Chapter 58: Coming to hunt me down and holding a girl? Can you be a little more outrageous?.

“Boss, Candice from Aru Village, is really so powerful?”

“Is it necessary for us to run so far and hide?”

Another mercenary was puzzled.

They are a gilded brigade. How is it also first-class strength.

Guardian of a small desert village. Not much older.

Still a woman.

Can actually scare the boss like this!?

I don’t know, I thought that Candice was the ruthless person in the gilded brigade who licked blood at the knife’s edge!

“You’re a fool!”

“Don’t you find that the top gilded brigades you know are honestly like in Ah Ru Village?”

“Lord Chiwang! No, no, no, it is the secret treasure of the gods, which is enshrined in the sacrificial hall of this village, but no one has ever succeeded! ”

“You don’t think with your mud stuffed with sand, why?”

Tagob lectured the subordinate wordlessly. This time, dare to do this vote!

He was also ready to pin his head to his belt.

If it weren’t for the fact that he owed Mora a large amount recently, the big profiteer Dolly gave him a final notice. If he doesn’t pay off Mora, let him cross the desert – he doesn’t dare to hit the head of Aru Village!

No matter how powerful Candice of Aru Village is, there is only one person. And if Dolly is targeted, she will spread a lot of Mora, the whole continent,

Seven countries, there is no place for him!

After weighing it for a long time, he took over this errand of the old guard school of Arum Village! Of course, he only verbally promised, and after he succeeded, he sold this group of people!

He wouldn’t go head-to-head with Candice!

It’s just, who knows, this time it turned out to be unexpectedly smooth!

Although he also calculated the time of the sandstorm, he came disguised as a caravan. But who would have thought that during the entire sandstorm, Candice was not in the village!

With her character, every sandstorm is guarding the front line at the entrance of the village! This time, the situation was something that Tagob never expected.

And those old guards of Aru Village who want to buy him with Mora, one by one, are obsessed, and really plan to create a rebellion against Candice, so that he can enter no man’s land in Ari Village!

Several accidents piled together to give him a chance to succeed! Thinking back, Tagob felt like he was dreaming. It’s also too smooth!

It didn’t go well!

Not only did he take away all the treasures accumulated in the Aru Village Sacrificial Hall for many years, but even the secret treasure of Lord Chiwang was also obtained! This is the key to the Manifestation!

One of the two magic staff of Lord Chiwang!

In ancient legends, one of the two scepters personally created by Lord Chiwang using obsidian can open the door of paradise at the end of the sea of sand!

As long as he waited for the wind to pass, he would shoot all the treasures in his hand.

Not only can he pay off all the debts of Dolly, the big profiteer, but also wash his hands from now on in the golden basin and go to Liyue to be a happy rich man! What a future to look forward to!

With that in mind.

Tagob, a mercenary who had been working in the desert for decades, was covered with wrinkles and smiled.

“That boss!”

“Why do we have to tie up this mad scholar?”

“This guy, I’m exhausted to death.”

The mercenary carrying the marijuana bag also complained incomprehensibly. I’m going to run away, and I’m carrying a burden!

“Boss, do you want to take him–”

The mercenary made a neck-cutting motion.

“You want to do him?”

“You carry this mad scholar on your back, worth two million Mora!”

Tagob raised his gaze in front of his subordinates and slowly spoke.

But the four subordinates in front of him were all shocked.

And this mercenary carrying the marijuana bag trembled all over, and the action of carrying the ground was much softer! On his back, he actually carried two million Mora!

He’s never seen so much money!

“Boss, you’re not kidding, are you?”

“Can this be worth two million Mora?”

“Isn’t he a mad scholar?”

“Can it be sold for so much money?”

Several of Tagob’s subordinates asked one after another. It was known that before they left – they should carry a mad scholar on their backs and run away. No!

Back two!

“On the black market, someone is charging this price!”

“I don’t know who it is.”

“But I know that someone really used a mad scholar to exchange for Mora at the hands of that man on the black market.”

Tagob’s eyes flashed with doubt.

It was also the first time he had seen a mad scholar for such a large price.

“All right, all right!”

“I have made your doubts clear, there are no doubts now, right?”

“Let’s move faster, first in the desert for a few months.”

“When it comes out, the boss will take you to Liyue to make a fortune.”

“That’s the real good place, much better than nesting in this ghost desert!”

Tagob clapped his hands and patted several of his subordinates on the shoulders as encouragement! Your subordinates are also extremely moved by the pie painted by the boss.

Go to Liyue to get rich? That’s a great pleasure!

“Boss, in fact, you don’t have to go so fast.”

“Even if Candice finds out now, she won’t be able to catch up with us.”

A mercenary followed the steps of the boss and glanced back from time to time.

Except for the endless yellow sand, there is not even a ghost shadow in the direction of Ah Ru Village. Besides, when they left.

It was quietly walking the path behind Ah Ru Village, and the only mad scholar who knew about it was also kidnapped by hand. It is impossible to find the door so quickly.

“Yes, yes!”

“No matter how powerful Candice is, she can’t fly, right?”

Another mercenary looked back as he walked.

All special is yellow sand. It’s so safe!


“The boss may just be too cautious!”

“Boss, you just put a hundred hearts!”

“Oh, look at this old fat holy gold worm!”

“If someone can still chase you at this time, I will give you a performance on the spot to eat the holy gold worm alive!”

Another mercenary pointed to a slowly crawling holy gold worm on the ground and said with a big grin. This holy gold worm fat yuppie pushes a large ball of dung that is as high as a calf in front!

“Don’t, don’t, you guys.”

“Originally running so far, my heart is not so worried.”

“After you told me, I was a little uneasy.”

Tagob was bold and glanced back cautiously.

Whew – a long sigh of relief.

It was he who overthought it. In addition to sand, it is still sand.

“Boss, is there nothing?”

Tagob’s heart was also relieved at this time.

He was about to laugh and tease this subordinate. But I heard his tone suddenly change


“It seems like something is coming!”

“It’s Lei Guang!”


“On a sunny day, why is the thunder coming?”

“It’s still cut sideways.”

“What is this?”

The voice of doubt immediately attracted the other four people. Tagob followed his gaze.

I saw that at the end of the field of vision, a little purple thunder light gradually enlarged in the eyes! What a sideways chop thunder!?

Tagob really wants to give this subordinate a hard blow in the back of the head! This is clearly someone chasing over!

Hiss–chased over!!

Tagob’s heart twitched.

“By the way, what attribute is Candice’s God Eye that guy?”

Tagob asked tentatively.

“Water attribute!”

“Boss, aren’t you too worried in your heart.”

“I even forgot Candice’s God Eye attribute!”

One of the mercenary’s subordinates was speechless.

“Yes, yes, yes! Candice’s lady is water-attributed. ”

“This person who came is a thunder attribute!”

“Great, not Candice that guy!”

“That’s great news!”

Taqib’s worries disappeared. A little smile appeared between his eyebrows.

As long as it wasn’t Candice, then he had nothing to fear.

“Don’t even look at it!”

“Someone is chasing me.”

“Pick up everything and prepare for battle!”

Tagob kicked his men and urged loudly. And then — he drew the long knife at his waist.

Several of his subordinates also quickly took out their weapons.

For a long time in the desert doing the work of licking blood at the knife’s edge, several people moved extremely fast! Almost as soon as the words of the boss of Tagob fell, several people were ready for battle.


“If someone is coming, is your holy gold worm still eating alive?”

A mercenary teased.

Lei Guang is still far away, and the waiting in front of him is a little boring. Then—as soon as his words fell—they felt a purple light flash in front of them—and the thunder light stared in front of them.

Gradually converged, turning into a man’s figure.

“This man!”

“Isn’t this the same person from before?”

“A foreign traveler who claims to be from Inazuma?”

Tagob recognized the man in front of him.

Earlier, when he disguised himself as a caravan and entered the village of Aru, this man met them at the entrance of the village. Looks ordinary.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an awakened person from the Eye of Thor!

“Brother, why did you come here?”

Neither acquaintances, nor past grudges.

Tagob intends to probe the eyes of the man in front of him. It’s just — the man in front of him doesn’t pay any attention to him. I didn’t even look at him, I just lowered my head,

Looking at a young girl in her arms. What the?!!

He still has a girl in his arms!! Tagob then realized that this man did not come alone!

Ah this–he was holding a man!

He chased after him with a woman in his arms? What is this operation?

That’s it! Can I still use the Thunder Elemental skill that is so fast? What kind of monster is this!!

“Lyra, it’s here.”

“You can open your eyes!”

Ye Chen said softly.

Previously, when I walked to the end of the village……..

He sensed that the mercenaries who were running away had gone away. So he prepared to let Lyila wait for him at the end of the village. Who knows that Lyra, has to follow.

No way, only hold it all the way.

“So soon?”

“Didn’t you say near the sinkhole?”

“I just closed my eyes when you arrived?”

Doubts were expressed on his lips.

Lyila slowly opened her eyes in Ye Chen’s arms. The second time he picked him up.

Leyra is used to quite a bit.

Sure enough, after getting acquainted, social fear and everything does not exist.

“This is the end of the pit?”

Lai pulled Ye Chen’s arm and slowly stood on the ground! It’s time to get into the pit!

And this speed!?

“Ye Chen!!”

Lyra turned suddenly, her eyes full of expectation.


“Can I study the way you activate the thunder element and increase your speed?”


Ye Chen was stunned.

Did Lyra get something wrong?


“Didn’t we come to save Isaac’s grandfather?”

“I’ll talk about the research later?”

Ye Chen reminded.



“We have to save Grandpa Scholar first!”

“Then, bring back the stolen treasures from Sister Candice’s village.”

Lyira smiled apologetically and lowered her gaze.

Thinking about research again, forgetting more important things!

“These two people in front of you, what’s the situation?”

When the man in front of him appears.

Then the girl in his arms slowly got up. and when the two had a conversation with no one. Tagob feels a hundred million things wrong! The two people in front of you are a little disrespectful to the five of them with knives? I just haven’t figured out the situation yet.

Tagob could only watch quietly first. Until–from the mouth of this maiden, he heard the name Candice! Really!

Was it sent by Candice?

Tagob’s heart suddenly froze, and he lifted the knife in his hand.

“Are you really the chasers sent by Candice?”

Tagob spoke in a silent voice.

This time, it may not be good! Only then did he see the man and set his eyes on him.

“You took the initiative to give it to me.”

“I’ll get it myself!”

The man in front of him spoke lightly.

It was as if what was in front of him was not five mercenaries with knives, but a few honest people who could be bullied wantonly.


“I don’t know what Candice promised you.”

“I advise you not to wade through this muddy water.”

Tagob gradually raised the knife in his hand.

At his waist, the pale green divine eye gradually flickered.

And behind him, the eyes of God also lit up on the four subordinates!

It can become a first-class gilded brigade. There are naturally a few good hands under him!

The man in front of him just looked at him quietly. Didn’t reply to his meaning.

This made Tagob’s heart sink!

There is already a plan to shoot!

“4.7 Second old, third old, you guys deal with this man with me!”

“Old Fifth, you put the sack down first and deal with that girl with Old Fourth!”

“Yes, boss!”

“No problem, this guy dares to block in front of us, just looking for death!”

“Boss, don’t worry, I will help you with this girl after the fifth elder is sent!”

I heard the reply from my subordinates.

Tagob gradually breathed a sigh of relief. Five to two.

There was also a young girl opposite. There was also a hostage in a sack. The advantage is in me, the odds are great!

Tagob gradually smiled.

“Brothers, get on!”

“Fuck him!”

Tagob gave an order! And then — there was silence.

Only the slight hot wind in the desert quietly blew on his chest. What’s going on?

What about the brothers who just discussed tactics? How is it so quiet!! And the man in front of him was still smiling faintly and looking at him calmly.

This made Tagob’s heart more and more uneasy! What’s going on?

This scene in front of him actually made him feel a sense of horror! He slowly moved his perspective,

Out of the corner of his eye, he gradually saw a few subordinates standing beside him. Are they all right?

Why did not a single response after he gave an order? And then — as his perspective continues to turn — when he looks closely!

He saw a scene that was enough to make his entire soul tremble! How can it be?

What the hell is going on here?

PS: Thank you Yun Qianxuan for your great reward and support. Regarding the Sword Slashing Academy, some people said that they were worried about me. Don’t worry at all, this is the plot I want to write the most! The treatment of the original book is still too warm, and I like to make the Holy House worse.

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