Chapter 79: Yelan Gave Too Much! Goodbye! Please Xiandian Yi [Subscription requested.

Xia Yun stared at the woman seriously, and reminded again: “The power of the abyss is not so easy to contact, especially the Liyue battlefield of the disaster five hundred years ago. ”

“It is said that there is also a weird underground ancient country there, and it is very dangerous to rely on the two of us alone”

In the abyss and underground mining area, there is an upside-down underground ancient country, which is also an ancient but extinct civilization.

“In particular, my power to the abyss is not as strong as you think. It really may not come back. ”

This woman just valued that she had just come out of the cracks of the abyss intact, and felt that she had an understanding of the abyss. Xia Yun admitted that 6 million Mora has a hundred million points of heartbeat.

Although there is no shortage of money for the time being, she gives too much.

The woman smiled confidently at Xia Yun, as if everything was under control: “10 million Mora, you just say it’s okay, right?” ”

The woman smiled disdainfully, said so much danger, didn’t she just want to add money? This little trick still wants to fool me.

Xia Yun was convinced: “Ms. Edith, defeated you!” I promise! ”

Isn’t it just about exploring the strata abyss? It must not die. It’s not that I don’t argue, it’s really that she gives too much! The woman smiled confidently: “21 Is this right?” Xia Yun, the warrior who fights the evil dragon, tell me what is going on? ”

“Why did you come out of the abyss crack? How does the jade pendant have an abyss abyss? ”

The intelligence of the abyss is Liyue’s top secret, seriously threatening or even destroying Liyue’s safety.

Xia Yun said easily: “I met the Abyss Apostle in Mond, he went through, and I followed him. ”

“What type of Abyss Apostle?”

“Apostle of the Water Abyss.”

The woman smiled and said strangely: “This way! Xia Yun, what you said is very correct, but it is not complete. ”

The woman did find traces of the apostle of the Water Abyss here, not only that, but also traces of the blond boy. The woman paid attention, Xia Yun’s first sentence was “empty, don’t let me go.”

Xia Yun smiled indifferently: “It’s really not complete!” Why say it all to an employer? ”

“I’ll just handle the mission for you, and during the mission, I will provide you with the necessary information not to jeopardize the mission.”

“That’s all!”

Say too much private things to the employer, Xia Yun is a part-time worker, what is there to say.

“Jade pendant? It’s me at war with him–”

The woman waved her hand and interrupted neatly: “What you said is false.” Your clothes, no traces of fighting, not even blood. ”

“There is no need to make up new ones, it is very stupid for you to lie to me.”

“If you tell the truth, you won’t tell it all.”

“Forget it, don’t waste your and my time.”

Xia Yun said easily: “That’s fine!” I declare that I will provide you with the necessary information and will also give you the necessary assistance in dealing with the task. ”

“Goodbye then! If you have a task, please find me in Liyue Port, and I will participate in the Immortal Ceremony. ”

Give you information so that you can find me, and as for the rest, you will forget it.

Please Immortal Dianyi, you have to meet Zhong Li, and also ask him about the Abyss to the Dragon King. Xia Yun leisurely admired the scenery next to him; plucked a golden leaf and looked at it carefully; From time to time, I stroked and tapped the rock wall with my fingers, feeling the hard touch. It’s like a tourist to Liyue.

The woman smiled and waved: “See you in Liyue Port!” Mond’s Breeze Idol, your wind is up, I like it very much! ”

The woman smiled, very relaxed, by that serious head of the Zephyr Knights, personally awarded the Wings of the Clear Wind, Xia Yun is very reliable.

Explore the past of our ancestors 500 years ago, and perhaps there may be progress. The woman paid attention to the leaves and bottom of the Frontree.

Looking at the top of the Lower Fulong Tree, where the Great Sage of Devil silently watched Xia Yun’s back. And then left.

Liyue is a kingdom of covenants, a kingdom that worships commerce and trade, and walks with God.

The seven stars of Liyue, the seven great merchants representing the seven commercial forces, are the actual controllers of Liyue. But the supreme controller was always the Rock King Emperor, and after a few days, Xia Yun toured the beautiful scenery along the way and finally arrived at Liyue Port.

From the passers-by along the road, I learned that I calculated the time and caught up with Liyue’s annual Immortal Invitation Ceremony. Liyue Port, next to Eat Tiger Rock.

Xia Yun ate tigerfish with three skewers in his left hand, Mora meat in his right hand, and packed a lot of delicacies, eating it beautifully.

They have all come to the country of foodies, how can they not taste some food, isn’t that a major waste of travel? Bottle food wrapped in large pieces of minced meat, the bottle is tender, full and juicy, and can be intoxicated in just one bite.

“It’s delicious! It’s not delicious enough, though! ”

Sigh, perhaps the most delicious is the special dish of Ning Guang Qiankun Mora meat. It’s another product she sold when she was young, and it must be delicious.

Of course, this is the craftsmanship of Mei Fupo herself, and her heart will be greatly satisfied. Xia Yun walked leisurely all the way to Yujingtai, smiling confidently.

The farewell ceremony of the Rock King Emperor can be witnessed well, and look at the rich woman condensing light.

“Huh? Interestingly, she came. ”

Xia Yun enthusiastically approached Ying and Paimon in the crowd waiting for the ceremony to begin. Directly to Ying and Paimon, he shook the grilled tigerfish and food, and said with admiration: “Do you see the ceremony? Lord Tianquan Star Condensing Light has not yet arrived. Grab a bite to eat! ”

“Tender and tender fish meat, golden skin, freshly baked oh, let you eat even a few strands of fish on bamboo skewers!”

“I bought it from Tiger Rock, don’t you taste it?”

Paimon was moved, took a bite of 653, and showed an intoxicated expression: “Xia Yun, your vision is really good, really delicious.” ”

Ying also took it, sniffed a little, and could feel the aroma, but hesitated and said: “Xia Yun, after you entered the crack, where did you go?” Captain Qin has been looking for you? ”

Xia Yun smiled, stuffed Mora meat directly into Ying’s mouth, making Ying’s eyes and mouth wide, very cute, and said with a smile: “Now concentrate on enjoying the food!” I’ll talk about it later! ”

“It’s a waste to eat good food and think about things.”

Paimon looked up from Mora’s meat and cheerfully echoed, “It is!” It is! Eat and concentrate! ”

Xia Yun smiled and closed his eyes to feel the delicacy.

The three of them finished their meals.

It just so happened that it was also time to invite the opening of the Immortal Ceremony, and I didn’t have time to explain. Xia Yun’s intoxicated expression dissipated, carefully observing the movements on the stage. Tianquan Xing looked up at the sun and said respectfully: “The auspicious time has arrived!” ”

Standing on the stage, surrounded by gemstones, it shines dazzlingly. Boom!

The gems rushed towards the quaint incense burner, which burst into a violent brilliance and rushed into the sky. However, strangely, the sky was dark, the clouds were thick, and a black storm appeared. When the storm dissipated, a dragon corpse fell with a bang, smashing the incense burner to pieces.

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