“Aren’t you trying to ask the green guy about Twalin?” Why do you want to listen to the chant now? Would you enjoy chanting? ”

Paimon hugged his chest and said with a smug look: “Look at the atmosphere!” ”

At this moment, the crowd enthusiastically shouted another song, and the atmosphere was very infectious.

Xia Yun maintained his saluting posture unchanged and invited loudly again:

“Dear Bard Wendy, the voice of the audience, the retention of the audience, so enthusiastic, can you play and sing a song for us again!”

Xia Yun gave 10,000 likes to the audience in his heart, and the assist was fantastic;

With so much wine, the drunkard poet will endure.


Inexplicably, Xia Yun looked at Wendy and smiled to herself, with a strong sense of foreboding.

Why are you looking at me? It’s not me acting, I really won’t!

Wendy smiled at the warm crowd, Mora rain wine everywhere, her mouth was almost crooked, and she didn’t have to worry about drinking for a long time;

It’s really my good friend Xia Yun, just met in five hundred years, you set up such a grand stage for me and gave me such a big gift!

Although you are again not a Mora.

Extremely happy to say:

“Thank you for your kindness, and I will sing poetry for you again!”

“However, my performance alone does not deserve such a warm welcome from you!”

“At this moment, another musician comparable to me is also here, and his wonderful performance will give you the musical experience of a lifetime!”

“He is on the same stage with me, and the party lives up to your enthusiasm!”

Xia Yun’s smile froze when he lowered his head, listening to Wendy’s words, and shouting in his heart – I’ll go to your basbato!

Amber shouted, “Who is it?” Who is it? Let the musicians who are comparable to you, perform together! ”

“Here’s a song! Here’s a song! ”

Causing Jean’s side-eyed, she remembered that it should be working time at the moment!

Thinking that she had come to see the performance, Jean decided that she would have to work hard to solve the work when she went back, so that she could lead by example.

Lisa on the side looked at the frowning piano, very helpless, rare leisure time, why think about work?

But he didn’t say it.

The enthusiastic crowd followed the shout: “Come to a song! Here’s a song! ”

Xia Yun’s smile was as stiff as if it was made of cement, his heart was cold, how did the god teammate become a pig teammate!

With a solemn courtesy and tone that was not inferior to Xia Yun, Wendy lifted the bent Xia Yun up, and raised his right hand, like a fanatical fan shouting for an idol:

“Please all the best pop musicians in Teyvat, Mr. Xia Yun, to give us a wonderful performance!”

Xia Yun showed an incomparably indifferent and confident smile to everyone, making people feel that this person was very powerful.

Xia Yun can’t help it, can’t always have a bitter melon face that is uglier than crying, people from all over the world of Mond’s Liyue are there, as well as Qin and Lisa’s sister, a lot of beautiful women;

He is now showing his shame, afraid that he will not be ridiculed by the crowd of onlookers, and the beautiful image in their hearts, the first impression is directly finished.

Yu Guang glanced at Wendy, the smile in the corner of your eyes betrayed you, it was so painful to hold back a smile!


“Xia Yun! Xia Yun! Xia Yun! Here’s a song! Here’s a song! ”

The audience cheered in unison, although I don’t know what was going on?

But looking at the bard’s tone, this etiquette, and Xia Yun’s expression, he must also be very powerful!

Barbara mingled in the crowd and shouted, “Come on! ”

Wendy put down Xia Yun’s hand, showed a proud smile to the cheering crowd, and played the lyre:

“Now, I will sing for you the song of the chant in the cup dedicated to the wind god!”

Wendy looked at this grander stage than before, and did not panic at all, he was the best bard in the whole continent of Teyvat.

As for old friends, hehe!

The sound of the piano is melodious and the sound of Wendy’s chanting is wonderful.

Just listening to the melody, Xia Yun gave up the idea of finding a way during the chant, which was a waste of a beautiful musical experience.

The masses were intoxicated by this wonderful music, and it was quiet for a while;

Flying white doves hover around the statue of the god of wind, or stand on the eaves, watching.


We put these things in buckets

Wait, wait, wait for the wind to rise

Wax the mouth of the wine first

The south wind is gentle, and the north wind is fierce


What does a good wine taste like?

Mond’s name, Dream of Freedom

What exactly ferments into a good wine


The courage to explore, the tenderness of love

With a glass of wine, Rosalia recalled the old thief who had retrieved her

“Take it, smash it and put it on the place where there is a fracture! Girl, you have to live well! ”


The dedication to guardianship remains the same

With a thousand winds rising to celebrate

The sour juice sweetens and the rough bucket is moistened

Wait, wait, wait for the wind to rise

Lisa and Jean, walking side by side, looked at Jean’s soothing brows, and smiled

“I haven’t eaten together in a long time!”


What’s in the barrel?

The golden color of the wheat is verdant and verdant

When the wine comes out of the barrel, what floats in?

The sound of wind chimes, the long sky of eternity

Barbara faintly stroked the photo in her arms——

It is a photo of her with her sister Jean at the church


We sang along with these fine wines

Wait, wait, wait for the wind to rise

What did the thousand winds take away

A story on the strings, a dream tonight



White doves flew and feathers fell like snow falling, bringing the curtain to the music.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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