The words were interrupted by Xia Yun:

“Jean! I have something to talk to Sister Lisa! It could be a long time! I’ll go see you when I’m done! ”

“Jean, Barbara, is a very good student, and the confusion lies in her direction!

“Now? She has found her style! ”

“Jean, I’ll teach Barbara again! It’s just that I also hope that you can accompany her more when you have time!! ”

Then, the tone was slightly reproachful:

“Don’t forget what I said! Have to rest today! Don’t work for now! ”

Ay! Jean, Mother Jean, you are really my lifesaver!

I was almost clicked!

The pain is certain, and more importantly, my image has ruined somewhat.

Jean, my Superman!

Lisa said quickly:

“Jean, have a good rest! Your book is in its old place! ”

Jean loves to read the book “The Melancholy of the Girl Vera”, a love novel.

“Good! I will keep my promises! Will have a good rest too! ”

“You did me a favor, perfect! And it far exceeded my expectations! ”

“Xia Yun, thank you again, Barbara and I, because you are closer to each other!”


Lisa Xia Yun obviously felt that Qin’s departing steps were a little brisk, very happy.

Lisa looked at Xia Yun beside her appreciatively, and said with some distress

“Xia Yun, is there anything you want to tell your sister? Don’t want to be a good apprentice to your sister? ”

Xia Yun paused, thinking, how to explain it?

Lisa reached out and gently rubbed Xia Yun’s hair, patting his head;

“Your desires, your thoughts, your vulnerability, your pain, my sister has seen it! Will soothe you! ”

Lisa looked at Xia Yun, like an intellectual big sister who comforted the teenager who broke into the world, soothed his vulnerability, appreciated his efforts, and helped him;

Lower your head and kiss Xia Yun’s forehead again:

“You can tell your sister without reservation! You don’t have to restrain yourself in front of your sister and hide yourself! ”


Xia Yun exhaled heavily, shook his head, and looked at Lisa’s encouraging eyes;

Put aside the complicated worries and thoughts temporarily, think too much, strange and tired.

To put it bluntly:

“Sister Lisa, I’ll think the potion effect is still there.”

“Talking can’t be brainy, sometimes it’s cool!”

Lisa encouraged:

“Unleash your true self in front of your sister! You’re my little cutie! ”

Both of them knew that what Xia Yun said next was what he took the initiative to open up to Lisa;

As for Lisa’s truth, well, Xia Yun is helpless, the difference in the realm between the two is too big, and he is likely to not be able to pick up Lisa.

Xia Yun looked into Lisa’s emerald eyes and said bluntly

“I want to sleep with you! I like your mature body, your intellectual big sister look! ”

“I think there are many secret things that I can tell you to my heart’s content, and you will tolerate my emotions and soothe my pain!”

Looking up and down again, Lisa’s body, black silk, giant ru, beautiful legs, charming cheeks;

does not hide the fiery gaze at all;

Lisa’s eyes are loving:

“Little cutie, your greed for my body, I always knew! It’s not annoying! My sister’s charm is great! ”


Xia Yun said directly:

“If I become your student, I want to sleep with you, it will be too difficult to have you!”

“Unless, can you accept me Jockey? Then I don’t care! ”

Lisa was a little distressed and a little self-satisfied with a smile:

“My students want to sleep with me, absolutely impossible!”

“Do you want to sleep with me so much?”

Xia Yun said justifiably:

“I’m a man, and I want to sleep with the big sister of the witch who knows it! It’s that simple! ”

And then said to his chagrin:

“I didn’t expect it to be so direct! Not at all the romantic feeling a woman might want! It’s like a deal! ”

“However, I also know that this is indeed what I really think; Also understand, you will accept me like this! ”

Lisa held her chin in her hand and said lovingly

“Of course my sister will accept the real you! It doesn’t matter what the real you look like! ”

Laughing and moaning, saying something as simple as :

“This is not a deal! My relationship with you has never been a deal! ”

“If it is a transaction, you or anyone else, dare to say to me, take my body, my love as a trade, you will die a long time ago!”

Xia Yun patted his chest and rejoiced

“Thank you Sister Lisa for not killing!”

Lisa smiled:

“Xia Yun, Cecilia flower, is the true love of the prodigal son, you want to sleep with me, have me, is it some of your true love?”

Xia Yun looked strange and scratched his head:

“That! Sister Lisa, did you make a mistake? ”

“Oh! What’s wrong? ”

Xia Yun handed the Cecilia bouquet on the table to Lisa, and said strangely

“I don’t like Cecilia flowers again! The true feelings of the prodigal son concern me? ”

“Ah! Isn’t it Cecilia flowers that you like? ”

Lisa was embarrassed, supported her forehead with her hand, and shook her head, as if she had received a violent blow!

It’s like solving a math problem that hasn’t been solved for half an hour, only to find that I have read the wrong topic and it’s super collapsed!

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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