"Look at the stupid things you did!" Chu Yuxuan was heartbroken: "If you had gone to the police that night, even if you went to find the Truman people, would so many things have happened?!"

"I regret it too!" Chen Hong's eyes turned red: "But...it's useless to regret it!"

"After I was rescued by the police, I lived in Thailand for a period of time like a lonely ghost. Later, I thought, who would recognize me since I was like this? Moreover, that incident has passed. It’s been a long time, no one should pay attention to it anymore, right? Just go back to China.”

"However, after I met Qiangzi, he told me that you have been inquiring about my whereabouts... I know Truman's methods. Once I am found, both Qiangzi and Tingting will be implicated. To be on the safe side, I plan to continue Fleeing abroad... However, Qiangzi told me that grandpa was diagnosed with cancer and could not live for a few years... The old man raised our three brothers and sisters by picking up garbage and worked hard to raise us. No matter what, I will die for him. ! After sending him away, I will flee abroad."

"So, you and Chen Qiang have agreed on a plan to pretend to be a couple?" Chu Yuxuan took a deep breath: "I should have thought of it a long time ago. After Chen Qiang married you, every time I went to the food stall, whenever I mentioned you, his His eyes would dodge inadvertently, because you told him my true identity! Chen Hong, Chen Hong, I never thought that you would turn into a woman! "

"I deserve it, Chu Yuxuan, I'm sorry for you, I deserve to die! But Tingting doesn't know anything, she really doesn't know anything, you must not hurt her!"

Chu Yuxuan said angrily: "With such a ghostly look, I wouldn't recognize her if it were me!... Think about it again, was there anyone at the scene who left a special impression on you, or was Can you see the face clearly? Also, do you remember the license plate number of the car you drove away? "

Chen Hong thought carefully and said in a low voice: "I don't remember the license plate number... By the way, the man who pointed the gun at me at that time, I saw a string of tattoos on his wrist. I happened to know that string of tattoos because before that I also want to get a tattoo, it’s Darth Vadania in Russian.”

As he spoke, he traced the length of the tattoo on his wrist: "It's about ten centimeters, and there's a letter after it, L, uh... His accent is the Jiangcheng dialect. Based on your Truman's skills in Jiangcheng, Power, I don’t think it’s hard to find.”

Chu Yuxuan thought: "Is there more?"

"Others... I can't see much else..." Chen Hong thought hard, paused, and said: "Your mother wore flat shoes that night. The man on the boat was a head taller than her, and he was neither fat nor thin. , the accent is also local to Jiangcheng...that’s all.”

Chu Yuxuan was silent, pondering this information in his mind.

Chen Hongzhan was trembling, his eyes swept over Brother San'er's face one by one, and said: "Chu Yuxuan, I have said everything that needs to be said. I...I know that you brought me here just to kill me. , but...can you wait a few more months? I want to give Grandpa my last breath...Don't worry, I won't run away, really..."

Chu Yuxuan blinked his eyes and said coldly: "Actually, I never thought about killing you... But if you kill Chen Qiang, how will the debt be settled!"

The third CPU was almost dry and smoking, looking like a black man with a question mark face.

Tears burst out of Chen Hong's eyes and he cried bitterly: "I...I was just impulsive! I really can't figure out why he would choose to help you as an outsider and betray me! From the first time he knew about the relationship between me and you, He persuaded me to take the initiative to confess to you, saying that you must really want to know the truth about your mother... But how dare I! It took some hard work to convince him..."

"But I didn't expect that yesterday, he actually asked Tingting to contact you behind my back! If Tingting hadn't told me accidentally, I...I..."

"After I learned about it, I sent Tingting away and went to question Qiangzi in the ward. I also wanted to persuade him not to talk too much, but he closed his eyes and didn't even look at me! I was angry and scared at the time, I don’t know what to think, but I suddenly thought that the doctor said that he would be paralyzed in bed for the rest of his life... I felt that he didn’t want to live like this and drag Tingting down. Plus, he betrayed me, and I... In anger, I simply locked him up. The machine used to save lives... Actually, I regretted it after turning it off for a minute, and hurriedly turned it on, but... it was too late!"

Chu Yuxuan said coldly: "You used me to help Chen Ting get rid of those beasts in the loan company. Even if you run away, you still want to use me to help Chen Ting get rid of Li Bin's gang. Chen Hong, your brain It’s good, but you don’t need it for serious business! You can do something to your own brother, tell me, do you deserve to live?!”

"I don't deserve it, I'm not a human being!" Chen Hong cried bitterly: "I just ask you to give me a few more months!"

Chu Yuxuan raised his head, looked at the dark sky, and let the cold sea breeze pass across his face and neck, his expression gloomy and complicated.

After a while, he lowered his head, stared at Chen Hong and said, "Go and fulfill your filial piety. Send your grandfather away, and I will send you on your way."

Chen Hong nodded gratefully: "Thank you...Chu Yuxuan, believe it or not, I am really...life is worse than death now! Don't worry, after sending the old man away, I will kill myself without dirtying your hands." !”

Chu Yuxuan said no more and stepped off the fishing boat.

The fourth child followed closely behind him. The two of them walked out for a distance, only to realize that the third child had not followed. When he turned around, the fool was standing next to Chen Hong. His face was full of curiosity, and he scratched his head and asked: "You Can you let me study it, how did you do this? Your breasts are really big..."

Chu Yuxuan:......

The fourth child silently held the cross on his chest, his face expressionless.


After leaving Nanwan Pier, the three of them picked up Lao Wu, who was helping Chen Ting take care of Chen Qiang's funeral, and drove to the Emerald Lake together.

On the way, Chu Yuxuan sent the information given by Chen Hong to the second child and told him to start investigating.

The second child replied: I want to see the fourth child.

Chu Yuxuan: Let’s wait for some time. Your identity cannot be exposed now. Don’t take risks.

The third child drove the car and said excitedly: "I wonder if that girl Xiaoqing is asleep? Hey! Brother, how about I call and ask her to prepare some food and drinks now? We should welcome the fourth child at least. Well!"

Chu Yuxuan was stunned for a moment, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Don't disturb her."

After that, he looked at the fourth child: "Brother, you have to do me another favor."

About half an hour later.

It was pitch dark in the huge villa. Xiaoqing was sleeping soundly in the bedroom when she suddenly heard a slight sound of footsteps coming from the living room.

The girl suddenly opened her eyes, sat up, and looked quietly at the gap under the door. For a long time, no one turned on the light.

If the third and fifth children came back, they would definitely not step so lightly on purpose, let alone turn on the lights.

"Have you been robbed?" Xiaoqing frowned, slowly got out of bed, tiptoed behind the door, and put her ear against it.

The footsteps in the living room were much clearer, "Ta, Ta, Ta... crunch!"

Judging from the sound, it should be that the door of the third child's room was pushed open!

Xiao Qing was thoughtful and glanced at the mobile phone on the bedside table, but had no intention of getting it. Instead, she continued to put her ear to her ear and listen to the noise outside.

Not long after, footsteps came from the living room again, "Ta, Ta, Ta..."

It seems that it is approaching her room!

After a while, the footsteps stopped, but Xiaoqing's expression became more solemn - she heard clearly that the person outside was standing outside her door!

Before she could think about it, the door handle started to turn slightly, and then stopped suddenly when it was halfway turned.

There was no trace of fear in Xiao Qing's eyes, and her pretty face that had been timid all day was extremely cold at the moment. She took a step back slightly and bowed slightly.

After a few seconds, the door handle was turned to the end, and there was only a "crunch" sound, and the door was pushed open!

At the same time, Xiaoqing rushed forward suddenly, and when he got closer, he realized that the person at the door actually had a gun in his hand!

However, this girl was just stunned for a moment. She immediately turned sideways, raised her hand to grab the barrel of the gun, inserted her little finger behind the trigger to prevent the gun from misfiring, and raised her fist to fight with the opponent.

The two fought in the dark for more than ten seconds, but I don't know who is better? After a few seconds, Xiaoqing suddenly heard a groan, and the lights in the living room turned on strangely.

Old Si had no expression on his face, holding Xiao Qing's neck with one hand, and holding a gun in the other hand, pointing at Xiao Qing's head, but the gun chamber and magazine were in Xiao Qing's hands.

At the entrance, Chu Yuxuan crossed his arms across his chest, his eyes dimmed, and his lips curled up into a faint smile.

Lao Wu curled his lips with a strange expression.

The third child's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Xiaoqing, who realized at this moment that she had fallen into the trap, pursed her lips tightly, stared at Chu Yuxuan with a complicated expression for a while, and then lowered her head.

The fourth child snatched the parts from her hand and put them on the gun one by one. Then he stared at the girl's calloused hands for five or six seconds. He must have thought that if he could make a face like that, His expression must have been one of great surprise.

"A master of playing with guns," said the fourth child, tearing off Xiaoqing's pajamas. There was a layer of callus on the right shoulder.

"And he's used to using heavy guys."

Xiaoqing looked resigned and did not defend herself.

Chu Yuxuan stepped forward and asked as he walked: "Girl, I've always been curious, are you Chu Zhiqing's person, or someone else who placed you next to him? Huh?"

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