Xia Yun’s gaze turned to the crowd of onlookers, and he wrote down another lyric and sheet music again.

Signature – Xia Yun

Such a beautiful song.

They want to learn too!

It’s a pity to teach only one person!

It’s worth listening to the people of Tivat!

Xia Yun’s name will also spread throughout Tivat, and it will be convenient to travel around the world.

Find a chance for Lisa to give her to collect!

This is my manuscript, absolutely valuable! It’s worth cherishing too!


It must be given to her with my own hands! This is the right opportunity to get close to Sister Lisa!

Barbara took the newly written pen and paper, handed it to Xia Yun, and asked seriously:

“Teacher Xia! This high note, I can’t sing to your height! ”

“This piece of music that I couldn’t extricate myself from the big world score, lyrics, I didn’t understand, is it faster, slow? Too much difference from your rhythm! ”

“I can’t experience the mood of this melody! Can you tell me how you feel? ”

“In the cool morning light, the smile is very sweet! I can’t sing how you feel! ”

“This high note, your voice can barely sing up, and you can’t maintain it! Just sing in your familiar high pitch! ”

The meaning of this passage is that the teenager of the past, went outside to see, saw the vast world! Now back home! True falsetto is used! ”

“The pace is too fast and too slow, you have it all!”

“Artistic conception, you sing it a few more times, experience it! The song feels different, and you can sing what you feel! No need to force my feelings! ”

Xia Yun has always kept smiling and remaining patient, causing her to sing again many times, and provide highly targeted answers one by one.

I have to say that looking at the adoration in Barbara’s beautiful eyes, it is a little fluttering!

However, Xia Yun also heard it, how could he deliberately imitate himself!

First time listening, not sure yet!

But, so many times, still imitate!

As an excellent singer, it is impossible for her not to know this truth!

Barbara is also in the answer, and the progress is fast, far faster and more effective than pondering the song herself.

remembered the analytical score she wrote, and then looked at what Xia Yun drew for her;

Barbara was deeply glad that she almost missed too much! The feeling of Xia Yun is too far away!

Xia Yun finished answering them one by one, and then wrote an extra piece of paper and showed it to Barbara.

Barbara covered her face, “I have so many mistakes!” I didn’t even realize it! ”

Xia Yun smiled: “Not so much, you and I realize a lot of overlap!” ”

“Realized the mistake! Then I’ll answer you one by one! Correct you one by one! ”

Drew another line to show, pointed to the middle end of the line, and said with a smile:

“This is your progress bar! Destroy these monsters one by one and you’ll be able to move forward step by step and progress faster! ”

Then, the pen clicks forward, “This is where you are now after your progress!” It’s a big step forward!! ”

Barbara was surprised: “My efforts show clearly!” You can see where you are! ”

He smiled and asked, “If I can solve these problems one by one and reach the end of this line, can I sing as well as you?” ”

Xia Yun shook his head resolutely: “You can’t do me like this!” ”

Barbara hung her head and said disappointed

“You sing so well! How can I achieve it? Also, there are always things that you can’t do with hard work! ”

The fact of despair, like how Barbara is not as good as her sister.

Xia Yunxiao, just watching from the sidelines, there are always some facts, even if you don’t want to, you have to accept it!


Barbara danced a few times, danced her body, and once again struck a smile gesture with her palms in her ears, and she was back to life!

Raise your head and show a stubborn smile: “The 30-second lost time has passed!” Barbara is here! ”

“Even so, Barbara has to work hard and try to play her best songs! Bring happiness to everyone! ”

Barbara’s designated [Lost Time] for herself was only thirty seconds.

After thirty seconds, pick yourself up anyway.

Xia Yun gave a touch to kill again, and said kindly:

“You can’t sing my feelings anyway! Not up to my level either! ”

Barbara raised her head and felt the touch: “Hmm! But I also want to be my best! ”

Xia Yun smiled: “Because I am me!” This is my style! Not your style! ”

Gently holding Barbara’s lovely cheeks with both hands, he said resolutely:

“You’re Barbara! You are the shining idol Barbara! You have to have your own style! Instead of deliberately imitating me! ”

Look her straight into the eyes, “You know you have to have your own style!” Maybe it’s because you think it’s closer to me and sounds better! ”

“But, I tell you clearly!”

“Barbara is Barbara, with her own unique feeling, unique style of singing!”


Barbara’s tears flowed down like broken pearls, saying exactly what she really felt in her heart.

She knew that she had to have her own style, but last night’s many personal style singing was also commented by the audience who happened to pass by outside the window

“It’s not as good as Xia Yun!” “I don’t feel like him at all!” “Not good!”

Gradually lost his self-confidence, occasionally imitated Xia Yun several times, but was evaluated:

“Sounds good! There is that smell! ”

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