If the various accusations against Chu Yuxuan set off huge waves on the Internet at the beginning, then the big reversal that caught everyone off guard now is a devastating tsunami.

Qingya Media, Zhao Yanan personally took charge of the public relations department and directed the employees to get busy.

"Draft several clarification statements and send them to each agent. Except for the artists who currently have major endorsements, other artists must forward it, especially newcomers. It is best to post a few more posts to support Mr. Chu."

Artists with big endorsements must be careful in their words and deeds. After all, there are many trolls on the Internet who have no sense of right and wrong. Even if Chu Yuxuan has been proven innocent now, that type of people will still use their dirty and narrow-minded If you use your own thoughts to make assumptions about this matter, it may have a negative impact on the brand and affect the whole body. It is really unreasonable to do so.

But for newcomers, there is no such worry at all, they can just support their boss. Another thing, this is a rare hot spot, and it is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to increase exposure. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

However, this aloof CEO was a little confused. The situation was about to develop to the worst for Chu Yuxuan. Why did Qinglu suddenly turn against him?

And that agent, who I had been looking for for so long and disappeared without a trace, why did he suddenly appear online? Repay Chu Yuxuan's innocence? If she wanted to seek justice for Xia Zhu, why didn't she go to the police as soon as possible? This is not normal in any way.

However, regardless of what was wrong with him, it was a great good thing that Chu Yuxuan was fine.

"Mr. Zhao, we have good news again!" The head of the public relations department held a tablet computer, approached Zhao Yanan, and said excitedly: "Look, those Internet celebrities who accused Mr. Chu have started fighting among themselves. There is a new person who just signed a contract after the year. , just posted an apology video, revealing that Ozawa-chan has a WeChat group with them, and the chat records are incredible, it really opened my eyes!"

In the video, the little internet celebrity cried, claiming that she had just entered the industry and didn’t understand anything. She was coerced and induced by Ozawa-chan and Minister Kim of the internet celebrity base, and she did something wrong in a moment of confusion. She begged netizens to give her a chance to correct herself. New opportunities.

Zhao Yanan didn't want to take another look at this hypocritical apology. What interested her was the exposed WeChat group chat records——

Ozawa-chan: Sisters, Qingya’s internet celebrity base is really a big pit! Did you see it when you signed the contract? The liquidated damages are so high, we are destined to be sucked by them for the rest of our lives! This time I took the lead and tried to find a way to help everyone change jobs. Minister Jin has already helped us contact our next employer. It is a new platform, but it has a deep background and provides generous benefits to employees.

An Internet celebrity couple: I support Ozawa-chan! She is so popular now, but more than half of her hard-earned monthly income is taken away by the base. Our fate in the future will only be worse than this!

Ozawa-chan: Minister Kim and I are getting ready for action. Sisters, cheer up. You just have to act according to the script. Don’t be afraid. Even if something goes wrong, Qingya will only go to me, the internet celebrity. Trouble, it has nothing to do with you.

A certain Internet celebrity couple: My husband wrote my script, saying that Chu Yuxuan molested me in front of him, hahaha.

An internet celebrity: Anyway, I’ll just say that he kissed me forcefully.

Ozawa-chan: My script is that he blocked me in the bathroom and molested me, and also followed me, hahaha... Everyone, please work hard. Anyway, the worse he is, the smaller our risk will be. Not to mention liquidated damages, we Later on, we can sue him back and ask him to compensate us!

A certain Internet celebrity: Ozawa-chan, thank you for your hard work!

There are eleven people in the entire group. Looking at the nicknames in the notes, they are all the Internet celebrities who accused Chu Yuxuan before, but Qinglu is not included.

Looking at these chat records, Zhao Yanan's eyes seemed to be hardened to ice, and she said coldly: "I will mention three points, and you will make arrangements to do it."

Director of the Public Relations Department: "Okay, Mr. Zhao, please tell me."

"First, issue an apology statement for occupying public resources such as the Internet and the police, and it must be sincere; second, make an announcement, and the Internet celebrity base will implement the newcomer training plan to the end, and the attitude must be firm. In addition, according to the standard benefits of Qingya trainees, Draft a relevant welfare package for new Internet celebrities, as well as a statement of accountability for the person in charge of the Internet celebrity base who secretly embezzled the president's seal, tampered with contract terms, etc., and harmed the company's interests, and sent it out at the same time; Third, these Internet celebrities who accused Mr. Chu include One by one, ask the Legal Department to issue a lawyer's letter and list the claims based on the reputation, spirit, and actual losses to the company and Mr. Chu. Especially for this Ozawa-chan, no matter what means are used, I will let her and her whole family... I’ve been working hard all my life to pay off my debts!”

The public relations director nodded repeatedly, thinking that Mr. Zhao, this iron lady, is really a "protective person". Last time, he slapped Xia Zhu in front of everyone and said domineeringly, "If you dare to touch my husband again, I will tear him apart." You!" Now that my man has been so wronged again, I'm afraid he is heartbroken, right?

Seeing Zhao Yanan's sulky look, the third child who was guarding the door felt silly.

Zhao Yanan heard the laughter, looked at the stupid guy who had been her follower all morning, and said helplessly: "Are you hungry?"

The third child swallowed, touched his stomach with one hand, nodded and said, "I'm not hungry."

Xiaowei couldn't help but laugh: "You nodded and said you're not hungry, what exactly do you want to express?"

The third child scratched his head and said with a naive smile: "My sister-in-law is hungry and I am hungry."

Zhao Yanan took a breath and arranged for Xiao Wei: "Order a takeaway for everyone. This big fat guy... order two, and I will reimburse you later."

The third child: "Can you... buy me three portions? The portions of the fast food you eat are small, and I didn't eat them in the morning..."

There was a burst of laughter in the office.

Zhao Yanan raised her lips and said, "Call your brother and ask him how he is doing."

"Oh..." The third child called and hung up after a while: "Sister-in-law, my brother said something happened and he is still busy at the moment."

Zhao Yanan nodded, paused, and looked in the direction of the technical department. After thinking for a while, she walked up to the third child and whispered softly: "Don't call me sister-in-law in the company, do you hear me?"

The third child: "Oh, I understand, sister-in-law."

Zhao Yanan:......

On the other side, Chu Yuxuan arrived at the unfinished building. After telling the legal affairs officer to keep everything confidential, he sent the legal affairs officer back to the company and walked in by himself.

When they saw him from afar, Li Bin and others greeted him enthusiastically: "Mr. Chu! Oh, it's great that you are okay. We brothers are all worried!"

Chu Yuxuan smiled, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Thank you so much this time... If you send me a bank card number, let me show that my brothers' hard work will not be in vain."

Li Bin hurriedly expressed his position: "No, no, no, Mr. Chu, aren't you slapping me in the face? There is no money discussion between us!"

"Listen to me," Chu Yuxuan raised his hand to interrupt: "You go back first. I will treat you to a drink another day. Remember to send me your card number. If it is inconvenient, I will send you cash later."

"This..." Li Bin frowned: "Mr. Chu, you don't have to be polite to us. We can still help you if we stay here!"

Chu Yuxuan smiled slightly: "I accept my wishes. You should go back. It is for your own good that you don't get involved too deeply in some matters."

At this point, Li Bin couldn't say anything more. After saying hello to Lao Si and Lao Wu, he left with others.

"Brother." Lao Wu leaned on the hood of the GTR and greeted with a smile.

The fourth child looked down at the unconscious Jin Tianliang at his feet, kicked him twice tentatively, and when there was no response, he picked up the sledgehammer and hit Jin Tianliang's ankle.


A scream suddenly echoed in the empty unfinished building, scaring the manager and Gao Ning to death.

"Not dead." Lao Si said quietly.

Chu Yuxuan lit a cigarette, walked up to Jin Tianliang, looked at Jin Tianliang's tortured face, and smiled evilly: "Hey, now, do you know the consequences for you? Huh?"

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