【Ding! The host receives a special Flame Flower Stamen (one star).

This special flame flower stamen is the size of a mini version of Polo, with an orange-red body and faintly emitting heat;

However, Xia Yun was more concerned at the moment – “Huh? Why is there a one-star item? Explain explain! ”

“Shouldn’t the item with the lowest star rating be three-star?”

【Ding! The raffle items are graded from one to five stars! Unknown level! 】

“Alright!” Xia Yun recognized it!

If you don’t recognize it, you can’t do it, just this system.

Flame flower stamen? Good to use, also useful!

The unknown level is also the unknown level, which may be better than five stars, or worse than one star.

“System, stop the draw! I have to keep 100 Destiny Points as a backup. ”

【Ding! All items have been placed in the system space! 】

Xia Yun opened his eyes and smiled, and the cyan elemental gemstone in the empty shell glowed with light, sensing the strange elemental fluctuations that came with the wind.

“My gift to Kaia, isn’t this coming?”


“Yay! Black! ”

The Water System Abyss Mage, a pair of long ears, wearing a mask with a pointed mouth, fluffy, floating in the water system bubbles;

From the gap between the rotating Zephyr Knights on duty, use teleportation acumen to leave.

Carefully clinging to the city wall, paying attention to all the movements, looking for the figure.

Lord Ice Abyss Mage has said that the goal of this trip is to check the plan of action for the wind demon dragon in Mond City.

“Huh? How so? How so? Who are you? ”



Before the words were finished, Xia Yun used a simple version of the “spiral pill” with fire and fiercely embedded it into the water system shield.

Condensing a wind ball, and then using the flame flower stamen in the palm of your hand to release a little small flame, it spread into a fireball.

The water shield shattered instantly!

The Abyss Mage looked at the figure in front of him in panic, and his teleportation did not have time to exert himself, and the water shield was shattered.


Xia Yun’s fist struck the back of the mage’s head.

Knock stun!


Xia Yun looked at the figure in the shadow this time and said, “Goodbye!” ”

“It works for me, can’t give it to you!”

In the shadows, a figure with dark hair and bright red hair stared coldly.

Then disappear.


Xia Yun Yufeng jumped back to the height of the city wall and threw the Water System Abyss Mage from the sky. Guy who guarded the side door but no one noticed.

At this time, it is not a trivial matter to capture the chuchu people, it should be worthy of the comfort of your old father of the winery!

That’s one of your deeds! Tonight is no longer a meaningless day!

Good luck to be the great Zephyr Knight who is proud of your ailing father.


Xia Yun went back to his room through the window, so that he felt more like he was carrying out a secret operation.

Looking at the flame flower stamen in the palm of the hand, the heat is still sufficient, and if the palm is squeezed heavily, a small flame can be released;

The system must be a boutique!

It is useful to set fire to the stamens and spread them with the wind, breaking various shields;

And, more practically, this Xia Yun kitchen cooking has a flame;

Looking out the window into the distance, smiling——

Diluc, now is not the time to meet!

Kaia, this is my gift to reimburse you for the big meal bill, and there will be a lot of valuable information for the Abyss Mage who can sneak into Mond City!

Xia Yun slept until 11 o’clock, if he wasn’t too hungry, he would sleep directly until 12 o’clock!

Two meals a day, breakfast and lunch combined into one, because you can’t get up, dinner is one.

Well! Another day when I couldn’t make up a Mora.

I’m so hungry! Gotta go eat.

Xia Yun was extremely calm and confident, walked into the deer hunter’s restaurant, picked up the menu, and ordered the order, and there was no appearance that he couldn’t afford it.


The chair in front of him was pushed away and sat down.

Xia Yun raised his eyes.

dressed as a waiter, white gloves, looking delicate and cute Sarah;

Under the tabletop, dangling black silk legs show the joy and nervousness of the owner;

The beautiful eyes did not dare to look directly, a little dodged, asked:

“Xia Yun, thank you for caring for me last night and the apple stuff you gave me!”

“As a concern for you, can I eat with you this meal at noon?” I treat you! ”

Xia Yun smiled and responded uprightly:

“Nope! I gave you apple stuff yesterday, because you were too tired and provided us with good service, but not for your return! ”

Sarah’s eyes were lowered, hmm-hmm, and for the time being, she couldn’t think of a suitable reason to invite the handsome him to dinner.

A little frustrated, about to leave, “Okay then! ”

Xia Yun smiled and secretly used the wind element to absorb a chair and became a three-person seat;

The sound is amplified so that the people in the neighborhood can hear it:

“We are so hungry and hungry now, and we have no money, and we don’t know that the beautiful and kind lady is willing to provide a delicious lunch for poor us.”

“I must remember this favor in my heart.”

“Two more cutlery.”

You can’t eat together with a return, but you can invite me to eat!

As for the three chairs, it is because it seems to others that a man and a woman eat together, which is reminiscent.

Three people, the others are less strange.

The extra person, well, when asked, he said that he couldn’t come if something happened.

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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