice!

Coupled with his wealth and background, beauty and wisdom… Who wouldn’t love such a woman?

And as for the image of Condensation in the eyes of Ayaka in Kaminari? That’s even bigger!

For Kamisato Ayaka, Condensation is definitely the most difficult opponent she has ever met.

Not only financial resources and background, beauty and wisdom…

It even has many advantages that you don’t have!

Who wouldn’t like such a “delicate and colorful” strange woman?

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