Get A Divorce! Do You Really Think I'm A Toad?

Chapter 54 Joys And Sorrows Are Different

"Doctor, how is my friend's current condition?"

In the ward, Chu Yuxuan looked at Chen Qiang, who was extremely weak and his eyes were only narrowed, and asked the doctor.

The attending doctor was wearing a mask and could not see any expression, but there was a bit of surprise in his eyes: "His condition is a miracle. To be honest, we don't actually have hope that he can wake up... At present, his condition is His consciousness is still vague, he cannot speak or move, and his brain only has some simple thinking abilities. Let him rest well these two days without disturbing him too much. The specific situation needs further observation before we can draw a conclusion."

"Thank you." Chu Yuxuan thanked him. After the doctor left, he simply said hello to Li Ping, then sat on the sofa, thoughtfully.

Not long after, Chen Ting arrived at the hospital, and with her was an old man who was stumbling.

Li Ping greeted Chen Ting with a smile, but when she saw the old man, she immediately turned serious and asked, "Tingting, why did you bring grandpa here? What a nonsense!"

Chen Ting pursed her lips: "When you called me, I was so excited that I spilled the beans when I got excited. When grandpa found out, he insisted on coming, so..."

This girl has a simple mind and can't keep her mouth shut, and she can't keep secrets in her heart. Chu Yuxuan also tested her in a subtle way before, wanting to see if she knew about Chen Hong. This girl can be said to know everything. , basically told everything about Chen Hong from childhood to adulthood, but she really didn’t know why he disappeared ten years ago and where he was now. She only thought that her cousin might have had an accident and was dead long ago. Otherwise, why wouldn't she and Chen Qiang be contacted?

Chu Yuxuan saw that she didn't look like she was lying when she spoke, and felt that it was impossible for Chen Hong to tell this loudmouth about his whereabouts, so he focused all his attention on Chen Qiang.

The old man who came with Chen Ting was already eighty years old. Chu Yuxuan had already known it secretly. The old man's name was Wang Kejiu. In fact, he had no blood relationship with the three brothers and sisters of the Chen family, but was a neighbor.

In his early years, this lonely old man made a living by picking up rags. Seeing that the three children had no one to rely on, he often helped them with food and clothing. Over time, he developed a relationship and even sponsored the three children to go to school, treating them as his own children. Raise an adult.

Such kindness is like reinvention. The three brothers and sisters of the Chen family also repaid their kindness and shouldered the responsibility of supporting the elderly.

"Pingping, such a big thing happened, ahem...why didn't you tell me!" The old man burst into tears, and his dark, calloused hands were shaking violently. She is already tall, her body is stooped, and she is thin and small, which makes people feel distressed.

Li Ping also started crying: "Grandpa, I just don't want you to worry. You are not in good health to begin with..."

There is a saying that although Chen Qiang is a hard-working man, his wife is really good, beautiful and able to endure hardships. She is very fond of Chen Ting and this old man.

I still remember that Chen Qiang had only been married for more than a year. At that time, Chu Yuxuan even joked that he could marry such a good wife because he had accumulated great virtue in his previous life.

Chen Qiang was just laughing at the time. Later, after drinking too much, he told Chu Yuxuan the truth: "Actually, her family is very poor. She came out of society early and was used by others to do unfair business for several years. Later, she came to Jiangcheng alone. , I wanted to find another way to make a living, so I met me by chance, and we gradually fell in love with him, so we just got married."

People's joys and sorrows are different.


It was already noon when Chu Yuxuan left the hospital.

The third child held the meat bun in one hand and the steering wheel in the other. While eating, he said: "Brother, this Chen Qiang is really tough... But do you think he will tell you the whereabouts of Chen Hong? I think it is better to use both kindness and power. If he doesn’t say anything, we will directly threaten him with his sister.”

Chu Yuxuan's expression was solemn: "He is a man who takes soft things rather than hard things. He is very stubborn and cannot act haphazardly."

"Hey..." The third child sighed: "Then we can only continue to wait... Big brother, go back to your new home or to the Emerald Lake?"

Chu Yuxuan was silent for a moment and suddenly asked: "What has Xiaoqing been doing recently?"

"Wash and brush, clean, cook and water the flowers... that's all." The third child asked: "What? Do you want her to go to your new home too?"

"Are you willing?"

The third child's face was filled with embarrassment: "I...why am I reluctant to let go? Brother, please don't think too much!"

Chu Yuxuan smiled slightly and said in a meaningful tone: "I remind you again, don't talk about anything about us at home."


Just as he was talking, Zhao Yanan called.

A smile spread across Chu Yuxuan's lips unconsciously, and he answered the phone and said softly: "Miss me?"

Zhao Yanan on the other end took a breath and said tepidly: "Gao Ning invited me to dinner and said that I wanted to talk about Xia Zhu. I just arrived and Mr. Jin is also here."

"Gao Ning invites you to dinner?" Chu Yuxuan frowned: "Which Mr. Jin?"

After a pause, he seemed to remember who it was, and said with a little surprise: "That Mr. Jin from some advertising company before?"

Zhao Yanan: "Well, he was there when I came. He seems to be very familiar with Gao Ning and claims to be a peacemaker."

"Interesting..." Chu Yuxuan touched his chin: "What kind of fun is Mr. Jin doing?"

"Not sure."

Chu Yuxuan pondered for a moment: "You mean, let me come over?"

Zhao Yanan was silent.

Isn't this nonsense? Need to ask?

"Nannan, you have become smarter. Did you know that I would let you beg me, so you didn't answer?"

Zhao Yanan said indifferently: "Don't want to come? Xia Zhu is here too."

Chu Yuxuan: “Jealous?”

"Wait for the next life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone call was cut off. After a while, Zhao Yanan sent the location to Chu Yuxuan's WeChat account.

She seemed to be completely numb to the word "jealous", and she also felt Chu Yuxuan's pulse. As long as this dude didn't say no, he would definitely come.

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