Headquarters of the Order.

“That’s what happened.”

Kaia introduces Jean and Lisa.

Jean greeted the three: “Welcome to Mond, travelers who come with the wind.” ”

“I’m the acting leader, Jean.”

Xia Yun said proudly, “I just fought with a dragon!” Super awesome! ”

Jean smiled: “Hmm! Xia Yun, I witnessed your heroic posture in battle. ”

Somehow, Jean felt that she might really be able to witness the legend!

The hand introduced to the side: “This is Lisa.” Librarian of the Order. ”

witch hat, curly hair, turquoise eyes like jewels, purple clothes, wearing roses, black gloves;

There are also black over-the-knee socks, with skirts, which show more white and delicate thighs.

The whole body exudes a lazy mature woman style.

The voice is crispy and numb, and there is a charm:

“Oh, is it because of the lack of manpower, so the kind child who came to help? So cute! ”

Lisa said a little helplessly

“It’s just that the timing is not very coincidental, the wind demon dragon has been moving around the city since its recovery, creating chaos.”

“Now the flow of Mond’s elements and the circulation of the earth’s veins have become like the ball of thread that has been scratched by a cat.”

“This is the worst case scenario for a magician… The skin and mood will deteriorate…”

Qin pondered and said, “If you are not disturbed by these, the Knights have a better way to help you than by seeking revelations.” ”

“Please stay in Mond for a while now, and we Knights of the West Wind will work hard to solve the problem.”

Ying responded: “You can’t just bother the Knights. ”

After Xia Yun hesitated, he still said, “Although! I’d love to just go back just like that, no matter! ”

“But ah, I always feel better to get involved!”

If you can participate in changing the fate of the Wind Demon Dragon, you will get rich destiny points!

You can also meet Wendy and find some of the past from 500 years ago.

However, I don’t want to get involved in the trouble!

Lisa encouraged, “Little cutie, you really are children!” ”

Look at the empty shell of the cyan gemstone, your eyes are leisurely.

Kaiya agreed: “With the help of travelers and Xia Yun, our handling of the Wind Demon Dragon will go more smoothly. ”

Looking at everyone, he said confidently: “Then, let’s decide on the battle plan.” ”

After a discussion.

Jean decided—”Before the dragon plague expands, let’s take the lead and head toward the ruins of the abandoned temple.” ”

The crowd left.

Lisa recalled Xia Yun’s cyan gemstone, Ying, went to the library, carefully searched for relevant materials, and said:

“The Eye of God is a necessary device to direct elemental forces. Only in them is the exception. What exactly is the principle? ”

“I wonder if they are free, accompany my sister to do an experiment?”

Xia Yun breathed a long sigh of relief, the matter was over, and it was time for a happy house viewing! .

Amber asked Amber, “May I ask Amber, can you take us to Mondstadt for a stroll at your time?” We have to choose a room. ”

Amber nodded enthusiastically: “Help protect the warriors of Mond, I will be happy!” ”

Xia Yun, Ying, Paimon, under Amber’s guide, admire the wind and the pastoral song of the free city-state.

Doesn’t the game’s map match at all? Mondstadt is bigger than it I don’t know how many times!

Windmills, fresh breeze, bard tunes, and the smell of wine everywhere.

“Mond’s wine industry is famous all over Teyvat!”

“Mond’s honey sauce and carrot fried meat is also my favorite delicacy! Super delicious. ”

Amber pointed to a restaurant, chairs outside, invited:

“The honey sauce carrot fried meat at the Deer Hunter’s restaurant was super delicious! Don’t you taste it? Don’t you taste it? ”

Sarah, dressed as a waiter and looking kind and cute, said enthusiastically: “Welcome to the deer hunter!” What do you want? ”

Paimon flew away, smelled the taste, and said excitedly: “Try it!” Try it! We’ve been tired all day! ”

Ying sat down: “Hmm! All right! I’m hungry too! ”

Xia Yun sat down and said arrogantly: “Thank you Amber for your warm introduction to us, I have a treat for this meal!” Feel free! ”

Amber said incredulously: “Don’t mind so much! Do you guys, I’d love to! ”

Xia Yun said resolutely: “I invited this meal!” Think of it as our first meeting gift! Nothing to do with the introduction! Let’s order, how precious and rare it is to taste food with friends! ”

Amber looked at Xia Yun’s firm gaze, “Then I’m welcome!” Happy to be your friend! I will let you taste the best food! ”

Paimon hurriedly said, “I want to eat too!” I’m going to eat too! ”

Xia Yun said generously: “Point!” I treat you! ”

Ying on the side looked inexplicable, and there was a sense of foreboding.


The gourmet dishes on the menu were handed to Xia Yun, and Amber said: “This is carefully selected by us, and the storage makes this dinner satisfactory.” ”

Xia Yun didn’t look at it and handed it over: “I believe in your vision!” It was my first meal in Maunde! Unforgettable experience! ”

In front of three people, reselect a menu and check a few at random.

Amber was surprised: “Do you order so?” Too little! You also order what you like! ”

Paimon echoed: “Exactly! It is! You treat more to food. ”

Xia Yun handed over the menu and said arrogantly: “Don’t use these items!” I want everything else! ”

Sarah, who was waiting, said with some disbelief: “Excuse me, distinguished guest, are you sure?” ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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