Chapter 87: Gongzi taunted! Yelan, you are ugly! Lady for the chip [Ask for subscription.

Dadalia is immersed in the grand vision of the Empress, the Winter Kingdom, the Fools, and the emotions are fierce, like the discharge of a dam; Passionate, also like a call on the people to fight for a great cause, an exciting speech.

Dadalia opened her hands and invited excitedly.

Yelan, who was observing from the sidelines, also had to admit that these words, coupled with this excitement, were extremely contagious and a good means to incite the people to do things.

However, Yelan glanced at the indifferent Xia Yun and put her mind down. Xia Yun met Dadalia’s expectant and excited gaze, and said resolutely and neatly: “Please convey to the empress: I refuse!” ”

Xia Yun traveled to Tivat, and the reputation of the fools was real, and not many people were welcome. Most importantly, join the crowd of fools or something, there is no need.

Dardalia’s momentum visibly decayed, as if his energy was drained, like an eggplant beaten by wind and frost. Her Majesty’s order, I did not finish, how frustrating.


Yelan felt that the sunset fruit in her hand at this moment was as beautiful and beautiful as the sunset, the fruit was full and the smell was sweet, which made her feel very happy.


Yelan chewed the fruit, her voice was extremely harsh, and after three or two strokes, she ate the whole sunset fruit she had just picked. Snap!

Yelan clapped her hands, picked a sunset fruit again, and threw it at the frustrated Dadalia.

“Sunset fruits, spread across the continent, are a natural boon that lifts your spirits,” he explains. ”

Xia Yun forced a smile and shook his head towards Yelan, who had a popular science tone.

Capture the bamboo shoots! That’s too ruthless.

Dadalia grabbed the thrown sunset fruit, looked up, smiled, not at all depressed, and tasted it leisurely in front of Yelan, who wanted to watch a good show.

After eating, he clapped his hands and said in admiration: “It is different from the sunset fruit in my hometown, it tastes warmer, but the taste is not hard enough.” ”

Yelan was bored, the other party was very leisurely, disappointed, but it was just disappointment, and it seemed that the other party had already been mentally prepared.

Dadalia clapped his hands, regained his confidence, looked confident, and threw out another killing move: “Xia Yun, you were a little disappointed just because you were invited by me. ”

“You care a lot about [ma’am]! You also hope that [Ms. ] will invite you! ”

Yelan is looking like a play again, noble ideals can’t work, change to a woman? Interesting, you plan to betray your colleagues, [ma’am] know?

Xia Yun nodded and said regretfully: “I care a lot!” I want to see her again! ”

Five hundred years ago, want to have a good chat with Rosalind, although I don’t know what to talk about? But just want to see her!

Dadalia looked like this, and said easily: “[Lady] you have also seen, the figure is absolutely good, the appearance is also first-class, she is a former badminton princess.” ”

“Right, Lady Bethle?”

At the end, Dadalia’s eyes playfully scanned Yelan’s cheeks – you are in good shape, but you really can’t look good. Xia Yun was on the side, really wanted to eat a sunset fruit, watch the drama and play – dare to mock in person, a big beauty, with a very good figure, but the long real can’t, even if it is a fake face. At this moment, Yelan is using Liyue’s identity Baie, and is dressed as Edith’s Meru scholar.

The figure is not deliberately decorated, even the long skirt of the Decree Academy cannot stop her beautiful and enchanting figure. But cheeks? Thrown in the pile of people, it should be a sentence, okay, but forget it in a blink of an eye.

Peng! Didi!

The sunset fruit in Yelan’s hand was directly pinched, and the juice only sputtered towards Dadalia, which was easily avoided by him. The smile was playful, but it looked, a little scary: “Dadalia, didn’t [Ms.] tell you that I am hiding my identity?” ”

Yelan affirmed that with the importance that [Madame] attached to Xia Yun, she must have told Dadalia the relevant information about inviting Xia Yun, regardless of grievances.

Among them, including Bethle, is a pseudonym.

However, I was still a little angry, I was a big beauty, I was mocked, and my face was ugly. Who gave you courage?

Dadalia looked innocent: “But, Ms. Bethle, you are not as good as [Ms]. Why lie to yourself? ”

Depend on! Let you dare to taunt me before! Watch me show well!

Yelan smiled back angrily and shook her head: “Looking at your stupid appearance, I know that you are not trying to provoke me to show my true face, you are not as smart as [Lady], and [Lady] will not use such stupid methods.” ”

“I don’t want to argue with idiots who plan to sell out their colleagues for good.”


Dadalia continued to joke and tease: “Ms. Bethle, you are ugly like this!” ”

Yelan calmed down, didn’t say anything more, and ate the fruit leisurely.

Exposing oneself as it is, impossible.

Seeing this, Dadalia was also bored, and towards Xia Yun, full of temptation, continued: “She personally handles everything related to you, and is extremely cautious. ”

“Even the little thing that you sang [Just once] to Sarah, the attendant of Mond, in the middle of the night, arranged the fools, inquired up and down, and did not let go of any news.”

Xia Yun smiled bitterly, feeling inexplicably uneasy, [Once is good] is a love song, for love enemies, this is a small thing? Seeing his fluctuating reaction, Dadalia said more interested: “She also planned to arrange for the debt processor to tie up Sarah, but unfortunately, the handler was about to do it in front of Sarah, but in the end she caught it back.” ”

“[Lady] also watched you with her own eyes, passing through the cracks of the abyss from the wind before leaving Mond.”

“For you, I also killed all the [Doctor] who planned to attack you, his slices in Mond.”

“For five hundred years, you are the only one worthy of her risking a vendetta with the Doctor and giving up obvious benefits, and you are extremely important in her heart to do so!”

Dadalia also wondered, with [Ms.’s] brain full of interests, how could she do so desperately? This is to tear the face with [Doctor], and it is likely to have a vendetta.

This is definitely against her interests!

Xia Yun was silent, she kept looking at me and guarding me, but why didn’t she meet me? At this moment, Yelan once again increased the amount of [Lady] to Xia Yun!

Interested, what is your relationship? Dadalia was full of interest: “Xia Yun, [Lady’s] body is absolutely satisfactory to you, and [Lady’s] love is hot and pure.” ”

“In the five hundred years since her lover died, she has never had a heart for any man, and you are now the only man she cares about”

“Join the fools, you may become [Ms.’s] lover and get [Ms.’s] body, wealth, love, strength, everything about her!”

Dadalia deliberately said that there were so many ladies, and he saw that Xia Yun cared about ladies, whether Xia Yun cared about the body of the lady or the ultimate glory and wealth knife of the Winter Kingdom.

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