[On the 62nd, you continued your journey, and at noon you were attacked by a group of monsters, but this time they did not fight you to the end, and after sensing the arrival of your support, they decisively withdrew]

[After setting up camp at night, you tricked Gan Yu into your tent on the pretext of treating your injuries, and you had a relationship with Gan Yu].

[On the 63rd, near the evening, you were attacked by monsters again, and just like last time, before your support arrived, they quickly withdrew, although they did not cause you any casualties, but it also forced you to give up your plan to continue traveling for a while, and chose to camp on the spot]

[At night, you tried to trick Gan Yu into your tent, but this time Gan Yu was not fooled, so you went to her tent, and the two of you had a relationship].

[On the 64th, I don't know if it's a coincidence, the recent rain has become heavier, and when you camped in the evening, you were attacked by monsters again, but you still evacuated without causing you any casualties

] [At night, when you were about to go to Ganyu's tent, she came to your tent by herself, and the two of you had a relationship]


Ilan silently took a sip of tea.

He really wanted to say that the faceless man in the simulator was not him, but...

That's really something he can do.

It's like...

He taught Noelle how to become a real knight, helped Barbara become an idol, and helped Jean and Yura in various ways - is this really his helpfulness and high moral character?


He just craves them!

He's honest!

But then again, Gan Yu actually took the initiative to enter his tent on the third day....

Is this because she knows that she can't refuse herself so she simply gives up on herself, or does she also like the feeling of doing that kind of thing....

Ilan decided to verify it himself in the next day's simulation, even if the free motion mode number of times had been exhausted, but it was worth spending points for this kind of thing.

But just as he was thinking about it, the next day's simulation changed significantly.

[On the 65th, today seems to be your lucky day, you have not been attacked by monsters all day, but the rain is even heavier, heavier than any previous day

] [You have arrived at the foot of the south of Tianheng Mountain, you only need to work hard for another day tomorrow to move into Liyue Port, the prospects seem to be great, but you feel a trace of unease]

[The behavior of monsters these days is very abnormal, as if they are not trying to kill you, Instead, it deliberately slowed down your marching speed, so why

are things prepared] [If things are really as you guessed, then not being attacked by monsters today is a very dangerous signal - they are well prepared

] [You told Marcius your guess, although there is no evidence, but Marcius still chose to believe

you] [After calling the immortals to discuss, you decided to move into Liyue Port overnight]

[On the 66th, at about three o'clock in the morning, the enemy really launched a general attack on you as expected, and the illusion arranged in the camp confused the enemies very well, making them think that you were still in the camp, and the traps hidden in it also caused great casualties to the enemy]

[At this time, you have evacuated to the vicinity of Liyue Port, and it only takes another half an hour for the people of Liyue to move into Liyue Port].

[Everything seems to be developing in a good direction, but when he realized that he was about to lose, the enemy leader Ba, together with several dependent-level demons, rolled up a monstrous tsunami]

[Even if you have suffered an ambush, the coalition army composed of several tribes still far exceeds you in number, Gan Yu, Liuyun Wind True Monarch, and Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun are each entangled by a dependent-level powerhouse, and Marcus, who is not good at fighting, has also divided hundreds of doppelgängers, Maneuvering hundreds of small terminal machines to snipe at the enemy

] [And you can't do anything about all this, the erosion of the Demon God filth on you has long penetrated into the marrow, crazy whispers sound in your ears from time to time, this time is to resist the erosion of the Demon God filth, it has already made you give your best

] [No one can stop this tsunami]

"Stop! Wait a minute!

Ilan suddenly spoke, interrupting the continuation of the simulation.

Because the more he looks, the more wrong it gets.

Isn't everything planned? How do you feel that there is a rhythm that is about to be destroyed now.

To be honest, this result Ilan was a little unacceptable.

Although for him, even if the group is really destroyed and this simulation fails, it is only a cost of 100 positive energy points to reopen once, and he still has 3300 positive energy points, which is completely consumed.

But doesn't that mean that everything I experienced before has become a bubble?

"Can I actively enter somatosensory mode now?"

[Yes, but the three free opportunities have been used up, and the host must

spend negative energy points to enter somatosensory mode] "Then spend negative energy points to enter somatosensory mode!"

[Negative energy points minus 10, there are currently 70 negative energy points left

] [Entering somatosensory mode]


In an instant, the surroundings changed from a quiet library to a battlefield where torrential rain poured down.

Icy raindrops hit him, the air was filled with the characteristic scorching smell of the battlefield, and there was a loud rumbling sound in his ears.

Looking in the direction where the sound came from, Yilan's pupils couldn't help but shrink sharply.

Reflected in his pupils is a post-apocalyptic picture composed of the sky, fragile human civilization, and a monstrous tsunami.

It was the biggest tsunami he'd seen so far.

The tsunami hundreds of meters high and more than a thousand meters wide stirred up the wind and clouds, and everywhere it went, thunder raged and stormy clouds swallowed all creatures in its path.

He could smell the breath of fear, the cries of the people around him, and this moment was rendered as if the world was destroyed.

"Even if I come to this copy, what can I do?" Ilan felt a little dazed.

He could feel that his body had reached the end of a strong crossbow, and if he didn't use all his strength to resist the erosion of the Demon God's filth, I was afraid that he would be consumed by crazy whispers in a short time.

And he, who used all his strength to fight against the filth of the Demon God, is probably not even comparable to an ordinary Thousand Rock Army.

The ground was shaking, and faults and landslides appeared.

He saw a pair of grandfathers and grandchildren running forward desperately, but accidentally fell into a rock crevice, and the grandfather, who was over 70 years old, burst out with an unimaginable force at this moment, actually picked up his grandson with one hand and threw him out of the rock crevice.


"Run! Come on! After doing all this, the whole person was like a grandfather who collapsed in an instant, shouting loudly at his grandson: "Run to Liyue Port, the immortals will save us!" A

feeling of relief suddenly rose in Elan's heart.

Didn't I still have my life?

The strong wind and the increasingly shrill sound told his grandfather that the tsunami was approaching, and the shadow of death had enveloped him, but he only glanced in the direction his grandson left, and had no intention of climbing out of the rock crevice.

He is already old and can't run, even if he climbs out of the rock crevice, he is just waiting for death, he has done everything he can, he can safely close his eyes and wait for death.

But for a second... Two seconds... Three seconds... Ten seconds passed, the tragedy still did not happen, and the expected pain did not befall him.

He opened his eyes and looked back, where he saw a giant made of jade with black patterns in the middle standing against the tsunami.

He opened his arms, and countless peaks rose from the ground, those peaks were hundreds of meters high, with the shape of a sword, stretching for tens of miles, forming an unbreakable pass.

Tsunami hits on it, deny!

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