Get A Divorce! Do You Really Think I'm A Toad?

Chapter 58 Lan Yin And Xu Guo, Who Is More Successful Now?

In the evening, Gao Ning took advantage of his parents' socializing time to sneak out and drove to Xia Zhu's house.

On the way, he called Mr. Jin: "Mr. Jin, what do you mean? Why do you want my dad to come over today?!"

Mr. Jin smiled and said: "It seems that your father has noticed it? Oh, brother, I am doing this all for you. Think about it, can we deal with Chu Yuxuan with just our abilities? Anyway, We have to ask your dad to help us, right?"

Gao Ning said angrily: "You asked me to help Xia Zhu terminate the contract, and today's dinner, all of this was planned by you? The purpose was to make my father take action against Chu Yuxuan?! were so stupid when you started That's not what you told me! Didn't you say that you have a way to deal with Chu Yuxuan? Why do you want to involve my dad now?!"

Mr. Jin said: "If you get your dad to join the gang, you will have a better chance of winning. Brother, I am not telling you that your dad is really old now and has lost the courage and courage he had in his early years. Nowadays, the Truman family is constantly fighting among themselves. I am afraid of what they will do. ? We just need to think of a way, and maybe we can take advantage of their internal fighting! Just wait, don't worry, we have the right time and place, now we just need people to cooperate."

"How can I trust you?"

"You don't have to believe it, or I can terminate the plan. But you have to understand that the person named Chu will probably not let go of your Gao family so easily, haha..."

"You..." Gao Ning suddenly became annoyed, but now that the matter was over, there was probably no way back.

After a long silence, the shortage had to compromise: "You have to promise that you can defeat him!"

Mr. Jin vowed: "This is inevitable! Chu Yuxuan is lustful and has no appearance. It is really easy to deal with him."

Gao Ning thoughtfully said: "Mr. Jin, what grudge do you have against him?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone at first, and then Mr. Jin's sinister voice came: "You shouldn't ask, don't ask!"

About twenty minutes later, Gao Ning arrived at Xia Zhu's house.

However, after nervously entering the door password that I knew by heart, it showed that the password was wrong.

Gao Ning suddenly panicked and lost a few more times without belief, with the same result.

When he was at home in the afternoon, he wanted to explain to Xia Zhu, but his phone number and WeChat were blacklisted, and even Xia's mother's phone calls were never answered.

Right now, the door codes have been changed!

"Bah bang bang!"

Gao Ning banged on the door and shouted, "Xiao Zhuzi, can you give me a chance to explain!"

"Three years ago, I was obsessed with it, but... I really love you now! I only love you!"

"Xiao Zhuzi, don't doubt my love for you, okay, I beg you, let me explain it to you in front of you! Please open the door!"

In the house, Xia Zhu was holding a bottle of wine and leaning on the sofa, her eyes were empty and she looked hopeless.

Xia's mother stood by and wanted to open the door, but when she thought about how Xia Zhu had threatened her with death in the afternoon and refused to let her answer Gao Ning's call, she was still a little frightened and could only sit aside and worry.

Gao Ning outside the door continued: "Xiao Zhuzi, I know you are at home, I beg you, just let me see you!"

"My head was injured by Chu Yuxuan. I just woke up from the hospital. As soon as I opened my eyes, I came to you in a hurry. Xiao Zhuzi, my head is so dizzy... Could you please open the door and let me Let’s take a look at you, okay!”

Xia's mother held her daughter's hand and said worriedly: "Xia Zhu, Ning'er is injured, you... just let him come in first, and let him explain clearly if there's anything you need! You have been in love for so many years, and there is nothing that can't be resolved. Open the knot and obey me, okay?"

Xia Zhu smiled suddenly, tears overflowed unsatisfactorily, and said nothing.

She didn't know why, but at this moment, she inexplicably thought of Chu Yuxuan and those two years.

That dull guy never seemed to say sweet words or explain anything. He just obeyed her and was always tolerant towards her.

But it happened that this person was killed by her own hands in the old days and buried in a marriage that was unsatisfactory!

If life is just like the first time we met, why should the autumn wind draw a fan sadly? The beginnings of all stories are very gentle, but how many endings are worthy of the beginning? Orchid causes and fruits, who has the deepest karma? Everything is fate, and no one can control it at all.

Rather than saying that Xia Zhu bought a casket for a pearl, it is better to say that it was a trick of fate.

The left hand is a confident preference, and the right hand is the moonlight that cannot be loved. What you like cannot be obtained, and what you get is disliked. Now that beam of moonlight finally shone on her, she abandoned everything and rushed up, only to realize that the beam of moonlight was refracted to her because someone else didn't want it.

Is it pitiful? Is it sad? Hateful? Ha...some people's lives are destined to be filled with regrets and regrets.


A week passed in the blink of an eye.

Xia Zhu's liquidated damages were not paid on time.

In this regard, Chu Yuxuan showed no mercy and asked the artist management department to hide it directly. He also told Zhao Yanan that if she came to terminate the contract in the future, don't even talk about it, just file a lawsuit. No matter how much the compensation can be in the end, just this kind of lawsuit In other words, trying to drag her down can drag her down for several years.

If you do something wrong, you have to pay a price.

But what puzzles Chu Yuxuan is that Gao Ning and Mr. Jin have been very quiet recently and have not made any moves at all. I don’t know what these two idiots are planning.

Or is it that Gao Zhensheng watches Gao Ning too closely and doesn't let him do anything else?

The old fox is far-sighted and tolerant, and will not easily go against Truman, so it is not impossible.

Without the interference of villains, Chu Yuxuan was free. He walked around the company every day, angry with Zhao Yanan, and then went to the hospital to buy some gifts and see Chen Qiang.

Right now, that's the top priority.

In the past few days, the doctor suggested that the family members should talk to Chen Qiang more, which would be very helpful for his thinking ability. This task naturally fell on Chen Ting, who has a big mouth. She chattered from morning to night, talking about things from her childhood. Son, or the recent news, including the whole process of being rescued by Chu Yuxuan, as well as Chu Yuxuan's advance for medical expenses, etc., etc., in short, they are all heartfelt words of gratitude to Chu Yuxuan.

This method also worked. Chen Qiang recovered well. Although he still couldn't speak much, when others talked to him, he could respond by moving his fingers or blinking his eyes. His thinking had basically returned to normal.

Just yesterday, Chu Yuxuan thought about it for a long time and felt that there was no need to wait any longer. He said straight to the point: "I'm looking for Chen Hong just to ask about one thing, which is closely related to the death of my mother... Qiangzi, he is my mother’s driver, he must have seen who kidnapped my mother! Don’t worry, I will not blame him for leaving my mother and running away alone. That is human instinct, and most people will do that... I just, I want to ask clearly who kidnapped my mother and what happened that night. That’s all. I swear to God that I will not hurt him. You have to believe me!"

However, despite Chu Yuxuan's sincere feelings, Chen Qiang still said that he did not know.

However, his eyes seemed a little guilty and a little bit of inner struggle.

At this moment, Chu Yuxuan was frowning in the office, holding a cigarette in his mouth and wondering what he was thinking.

The third child also felt worried and muttered: "I'll take him out of the hospital tonight and give him a few stabs. No, I'll do it until he says it. Damn it, you don't know what to do!"

Chu Yuxuan flicked the ashes from his cigarette and said with a solemn expression: "Yeah... I really don't have the patience to spend it anymore! I have to think of other ways..."

Just as he was talking, Chen Ting called.

Chu Yuxuan suddenly became energetic and felt uneasy: "Hello? Tingting."

"Brother Chu, my brother said that he wants to see you. I just realized it after making gestures for a long time. It made me laugh to death, gurgling..."

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