
Lisa carefully observed the gemstone in her hand, the cyan gemstone was dull and tarnished;

The small hole is like other small holes, empty, and I can see the white jade underneath.

Think about it:

“When the people outside Xia Yun forcibly take out the inlaid gemstone, the small hole will absorb the gem, and the gem will defend and condense its elements to attack the enemy.”

“When the gem was forcibly removed, the hole was empty, just like the other holes. The gem will condense its extreme power to attack enemies and then dim. ”

“The small hole of the jade pendant is far more important than the dim eye of the god, the gemstone.”

Pinching the jade pendant and gemstone, Lisa felt deeply:

“What an amazing masterpiece!”

Jean sighed:

“There are other studies, pay attention to the place! Don’t spoil the city! ”

The thunder storm just now was solved by Qin’s initiative, Lisa was lazy, and Xia Yun’s strength was not enough.


Xia Yun was weak, and his body fell straight on the table in front of him.


Qin hurriedly pressed the shoulder of the fainted Xia Yun, his palm emitted a blue light, faintly had the illusion of a dandelion, and used the wind elemental power to heal Xia Yun.

Lisa sat back in her chair, placed the jade pendant and gemstone on the table, and leisurely looked at Xia Yun, Qin healed compared to her, thinking.


“Almost said goodbye to the beautiful world!”

Xia Yun opened his eyes with difficulty, his voice was weak, and what he saw was black.

Eyes are on the table!

Lisa asked curiously

“Little cutie, how do you feel now after the gem broke away from the hole?”


“Jean, please help me lean back in the chair, I can’t move right now!” A little strength…”

Qin only let go of his hand, and the wind element force injection stopped.

Change posture to help.

Xia Yun’s voice disappeared, his eyes closed, and he fainted again!

Qin quickly held Xia Yun’s shoulder with one hand and injected wind elements;

The other hand gently pushed him back against the chair, his back resting all over the chair.

Then sat on Xia Yun’s left, moving gently and quickly, looking at it with concern.

Lisa laughed and said

“Qin, you really care about Xia Yun!”

Jean replied honestly:

“Helping the citizens of Mond, my friend, is what I should be doing!”

Lisa’s playful gaze flowed to Xia Yunqin, uh-huh nodded.

Xia Yun reopened his eyes, listening to this, he sighed in his heart, hey!

Looking at the two big beauties who care about themselves on the left and the right, he is in a happy mood!

Looking at the jade pendant and cyan gemstone on the table, he said in a weak voice

“The current research is that if my jade pendant-set gemstone is deprived of the small hole, I will instantly lose feeling and pass out!”

“I can be easily treated and wake up, but I am weak, except for my eyes that can move and speak, I can’t even breathe my fingers!”

“It takes continuous treatment to maintain speech and gradually recover physical strength and spirit!”

Lisa pinched the gem and asked curiously

“Xia Yun, can you control the wind elemental power now?”

Xia Yun said weakly

“Can’t! I can’t sense this dull, lustrous gemstone at all! It’s like an ordinary gem. ”

Lisa brought the gem closer and placed it in Xia Yun’s hand:

“Now what? This gemstone has a strong wind elemental power, and can also condense the wind element between heaven and earth. ”

“Still can’t! I can’t sense anything! ”

Lisa said seriously:

“What if you eat it? Can I get short-term wind elemental power and bless myself? ”

Xia Yun thought and said

“It’s a way to fight! It can also be used as a strong explosive to consume enemies! ”

Jean shook her head and said a little helplessly

“You are already weak to this point, study it later!”

Xia Yun said rather angrily

“I just want to finish the research at this time!” Otherwise, I’m not weak in vain! ”

“I don’t want to come a second time, it’s like I’m being emptied!” It’s so uncomfortable! ”

Lisa nodded appreciatively, “Come on, little cutie, let’s continue!” ”

It is extremely simple to set the dull cyan gemstone into a small hole on the table in front of Xia Yun

“It’s easy to get in! I’ll try to take it out again! Be careful! ”

If Xia Yun could shake his head, he would definitely close his eyes and fall backwards and suffer pain.

Close your eyes!

“How is it okay! You took it out? ”

Lisa repeated the inlay and took it out again, but Xia Yun was indifferent and thoughtful

“Take it out! But it seems that the dull gemstones that have been taken out and set will not affect you much! Can you use the wind? ”

Xia Yun opened his eyes and said helplessly:

“Can’t! Not a little induction! ”

Qin patted Xia Yun’s shoulder and comforted softly:

“The Zephyr Knight will keep ordinary people safe! Let them live a peaceful and happy life! ”

Even if you can’t use elemental power, the Zephyr Knight will protect you.

Xia Yun was a little helpless:

“Captain Qin, did you misunderstand something? It’s just an experiment! Even if I can’t use the wind element, I’m sorry! Deep regret! It’s my favorite wind element! ”

And quite optimistically:

“But there are eight more holes! I don’t believe it, I can’t condense gems! ”

“Sister Lisa, the research continues!”


The thunder elemental power in Lisa’s hand was like a liquid, repeatedly immersing the jade pendant, empty shell, small hole, cyan gemstone.

However, nothing has been achieved.

Small holes just can’t condense gems!

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