Two days passed quickly.

During this period, the Internet celebrities who framed Chu Yuxuan were in misery. In addition to being bullied online and summoned by the police, they also had to worry about the lawyer's letter sent by Qingya. The claim amount was reasonable and legal, but also ridiculously high.

Ozawa-chan's account with tens of millions of fans was banned. She changed her account several times in the past two days and kept posting apology videos. She said that her depression was worsening, that her address was leaked, and that she was being harassed. Category, but how can netizens still buy it? They all wanted to come to the door and spit in that bitch’s face.

As for the Green Heron, there are mixed reviews. But early this morning, some of her photos still leaked onto the Internet.

Undoubtedly, it was Chu Yuxuan who did it. It’s a small lesson to teach Chu Muhan. The most important thing is to create an illusion for Chu Muhan that Jin Tianliang is still alive. Otherwise, Gao Ning, Xia Zhu’s agent, and Jin Tianliang all disappeared mysteriously, and his sister was designated to chase him. He wouldn't let go.

Mr. Jin is still missing, as if he has evaporated, and has not contacted the Gao family. And Gao Zhensheng, in addition to looking for his son every day, is looking for his son. Although he suspected that Chu Xiaotian had taken away his son, the second wife of the Truman family told him firmly and definitely that the old man didn't even think about Chu Yuxuan, and was focusing on caring for Chu Yuxuan. Chu Zhiqing thought of a way.

This made Gao Zhensheng very worried. The suspect didn't take action. Could it be Chu Yuxuan? How could that playboy be so capable that he could silently make a living person disappear without a trace? Furthermore, if Truman was really seeking revenge on the Gao family, why did he only touch Gao Ning but not him?

The more Gao Zhensheng thought about it, the more confused he became. He even thought that Mr. Jin might have taken Gao Ning away and wanted to use Gao Ning to threaten him into doing something?

But when he contacted Mr. Jin, the number was already empty...

He made a mess of things. Could it be that he ran away?

In fact, Mr. Jin, who Gao Zhensheng and Chu Yuxuan were searching for, is still in Jiangcheng, but he is hiding in a very secret place.

It was noon, and Mr. Jin had just finished his meal when there was a knock on the door of the room, and a woman's voice came from outside the door: "Open the door."

Hearing this familiar voice, Mr. Jin suddenly became excited and hurriedly got up to open the door.


The door opened, and outside the door was a woman with a voluptuous figure and a charming appearance. Her exact age was unclear. She looked about thirty years old, but if she took good care of herself, it was not impossible for her to be in her forties.

"Sisi! You're finally here!" Mr. Jin stared at the woman with a look of infatuation for a long time, then bowed and said, "Come in quickly!"

The woman named "Sisi" raised her lips slightly, without any intention of going in, and said, "Brother Jin, you let me down a little this time."

The smile on Mr. Jin's face suddenly disappeared, and he lowered his head guiltily and said, "I'm sorry, Sisi, I messed up. I don't know who is sabotaging our plan..."

The woman sighed: "In the final analysis, you are still useless."

Mr. Jin swallowed, looking like a licking dog, and blamed himself: "Sisi, I made you angry again, I'm sorry... But Chu Zhiqing is dead this time! With so much evidence, he Stop talking and squat..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the woman: "Wake up, Chu Zhiqing will come out before twelve o'clock tonight."

"Ah?!" Mr. Jin looked surprised and said in disbelief: "How... how is it possible! Those evidences were all investigated by his sister for many years!"

"As far as I know, he has already prepared for a rainy day and found a scapegoat. Not only can he take the opportunity to clear his name this time, he can also defeat his sister!" The woman said and sighed again: "Hey, you are indeed Chu Zhiqing Ah, hehe..."

Mr. Jin's brows were knitted into knots, and a jealous and resentful expression appeared on his face. He clenched his fists and angrily slammed the door. He gritted his teeth and said, "Sisi, if you give me another chance, I will definitely do it." Beat him to death!"

The woman gave an evil smile, put a jade hand gently on Mr. Jin's face, and said in a bewitching tone: "Brother Jin, you have always said that you are willing to give everything for me, even your life. Is this true?"

Mr. Jin nodded without thinking: "My sincerity towards you can be seen from the sun and the moon!"

The woman took a step forward, leaned against Mr. Jin, put her mouth to her ear, and breathed out like a blue.

"Brother Jin, you are so kind, Giggle...then, do me a favor and keep this secret."


At ten o'clock in the evening, Chu Yuxuan was sitting on the sofa reading a book when his second son suddenly called.

"Brother, I received news that the man named Jin is dead!"

Chu Yuxuan sat up straight suddenly: "What?"

The second child: "He jumped to his death an hour ago. His body is now in the criminal police team."

Chu Yuxuan looked solemn, this news really caught him off guard.

After putting so much effort into getting Chu Zhiqing, it ended so suddenly and abruptly?

It seems that the person named Jin is just a wage earner, and there is a black hand behind it!

However, there is no reason to abandon this chess piece now!

Just as he was wondering, Chu Zhiqing called again unexpectedly.

Chu Yuxuan was startled and hurriedly answered: "Come out?"

"Well... son, do you miss your father?" Chu Zhiqing on the other end of the phone was relaxed and contented.

Chu Yuxuan was not in the mood to joke and asked: "When did you come out?"

"Haha, I just came out..." Chu Zhiqing said with a smile: "I will send you a location, you come here now..."

Chu Yuxuan said suspiciously: "You want to take action against the second bedroom?"

"No, no, no, why are you touching her? Hmm... It seems that you also know that she is doing the trick? Haha... Keep it, it will be useful in the future, not to mention, your grandfather will also protect her, so there is no point."

Chu Yuxuan didn't say anything else and hung up the phone.

A terrible guess suddenly came to mind - the people behind Mr. Jin must have known in advance that Chu Zhiqing would be safe and sound, and were afraid that Chu Zhiqing would find out about Mr. Jin, so they killed Mr. Jin to silence him!

So who is the person behind him? The news is so well-informed? It seems that it is not to be underestimated!

This question must be asked clearly by Chu Zhiqing face to face. However, there is one thing that needs to be done right now——

Since the fish to be caught is dead, the bait Gao Zhensheng is useless.

In the Gao family villa, Gao's mother was packing her things upstairs and downstairs. It seemed that she was preparing to run away. The driver stood outside the gate and looked around warily.

Gao Zhensheng looked flustered, pacing back and forth in the living room while talking on the phone to Truman's second bedroom. He obviously knew that Chu Zhiqing had been cleared of all charges.

As the saying goes, when disaster strikes, they all fly away. How can the second wife care about him now?

The two were angrily quarreling on the phone and blaming each other. Suddenly, the call was interrupted.

Gao Zhensheng thought the old widow had hung up the phone, but when he looked at the screen of his phone, he found that there was strangely no signal.

Not only the mobile phone, but also the TV in the living room has no internet connection!

Gao Zhensheng suddenly felt that something was wrong, and he heard faint "buzzing" sounds. When he looked out the window, he discovered that it was a small drone hanging in the air, with red dots flashing on the fuselage.

"Xiao Du! What happened to the drone!"

Gao Zhensheng called his driver, and the next second, he saw an expressionless man walking into the door, carrying a suitcase in one hand, dragging the driver who had already expired with the other, and throwing it to the ground.


Gao Mu was so frightened that she collapsed on the stairs and kept screaming.

Gao Zhensheng took a few steps back unconsciously and trembled: "You...who are you!"

The fourth child calmly opened the suitcase, took out a roll of plastic, and spread it out in the center of the living room.

He said with an expressionless face: "How dare you touch Truman? My elder brother said that he actually gave you a chance, but it was you who kicked your nose and slapped you in the face..."

With that said, Laosi pointed to the sheet-sized piece of plastic on the ground and said calmly: "Come here and lie down on it."

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