Get A Divorce! Do You Really Think I'm A Toad?

Chapter 67 I Have Something Wrong With Me, Can I?

At seven o'clock, the extremely painful psychological treatment for Zhao Yanan finally ended.

Seeing that his best friend was sweating profusely, Zhou Xiaoruo's eyes were full of distress. She held Zhao Yanan's cold hands as if they had just been taken out of the freezer, tears welling up in her eyes, and she forced a smile and said: "Nan Nan, Are you okay?"

Zhao Yanan shook her head slowly, her breathing was slightly trembling, and her tone was extremely sad: "Ruoruo, am I unable to cure it... I feel like it is getting more and more serious."

"No, it can be cured, believe me!" Zhou Xiaoruo vowed: "Relax a little, adjust your breathing, yes, that's it..."

Under her guidance, Zhao Yanan gradually calmed down.

"Nan Nan, you need to control your medication now. If you continue taking it for so many years, you will become dependent. By then, I'm afraid it will be even worse..."

Zhao Yanan sat up, drank the cold coffee in front of her, and said weakly: "I know..."

Zhou Xiaoruo raised her lips: "I still suggest that you slowly try to have contact with the opposite sex, try to control your emotions, and just do some simple physical touches, shake hands, high-fives, etc. Try more, right? Your condition will also help.”

Zhao Yanan said sickly: "It doesn't work. I have tried many times to shake hands with different people, but every time it doesn't last more than three seconds, I just... feel uncomfortable all over."

Zhou Xiaoruo smacked her lips and said with a sad face: "If you can have a good friend of the opposite sex and interact with you often, it will be good for your condition... But you are like a teacher's wife, there is no man around you at all, The only one, Liu Kai, is only half a man. Hey, it really makes me sad. I wish I could become a man!"

Zhao Yanan smiled slightly: "Be careful if Liu Kai hears it and skins you."

Zhou Xiaoruo is an eccentric person: "To say he is half a man is too much, haha..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Liu Kai called her.

The two best friends looked at each other and smiled, and Zhou Xiaoruo said: "This guy is really a dog! Haha...Nannan, you go take a bath first. After that, we will set off. I will kill you tonight!"

Twenty minutes later, just as the two of them came downstairs, Zhou Xiaoruo's phone rang again.

She thought it was the "half man" she called calling her again, but when she saw it, it was an unfamiliar number.

This psychiatrist recently made a small investment in a certain platform and advertised his clinic. However, all the unknown numbers are basically mental patients seeking consultation. However, only a handful of people actually come to your home for treatment after consultation.


"Dr. Zhou, I want to undergo psychological treatment. Is it convenient now?"

Zhou Xiaoruo curled her lips, thinking that Murphy's Law was really not a lie. No one came to visit after a day of idle work, and when he was about to indulge in fun, business came.

Although I charge 500 an hour, I will usually be counter-priced to around 300. I have no choice but to do it. There are so many psychiatrists. Why do you think you are young, have a mediocre education, and have no reputation? If you don't take over, others will.

Normally, she would have responded happily, then pretended to be formal and said in an official tone: "There happens to be a patient who is not here for something, so I can make time for you. Next time, Remember to make a reservation two days in advance.”

But right now, with all the hard work of earning three or four hundred, how can it be realistic to follow Zhao Yanan, a down-to-earth little rich woman, to live happily and eat and drink? Dangshi refused: "Sorry, I'm already off work."

After a pause, he seemed to feel that there was still hope of rescue, so he added: "Why don't you come back tomorrow?"

The person on the other end of the phone was very calm: "Right now."

Zhou Xiaoruo wondered, who was the wise man who discovered her gold that had not yet shone yet, and was so paranoid?

After weighing it up, the lion decided to open his mouth and test the authenticity of this pair of discerning eyes: "I'm very expensive, one hour... two thousand!"

The word "thousand" was so heavy that her heartbeat inevitably accelerated, but just for a moment, she felt that she was probably being sentimental. Two thousand an hour was what the experts said, and the other party was just mentally ill, and It's not a brain disease.

Sure enough, a questioning voice came from the other side: "Two thousand?"

Zhou Xiaoruo was not discouraged by this empty joy that was not worth being discouraged at all. Just as he was about to say goodbye, the other end of the phone laughed and said, "I'll be there in ten minutes. Twenty thousand an hour. Pay first and then treat the patient. If there is If it works, there will be rewards. If it doesn’t work, you don’t need to refund the money.”

Zhou Xiaoruo was petrified on the spot, his expression frozen for a long time, he slowly raised his head, looked at the gray sky, and whispered to Zhao Yanan like a dumbfounded chicken: "Nan Nan, have you seen an eye open in the sky?"

Zhao Yanan:? ? ?

Zhou Xiaoruo swallowed, pretending to be calm and said to the phone: "Okay, your persistence impressed me. It seems that you need my help very much. See you in ten minutes."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Xiaoruo could no longer suppress his inner excitement and jumped up and down like a madman: "My dream of being a rich woman is just around the corner! Hahaha..."

"Nan Nan, you go to dinner with Liu Kai first. I'll save you some money and go directly to the second game! Wow hahaha... you'll get rich!"

Zhao Yanan:......

Not far away, a silver-gray GTR parked in a hidden corner. Chu Yuxuan was holding a cigarette in his mouth, turning his cell phone with one hand, and muttered: "There is something wrong..."

Ten minutes later, the doorbell of the psychology clinic rang.

Zhou Xiaoruo, who had been waiting behind the door for a long time, took a deep breath and tried his best to look extremely calm. The smile on his face was just right, quiet and elegant. When the bell rang for the fourth time, he opened the door.


The word "good" was still in her throat. This beauty who had been dreaming about being a rich woman froze in place. The smile on her face seemed to have been poured with a layer of C40 cement. Not to mention calm, if she She has a male body, and her balls should ache even more at this moment.

Chu Yuxuan looked calm and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Doctor?"

Zhou Xiaoruo took a step back blankly. With just such a step, he wrote a book "One Hundred Thousand Whys" in his mind. He adjusted his mentality and continued to be calm and elegant. He smiled and said: "Hello, come in. Bar."

Chu Yuxuan nodded, stepped in, and quietly followed the doctor to the consulting room. Viewed from behind, Zhou Xiaoruo was as quiet as a virgin, walking dignified, but in fact, that face, which could be considered beautiful and unconventional, was now comparable to Sichuan Opera The master's face-changing skills are even more colorful.

"How could it be him?! There's no way Nan Nan would let him come here! ... Is there really such a coincidence in the world? What kind of fate! ... God, you opened your asshole!"

Chatting secretly, but in the end he still had to face reality. Zhou Xiaoruo sat upright, pointed at the high-end leather seat opposite him that he had saved and spent a month to buy, and said with a smile: "Please sit down."

Chu Yuxuan sat down, took out two wads of cash and threw it on the table like a nouveau riche, and said with a smile: "I saw your advertisement on the Internet and happened to pass by, so I stopped by to take a look. Keep the money first."

"It seems like a bad fate..." Zhou Xiaoruo felt resentful in his heart and relaxed his guard a little. However, in line with the principle of "if you have money, don't make a bastard", he still collected money very skillfully and naturally, putting on a very professional look. He gestured and said, "Let's talk about your condition first."

There was a smile in the corner of Chu Yuxuan's eyes: "No hurry, let me ask you a question, um..."

After pondering for a moment, Chu Yuxuan continued: "If there is a normal woman, when she comes into contact with the opposite sex, she will suddenly become very excited and her emotions will be out of control. What is wrong with this...?"

Zhou Xiaoruo:......

You two, do your best! Is there something wrong with me?

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