Jean was surprised, and her heart warmed: “I have no regrets about the past years!” ”

“It’s the right thing to do. No matter how hard you work, the right thing should go all out! ”

Jean was really surprised, few people cared if she was tired of flying? Many people are more concerned about whether she is flying high or not!

Xia Yun smiled: “Tomorrow you have to clean up the monsters!” Rest well, only when you handle the work more efficiently! ”

Qin looked at it, and had already arrived at the headquarters of the Knights!

Xia Yun originally went home, but now he sent her back.

The Zephyr Knight greeted, “Hello Captain Qin!” ”

“Captain Qin, pay attention to rest!”

Qin regained the power of the acting leader and calmly said, “I’ll take you to get the results of your performance!” ”

Xia Yun followed.

Pack some items, because there are too many, you really have to pack them all at once, so tired!

From the Hall of the Order ready to leave.

“See you Jean! You have time, can tell me that I’m glad to play the song for you! ”

The piano was stunned and asked suspiciously: “Why do you want to play for me?” ”

Xia Yun was puzzled: “Isn’t it playing for you?” Others I don’t have to! ”

Knight beauty I can!

As for the others, I hesitate!

Jean smiled and clarified, “Actually, I want to ask you to play songs for Barbara!” ”

“She loves your songs very much and wants to learn your songs, play them for the Monds, encourage everyone to overcome the dragon plague and heal the soul!”

Jean looked forward to asking, “Are you free to teach Barbara to play songs tomorrow?” ”

“She doesn’t know you well, and I want to ask you to teach her favorite music!”

“This is just my personal thoughts! Nothing to do with Barbara! ”

At dusk, Jean looked from a distance, Barbara humming a song and walking briskly back to the church.

She loves the song!

If she could let Xia Yun teach her to learn, she would be very happy!

And she didn’t seem to be familiar with Xia Yun, and if she let herself learn, she would be very tired.

More importantly, perhaps, this is an opportunity to get close to her!

(Jean always wanted to get close to her sister, but didn’t know how to open her mouth in the face of Barbara’s evasive eyes.)

Perhaps this similar clumsiness is a manifestation of the sisters’ still connected hearts! )

Xia Yun: “Hmm! “Hesitant.

Looking at the qin, the knight is dressed, still showing her proud figure, as if she has the name of the piano’s hips! That’s right!

Qin became anxious: “Xia Yun, I ask you again to teach Barbara this song!” ”

Xia Yun woke up: “I’m sorry!” Just lost my mind! ”

I want to create a second creation with a long hip, which is a bit much.

The figure is so good!

Super reliable big sister again!

“Is it teaching Barbara, please? Of course! She is a shining icon of Mondstadt! I also want to learn her healing music! ”

A grateful look in Jean’s eyes: “However, I will tell her that Jean asked me to teach you!” Jean cares about you! May I? ”

Jean nodded deeply: “Yes!” Thank you for promising me your help! ”

Sister, I hope you like what your sister does for you!

Xia Yun raised the empty shell of his neck and smiled: “You also helped me a lot!” You gave me the original gem! ”

For some reason, Xia Yun was a little proud, and he could even help a reliable piano!

And he said, “Thank you for my words!” Rest today and tomorrow! Do something outside of work! ”

“Good night! Violin! ”

Greeted with a smile again, “Good night!” Sister Lisa! ”

Xia Yun carried one bag of 200,000 mora, and the other bag was wine.


Qin looked at Xia Yun’s departing back, even if it was to repay him, he had to rest for a while today and tomorrow!

Lisa appreciated: “Xia Yun! What a gentle child! ”

“Listen to the child! Have a good rest! Work things, I will help you! ”

Xia Yun leisurely head to the Deer Hunter Restaurant!

Thinking of Barbara!

Barbara, shine idol, pray pastor!

Cute, gentle, healing sweet girl!

Or a priest girl equivalent to white silk!

“Customer! I’m so sorry! Deer Hunter Restaurant is now proofed! Please come back tomorrow! ”

Sarah closed the door, listened to the footsteps behind her, and said apologetically.

Xia Yun smiled helplessly:

“Alright! Then I’ll come back tomorrow! ”

I’m so hungry! I wanted to have a late-night snack!

Sarah heard a familiar voice and hurriedly said

“Xia Yun! Why are you eating so late! Must be hungry! ”

“I have some leftover meals here! Would you like to have some together? ”

It’s time to eat a late-night snack, especially with a handsome guy like Xia Yun!

What a beautiful thing!

Still such a musical talent!

As for proofing? Sarah said, I said proofing is closing!

Xia Yun came, and it didn’t close!

Xia Yun smiled, shook his Mora bag, and said proudly

“Hee-hee! I don’t need you to treat you this time! Change my treat! ”

“This is all earned by me and Wendy, performing together!”

Sarah looked at Xia Yun’s smug little expression, a little wanted to laugh, and responded:

“Then this time you will please!”

PS: Ask for flowers! Ask for a review! Ask for data!

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