Lisa laughs, the witch who shows genius and intellect smiles, sees through all appearances, and faces the essence of man;

“Xia Yun, this wine, this flower, have no effect!”

“Two combined to work, no effect!”

“The truth is, the whole room is filled with potions!”

“You’ve been immersed in the effects of the potion!”

“As for me, it is not valid for me!”

“The effect begins!”

Xia Yun was speechless, and then popped out to speak:

“Lean! Still play like this, you witch to me a teenager, as for? ”

“Am I not your little cutie? Why are you drugging me? ”

Then, Xia Yun looked at Lisa’s sexy body, looked expectant, and said excitedly:

“Actually, Sister Lisa, you don’t have to bother with the drug! If you want to violate my words, I’d love to! ”

“Sister Lisa, violate your little cutie as much as you want! I’m handsome! ”

Lisa drank with a smug face, looking at Xia Yun’s extremely expectant look, with a strong smile;

But, listening to the violation, I kind of want to kick him with my foot!

Is that called an assault on you? The reward is good, okay!

“Use your black gloves, use your giant elephant, and then use your black silk beautiful legs, black silk beautiful legs and beautiful feet, violate me well!” I will not resist! Enjoy it! ”

“Black silk’s beautiful legs! Snow-white legs between black silk and skirt, hee-hee! I can! ”

Black silk, giant elephant, beautiful legs! That’s his luck, right?

It’s natural, it’s fun, and it’s really what men like!

Lisa was extremely satisfied looking at her body, and was recognized as a cutie obsessed! I’m charming!

“That’s it, Sister Lisa, can’t I look at your face and violate me!”

“It’s the witch who violated me! Then my mental enjoyment is super cool! ”

Men’s pleasure has both physical and psychological feelings!

That is, Lisa reflected her cheeks from the bright red liquor, smiling!

Shaking the wine glass and playfully looking at Xia Yun with fiery eyes, everything was in her control.

Lisa is sure that if it is really someone she loves, this is not a requirement at all!

Instead, I thought, that’s it? Thankfully, it’s not enough fun! Leave it to me!

Xia Yun said with some embarrassment: “Even if I haven’t been with a woman yet!” ”

“Poof!” Lisa took a half-drink of wine, maintaining elegance, and forced it down;

Looking at Xia Yun’s expression of regret and embarrassment, he really couldn’t help it.

Poof! Spit!

Lisa took the handkerchief and dried it gracefully.

Can’t believe it asked:

“You really haven’t experienced it? It can’t be! You are so handsome! ”

Lisa knows very well that with Xia Yun’s appearance, there will be many women who will be regarded as lovers;

Just like men want to sleep beautiful women, women also want to sleep handsome guys, they must sleep until they earn!

“And so good at taking care of people, making people comfortable!”

“Knowledge, combat power, are enough to show strength in front of ordinary people! People can trust them! Follow! ”

From Lisa’s point of view, Xia Yun’s knowledge is just a little more understood;

If he asked a little deeper, he would be confused.

However, it is definitely enough for everyday life!

She is not a scholar, she does not have high requirements for Xia Yun;

But to Lisa’s amazement, the knowledge is used appropriately!

I understand the flower language! There is also environmental vigilance! Music knows too!

It seems that I also know about sake brewing and cooking!

Combat power, considered average!

As for Mora, it was not a problem to get the wind up.

If it is missing, Lisa will be happy to send it!

Lisa knows something about the information of Mond City, especially her curious Xia Yun.


Lisa repeated incredulously:

“You have such good self-conditions, have you ever slept with a woman?”

Xia Yun poured himself a glass of red wine, drank it all, and said indifferently:

“Sister Lisa, do you believe it or not, don’t believe it and pull down!”

Lisa drank a glass of wine, accepted both the facts and the wine, and looked at Xia Yun’s beautiful eyes still shocked;

Still puzzled and asked: “Xia Yun, are you a boy?” Are you really a teenager?”

Xia Yun looked disdainful: “Love believe it or not, don’t believe it and pull it down!” You think I want to say something! I don’t even know why I said it! ”

Then, extremely serious, sharpened and sharpened with a knife and fork, and the luster was revealed;


Fork into the steak!


Threatened viciously: “You dare to say it? There is such a row! ”

Lisa smiled, hooked her finger forward, blinked seductively, and teased

“Little cutie! Do you want your sister to help you?” My sister is a mature witch! ”


The knife and fork cut off a piece hard and hit the plate.

Xia Yun swallowed, looked directly into Lisa’s eyes, and said with extreme disdain:

“I want, will you give it? Hum! The witch who teased you little cute and gave him potions! Hum! ”

Although he didn’t know what kind of potion, Xia Yun was sure that his tone and attitude were extremely wanton!

It’s a little weird!

It’s all done by the potion of all evil!


“Aren’t you too! Still mature? ”

Lisa smiled lightly, her fingers continued to tick, and she teased:

“I definitely don’t give it! But, don’t stop me from giving something else! ”

“Such as…”

PS: Ask for flowers! Ask for data! Ask for review votes! The data has not gone up!

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