Wendy was calm and judged the Firebird operation.


The firebird stopped in front of the Ice Elemental Lady and rushed into the sky.

Diluc tightened his gloves, indifferent:

“Fight the enemy, don’t be too lax!”

“I still don’t disdain to attack a person who has no will to fight.”

The lady didn’t pay attention to the words at all.

Only Xia Yun, who was walking towards her quickly, remained in her eyes.

Laughing relief!

A few tears of love flowed.

It’s as if lovers who haven’t seen each other for many years have finally reunited!

“Rosalind, I’m back!”

Xia Yun stopped, opened his arms, and smiled happily.

“Xia Yun!”

“Hmm! Rosalind, I’m back! ”

The woman’s body was re-transformed into flesh and blood.

Stepping on extremely high heels, smiling happily and opening his arms.





The rippling surface of the sea reflects the clear moonlight, and also reflects the face of the lady.

Blonde hair covered half of her face.

The mask is like a moth, covering the beautiful half of her once badminton princess, the envy of thousands of girls.

Black, also like a moth to a fire, only the color of ashes remains.

I hate my face!

The moonlight fell, the breeze blew, his black eyes were as quiet as the night sky, and he smiled brightly.

As he waved goodbye at dusk, he rode a white horse to the blonde boy and Dainsreb at the fork in the road.

“Rosalind, you go to Meru, I’ll travel the continent! See you again! Hee-hee! ”

He’s still that teenager!

I hate that I’m no longer the cheerful singing girl!

I’m already the Witch of Flame!

The moment you pounce into your arms.


A cold frost slipped through his arms and rushed towards the endless ocean.

Rushing towards the end of Xia Yun’s field of vision that he could no longer see.

Rosalind, gone!

Xia Yun’s heart was empty, lost, something very important and important.






Cover up sobs.

The distance of the ocean.

Endless frost, flames, rushing to the sky, rushing to the crescent.

Not a full moon!

The sea water evaporated, and the hot breath of frost melting was like a thick fog in the ocean, obscuring the brilliance of the crescent.

It also faintly blocks half of the face under the woman’s mask under the reflection of the sea.

“He’s still that Xia Yun! But I’m not that Rosalind anymore


Birds, swimming fish, occasionally passing through thick fog, turned into ashes in an instant, just like the black moth mask.

Heartbreak cry:

“Xia Yun! Xia Yun! Xia Yun! Yes! ”

Thick fog obscured the reflection of the face.

But the shadow of the moth mask elongated, as if laughing, laughing at the gods! Sneer at creatures that have become ashes!

Laugh at the world!

“Ugh! Belch! That, you listen to me! Listen to me! ”

“Oh good! Sister will listen to your explanation! ”

“Yes! Do you listen to my quibbles! Bah! Listen to me explain! ”

“Sister Lisa, you tease me again!”

Diluc, Jean, Lisa, Wendy, with scrutinizing eyes, approached like a wall of approaching people.

Xia Yun put his hands in front of him, waved down at once, and stepped back.


Behind is the cliff face.

“Little cutie, why do you have to retreat decently? Sister and Jean, they won’t eat you! ”

Lisa walked forward with graceful steps, like a witch’s smile.

There is no way to retreat!

Xia Yun helplessly stuck his whole body against the cold cliff wall, cold, just like his heart

The whole body and face collapsed, and I looked down at the crabs and sand burned to ashes under my feet, only this one was under my feet.

Weakly said:

“That, that, you listen to me! I have a reason! ”

Qin stopped, looked at Xia Yun, and said straightly:

“Xia Yun, we must take a good look at your identity! Please don’t hide it! ”

I had to make Qin wary, and the eighth lady of the eleven high-level executive officials of the Winter Kingdom, the intimate behavior just now, the cheerful smile of the lady, the relationship was too good.

How did she get so good with ladies all the time in Mond? They are obviously meeting for the first time!

Diluc stopped, indifferently examining, whether the words were true or false, according to his intelligence, he could tell.

However, what he was worried about was that what Xia Yun said was true, but only half of what he said.

That’s troublesome.

Wendy stopped and thought, not thinking about his divine heart anyway.

Lisa walked in and gently kneaded Xia Yun’s face:

“Good! Tell my sister everything! Sister cares about you! ”

Taking out a bottle of colorless liquid, it shook the tip of Xia Yun’s nose, and there was no smell.

Put it away, demagoguery said:

“The liquid that my sister just gave you is a potion I developed, is it effective?”

“That is, what we ask you, you will sincerely answer what you know, answer everything you know.”

“As for the side effects?”

Lisa pulled La Xiayun’s face, bounced back, gently stroked his head, like a child, and said lovingly

“You won’t want to know!”

“Obedient! You didn’t say anything wrong! It’s all the potion’s fault! ”

A little distance back, looking at Xia Yun, also acts as an obstacle in the way of Qin, Diluc, and Wendy.

“Sister will protect you!”

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